Episode 220 talks impeachment, freaked out Republicans, a Democratic sex scandal, a Facebook rebellion, and two great books. MediaProduction / Getty Images



If I didn't know better, I'd say Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Michigan are all going Blue.

Oh, wait, they are.

Run for the hills, y'all!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soahunRbggg Re: Facebook


"The Internet leans liberal." Katie Herzog makes some pretty dumb statements, but this might be the dumbest.


Good. I hope the entire RepubliKKKan Evil Empire goes pork belly up, and that Trumpty Dumpty, Dencey Pencey, Mooch McDumbbell, and Babyface Kavanaugh, ad nauseum get eaten and crapped out by alligators.
@1 Will: At least folks in otherwise blood-red states are waking up to the insanity of the GOP.


And panic they should. Remember the effect of impeachment on Bill Clinton's approval rating?

Oh wait....

Poll: Clinton's approval rating up in wake of impeachment


In fact, history suggests that Trump haters :may have greater cause to panic over his potential impeachment. From the 1998 CNN story I linked to above:

"In the wake of the House of Representatives' approval of two articles of impeachment, Bill Clinton's approval rating has jumped 10 points to 73 percent, the latest CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll shows.

"That's not only an all-time high for Clinton, it also beats the highest approval rating President Ronald Reagan ever had."

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it, etc.


@5 & @6 FAR: I do remember. However, I think we can make an exception in dealing with a corrupt as fuck narcissist illegally occupying the White House. Bill Clinton's worst scandal was that he couldn't keep his fly zipped.Monica Lewinsky became the GOP's golden girl in a blue dress. If Bill or Hillary had ever committed the outrageous number of high treasonous crimes as Trumpty Dumpty, either one would have been long booted from office and serving life sentences.


But, they're not panicking. You're wrong. Trump is going to be reelected if Elizabeth Warren or any of the other crazies are nominated. It's a pity, too.


@8 -- Bingo.

If we Dems don't nominate a Crops-owned Dem, we're gonna hand the presidency back to hair Furor; but what, pray tell, might make that palatable? Repubs OWN the Senate [for now] and trump'll just carry on as he always did. Leaving us with The Status Quo.

I reckon that's workin' out pretty Good, for you?


@8, edited:

"If we Dems don't nominate a Crops-owned Dem, we're gonna hand the presidency back to hair Furor; but what, pray tell, might make either choice Palatable? Repubs OWN the Senate [for now] and trump'll just carry on as he always did. Leaving us with The Status Quo."


OABTW, the Whistleblower is NOT the accuser, so what make Repubs think (yeah, right!) trumpfy has ANY right to question/OUT (for smears/assination/whtvr) said Patriot?

The whistlblower is merely the Messenger.

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