Episode 198 learns the hard demographic truth: old people run America, and will for a long time. lisegagne / Getty Images



I've gotten used to it.


The real problem is the median age of "old" people keeps shrinking. You aren't a kid any more if you are over 13, hollywood, advertiserss, tech companies, they always want the freshest fresh they can get.


Millennials are roughly equal in number to baby boomers.
But 60% of boomers vote, whereas only 30% of millennials do.


Get a legal consultant. You completely botched the definition of stare decisis.


@3 pat L for the WIN.

My 90 year old aunt, the last of my family's elders, just passed away. I am among the youngest of Boomers, and now among the elders. Wow.


Baby boomers got Roe v Wade, until their generation’s eggs dried up. Then they demanded Heartbeat bills.


The world can only heal once the worst generation in world history is finally all dead, and we are freed from the Boomer scourge.


All, well most, of you will someday be old and believe it or not, your views will be radically different than they are now.


We are ruthless. Don't screw with us.


@9: Oh we know how ruthless you are. We watched you destroy to world and feed on the flesh of your children's futures for your own short term gain.

Perhaps "soulless" or "heartless" would be more apt terms though.


Boomers did not elect JFK for Christ's sake. They would have been 15 at the oldest at the time.


@3 Exactly. Maybe this year will be different. However, based on all the Biden bashing, if he ends up getting the nomination, I wonder if the young ones will do what is necessary and hold their noses and vote OR, will they take their ball and go home like a lot of Bernie Bros (sorry) did once they lost the primary in 2016.


@6: Don't generalize. I'm a Boomer turning 55, proudly have attended Women's Marches wearing my pink pussy hat, and am just sick about the futures of my nieces (both Millennials) as well as women and adolescent girls nationwide.
@7 & 10: When RepubliKKKan Korporate Krimelords and their MAGA trolls become extinct is when the world shall truly be free, Teddy.
@11 motofly: My mother was five weeks pregnant with me when our 35th President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy got brutally assassinated in Dallas, Texas on 11/22/63. Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush occupied the White House whether I liked it or not because I was only 16 in 1980. The first time I could vote to elect a U.S. president was in 1984. I voted for Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro.
@12 tempur_tempur: Agreed and seconded. I share your concerns.


The year is 2053. Basketball is dead.


@12 Using pejorative terms like Bernie Bros in a post trying to get the very same people to vote for your candidate seems a little tone deaf. Especially considering 19% of Hillbots voted for Mccaine in 2008 in comparison only 12% of Bernie supports voted for Trump.


Boy, does Mr Sanders flatter himself. No wonder he prefers talking Politics to talking Gay; it's the only way he gets to remain a kiddywinkle.

Is the panel TRYING to get me to go add bromide powders to their strychnine tonic? We're all so comfortable? Just exactly WHY do they think I've never been able to afford health insurance due to strongly negative interactions with the corporate world? Still, it was interesting to hear Ironic Ironic Ageism (yes; the double Ironic is deliberate).


i lost interest when this poor slackwit asserted that the boomers elected jfk. in 1960, which for those of you who were absent that day is when kennedy was elected, boomers ranged in age from 15 to -3. who can take such a buffoon seriously? and as for the old running things, voting still matters even in this time of political degeneracy. there are far more than enough young voters to cast out the evil elderly if only you would do something i suspect you'll never do-- complain less and act more. now get up off your lazy, whiny asses and prove me wrong.


There's no way in hell that Boomers, the oldest of whom were 14 in 1960 and a substantial component of (including myself) weren't even born yet, elected JFK. If you get something so simple wrong, how can we take you seriously? You're talking about the Silents more than the younger Boomers. The Boomers aren't a monolith - most of us aren't retired yet. There's a really wide age gap between the oldest and youngest of us. We aren't in the home yet. We will keep showing up. I believe GenZ will show up. It's hardly our fault if the millenials don't.

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