Episode 145 has a lot of feelings about James Comey and his new book tour. Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images


"When you wrestle with a pig, you get covered in shit." Well, the Stranger (or Dan, at least) constantly goes on and on about how the Dems need to put on their big boy/girl undies and stand up to the GOP's sustained assault on America, so maybe support Comey and stop wringing your hands about this metaphorical shit he'll get on him, huh? Maybe buy his goddamn book.

"A corrosive force" is a new way (on me) to refer to Trump's influence in the Oval Office, and I like it. Thanks for that, Rich.

The Y is $75/mo in Seattle?! Jesus. That price has gone up awfully far since I was a member (in the U District, 10+ years ago). For what little it's worth, Katie, a small independent gym would probably be much cheaper. The one I visit is $100 per year, though admittedly that cost is lower because of a friend discount.
@1 Knat: "When you wrestle with a pig, you get covered in shit." That aptly sums up an evil federal administration full of RepubliKKKans run amok right there. Comey is equally at fault along with the Koch Brothers and Russian hackers for illegally putting Trumpzilla in office. Hillary Clinton should rightfully be #45. Why the fuck would I buy Comey's book, much less bother to read it?
You know who’s primarily at fault for Trump being president? Hillary.

Second would be Trump voters.

Third would be anybody who voted for Hillary in the primary.

Fourth is the DNC.

Wayyyyyy down at the bottom? James Comey.

I noticed you’re wasting airtime talking about him instead of about bombing Syria. I imagine this is for two reasons: 1) Dan doesn’t know shit about foreign politics [remember him supporting the Iraq War?], and 2) you kind of agree with the bombing because Hillary would have done it too. It’s hard to be righteously angry when your queen would have done the same thing. So, instead, you’ll spend your time relitigating 2016 because it’s only been 18 motherfucking months and you still can’t accept any motherfucking blame for the motherfucking situation. Rather than facing hard motherfucking facts, you also won’t address the motherfucking problem of the DNC and the DCCC kicking it old school Republican and not being able to sustain a single motherfucking filibuster in this age of Trump. Y’all are some useful idiots to the Republicans.

Scratch that. There was one time Dan bitched about a Dem doing bad shit. It was to support pot against a Democrat who ran with the platform’s anti-pot plank. Talk about privileged bullshit.
@3 The Misinformed Troll: And yet you're spewing the biggest word salad, as per usual.
Comey didn't cost Clinton the election. It might be one factor among 12. I'd like to see the actual evidence that the email investigation led to any substantive change in support for her candidacy. Until I see actual proof I'd rather not make such bold claims.
#1: For whatever reason, the "moderate" liberals would rather bitch that fight. Being mean is very, very distasteful. See also: Frank Bruni crying about Comey in the Times.
#1: For whatever reason, the "moderate" liberals would rather bitch about Trump than actually fight him. Being mean and nasty is very, very distasteful. See also: Frank Bruni crying about Comey in the Times.
@4 Tell me where I’m wrong, and you best come with some damn good receipts.
@8: I can't hear you over your Ronco Salad Shooter.
@9 You’re very kkkhildish.
@10 The Misinformed Troll: * yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwn..........*

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