What a bunch of f@ck-tards.
As a side note: any monkey with an IQ above 75 can locate the above mentioned people's addresss if they have a computer...you know if they wanted to send a nice letter or something.
I just wanted to point out that data on this widget is only as recent as a couple of weeks back. That, of course, takes nothing away from acknowledging early money folks (an boycotting them as you can) but it does prove that we should continue to look at this data as additional information becomes available.
I should also add that those of us that strongly opposed Prop. 8 here in CA are truly crushed today. While we are overjoyed at the Obama win, we are disgusted at a large percentage of CA voters. Indeed, it is bittersweet for many of us in the Golden State.
Here's hoping someone snags that database, updates it with all the final reports (my last two contributions still haven't shown up, only my first two) and keeps it online...forever.
What I'd really like to see: an online searchable database of contributors to All of these initiatives in every state.
Had I lived in California, you best believe I'd have been strolling around my neighborhood with a camera, photographing Every Yes On 8 sign I saw for future reference...
I remember Mike Murray!
You just can't keep a good man down. He was the HR director @ Microsoft when they were experimenting with the "perma-temp" strategy of stringing out their temps for years and years and never actually hiring them.
I got $20k in the resulting class action.
OH this is fun, just looking at the list of pro8 morons - let's see, John Templeton of the John Templeton Foundation gave at least $900,000. Sounds like an ID group. So Prop 8 supposedly had something to do with "theoretical physics, cosmology, evolutionary biology, cognitive science, and social science?"
from the website: the "Foundation serves as a philanthropic catalyst for research and discoveries relating to what scientists and philosophers call the Big Questions. We support work at the world's top universities in such fields as theoretical physics, cosmology, evolutionary biology, cognitive science, and social science relating to love, forgiveness, creativity, purpose, and the nature and origin of religious belief."
How exactly is this low class? The information is readily available on the internet, just like the information about people who donate to political campaigns (name, occupation, etc.).
Dan is suggesting that if these people are promoting discrimination, then we should think about a boycott. I see nothing classless about that.
I think the point is that it reeks of a creepy vibe to be taking the time and effort to publicly out individuals who supported Yes on Prop. 8. You can't help but think that it hints that these individual deserve to be hurt physically/financially/mentally for having political views you disagree with, and that disturbs me greatly.
Afterall, isn't political speech supposed to be the most protected? Or is that only if they agree with you?
My modest contribution is not listed, and it was at least a week before the election. Little and late, I know, but it shows this database isn't complete.
@ 12: I didn't just give a $100—I donated shitloads of my time doing a fundraiser, through Savage Love, that raised tens of thousands for the campaign.
I'm not rolling in it here in the alt-weekly world, despite the "rich gay white man" rap.
Gave 1K to Obama, though. Not a single issue voter, you see.
Seriously, the Mormons have gone too far this time. It was bad enough when they were raping their own daughters and consigning everybody but rich white male worshipers to servitude. Now you want to fuck with everybody else, Mormon assholes? Prepare to be fucked with in return.
Reminds me of when I was trying to get my sisters address without actually calling her. I googled her name and it came up with a similar site and her $2000 donation to Bush in 2004! I will now proceed to googling her again to see where her money went this time.
@18. Okay, a number of things.
1). I disagree with you that just by mentioning someone's name who donated, Dan is somehow inciting violence against that person. Does he say anywhere "these people deserve to be punished"? Does he even allude to it in any way? His post contains no commentary, only information. The sole exception is the "might want to get their thermo consulting done elsewhere" comment, which may imply that he suggests a financial boycott. But, I don't see how you could have a problem with me not financially supporting an individual who is just going to turn around and spend that money on promoting anti-gay causes.
2). This isn't just a political view, it's actively promoting discrimination against a minority group. If someone donates $50,000 to a campaign against inter-racial marriage, that's not a "political belief", that's bigotry.
3). This has nothing to do whatsoever with free speech. Those people are free to give to causes, we are free to say that we think people who do so are bigots.
@ 11
No, it appears they did not learn from their "Hell Houses" experience, or else they got so much income from the 1,300+ hits that it's worth it to put their employees lives at risk for the chance to get that many hits again.
Just because the info is public and you have a right to publicly print/post it doesn't mean it's a good idea to do so or that there aren't consequences.
A classier way would have been to post the link on how to look the donations up yourself and to list the local companies you are wanting to boycott but without posting the individual donor names.
@18 - Political speech is protected, and no one would suggest they not be allowed to put their views forward in this way. Using the information to boycott those businesses is no less reasonable than boycotting any other business with poor affiliations. It doesn't stop them from speaking - it's the ultimate in capitalist behavior. Speak with your dollars.
So I'm going through the donors from Colorado, and it looks like our good friends at Focus on the Family were bundling contributions and hiding people's names.
I'm not sure what California State law is on campaign contributions, but if the name of the donor is supposed to be provided, is Focus on the Family (and the Yes on 8 campaign) violating the law by hiding their donors?
Nothing low class about listing the names on the knife in your heart. They're probably proud of it.
Gotta love the Microsoftie who's committing his time to humanitarian causes. Let me guess...he's funding research into conscience transplants for congenital assholes.
one person in jacksonville, fl gave $1000. god knows how much he gave to the amendment two thing in florida. he's a local CPA, and i shot him a little email thanking him. i'll be sure to not use his company when i graduate from law school.
@33. Holy crap... Focus on the Family donated almost $600k.
And... a pastor from the small town in Illinois I grew up in gave a bunch of times. It was a bit of a jolt to see my town's name, but this guy is the fundiest of fundies.
@ 11
No, it appears they did not learn from their "Hell Houses" experience, or else they got so much income from the 1,300+ hits that it's worth it to put their employees lives at risk for the chance to get that many hits again.
Just because the info is public and you have a right to publicly print/post it doesn't mean it's a good idea to do so or that there aren't consequences.
A classier way would have been to post the link on how to look the donations up yourself and to list the local companies you are wanting to boycott but without posting the individual donor names.
@ 11
No, it appears they did not learn from their "Hell Houses" experience, or else they got so much income from the 1,300+ hits that it's worth it to put their employees lives at risk for the chance to get that many hits again.
Just because the info is public and you have a right to publicly print/post it doesn't mean it's a good idea to do so or that there aren't consequences.
A classier way would have been to post the link on how to look the donations up yourself and to list the local companies you are wanting to boycott but without posting the individual donor names.
How about a big old "fuck you and the horse you rode in on" to all those bastards who donated money for bigotry. Can we make voodoo dolls to torture all those who voted for prop 8? They should pay for their assholishness.
@ 11
No, it appears they did not learn from their "Hell Houses" experience, or else they got so much income from the 1,300+ hits that it's worth it to put their employees lives at risk for the chance to get that many hits again.
Just because the info is public and you have a right to publicly print/post it doesn't mean it's a good idea to do so or that there aren't consequences.
A classier way would have been to post the link on how to look the donations up yourself and to list the local companies you are wanting to boycott but without posting the individual donor names.
1) Well done, Dan. This is necessary transparency.
2) Is there any aspect of marriage that isn't a mare's nest? Germany dealt with this issue by forcing everyone into civil unions.
Oh my God, I went to high school with one of the Prop 8 supporters from Washington. You dick, I thought you were cool in high school. You and the other two people from Maple Valley can get bent.
Dawnie@5: I live here in the SF Bay Area and I'm with you...so appalled and saddened by the Yes voters ; how someone can vote to discriminate against an entire group of people, I still can't believe it. I'm so sad. My daughter said tonight that she can't believe that the people here voted to give animals rights (prop 2) but not people.
Dan, you are once again proving the old adage: Never pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel.
Feel to post a more comprehensive list of these closet cases who funded Yes on 8.
@ 40
OMG Jubilation it must be the magic of SLOG!
I clicked 'post' only once about 3:30 pm and not only did it post then but it posted 3 more times over the next hour and a half! WTF?
Wait, this is like jesus and the loaves and fishes . . . woohoo, maybe this a way out the country's financial trouble. If I stick $1 into SLOG will it not only give me that dollar back but also give me 3 more back? Let me just find the slot to stick my money in . . . it's here somewhere . . .
To say that you don't mean any harm to the people who you just named on the internet is disingenuous to say the least. You said it yourself on a previous post that you hate Republicans. "Every. Single. One." The only purpose of naming these people is to incite others to acts of retribution. I understand your frustration Dan, and I would have voted no myself if I lived in California, but exposing others to acts of violence is not the way to respond. And that is exactly what you are doing. Shame on you.
This identifying political opponents for malevolent purposes is an idea who's time TRULY HAS COME. Makes you think of other forms this could take, like giving out addresses and photos of adopted children of one's political opponents. Think of the possibilities!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gosh...Let's go after these hateful and evil people. It is one thing to have a belief, but to legislate discrimination into a Constitution is worthy of all the bad karma that come's their way. Let's boycott Thermoking Northwest and the Pughs. Let's find out how a dialysis tech can afford a 20,000 dollar donation for this hateful cause. Let's publicize this Mormon 'former' Microsoft milliionaire's hateful actions and the hypocrisy of his 'foundation'.....and his life.
The only power we have at this point is to publicize their evil and call them to repentance....
1) The idea that this is going to incite people to violence is ludicrous - at least as ludicrous as ever single search engine for political donations that are on the internet. You can do this kind of search for just about any issue that you want to. The reposting of this may be used as a call for a boycott, which is a legitimate response to political activities that you disagree with.
2) This isn't a free speech or political speech issue. The First Amendment applies to GOVERNMENTS (federal and state), it does not apply to individuals. I am welcome to respond to your speech however I wish, including with my own speech, my own associations, or any other legal mechanism. Dan engaged in protected speech in this post and is otherwise incapable of violating someone else's First Amendment rights.
Hmmm, Mike Murray has a blog at www.presidentmurray.com which accepts comments. It's reprehensible that someone who was once head of HR at Microsoft would think it was okay to discriminate against others regardless of their own religious beliefs. Keep on outing the haters Dan.
Nothing low class about listing the names on the knife in your heart. They're probably proud of it.
Gotta love the Microsoftie who's committing his time to humanitarian causes. Let me guess...he's funding research into conscience transplants for congenital assholes.
Who's a religiously inspired bigot.
What ever happened to the idea that freedom is worth fighting for?