Episode 183 checks out Daddy Starbucks, explains "deep fakes," and plays your angry calls! Spencer Platt / Getty Images



No one seems like to like Schultz. What Democrat votes will he be peeling off exactly? His talking points are all fiscal conservative stuff. Ironically, he will probably peel off "centrist" Republicans.


All 3rd party candidates can suck it. If you don't have the wherewithal to make it through the primaries, you don't have what it takes. Imagine if my rec league showed up at the Super Bowl demanding to play too.


1: To gain a "cult of personality", you have to HAVE a personality.


If Shultz thinks people are angry about what he did with the Sonics, wait til he sees how much angrier they'll be if he messes up the dems chances of defeating Trump. Pitchforks and torches...


Schultz and tRump are in cahoots. It's a political dirty trick designed to siphon votes away from tRump's Democratic opponent!


WHY IS KATIE HERZOG ON EVERY EPISODE!?! I get that you dont see her as an anti-trans POS, but some of us do, and I really dont need her voice in my podcast talking about other things she has no ability to talk about. Im ok when Rich does the same because to my knowledge, he hasnt unrepentantly enabled a ton of harm on trans people.

You have a WHOLE STAFF, please use a less compromised person.

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