Im going to take off my good-homo-hat for the sake of devil's advocacy. What exactly is the difference between the "change the world" message of christian turd Warren, and the "change the world" message of uhh, Barack Obama?
Unlike your Nazi's Warren, my Nazi's will actually do good where your's only serve evil?
@11, not to be too obvious, but Obama didn't point to Hitler Youth as his model. He didn't say let's take over the world, whatever it takes. He said, grab a shovel and help dig the nation out of a ditch. It was a call to service, like JFK's in the 1960s, with the Peace Corps, etc.
Ryno, Hitler's "call to service" in 1929 or so started off mildly enough. They just got wildly carried away as they got wildly successful at what they did. (And they almost conquered the "world" twice!)
I think the point of this video clip is to show the dark side of "getting on board", jumping up and down, singing songs at brew pubs, and being all Rah Rah about any political leader. I suspect NOT ONE German thought their little Adolf from Austria would turn into such a Monster. Hell I never thought G.W. Bush would become the Butcher of Baghdad.
America is not immune to political nightmares. Despite what some think, God does not bless America.
@6, @10: Esperanto? "Siegeskrieg Endloch para den los ... geht?"
The cadence is southern (Barvarian, Swiss or Austrian), but if German it's either Swiss or Hollywood. ("Eins! Zwei! Drei! Vier! Schnappt ihn! Schnell! Schnell!") I always think Swiss German is incomprehensible until I've crossed the border into Italy, where I really can't understand.
Love how nazis are depicted in post-WWII cinema with obvious blond dye jobs. The red shading is particularly Celtic on this one.
"I suspect NOT ONE German thought their little Adolf from Austria would turn into such a Monster."
While few could foresee exactly how far Hitler would get, there were plenty of free thinking people who understood the implications of extreme nationalism, extinguishing political dissent, scapegoating ethnic groups, removing checks and balances from the government, and taking away civil liberties.
It's an old recipe that should be familiar to anyone following American politics in the last 8 years. Who knows how far Bush/Cheney would have gotten if they had Hitler's political skills?
The movie clip would be way better if, at the end, the Mothra Twins would pop out of a little box and sing that funky song of theirs. Then Mothra would show up squish all the Nazis.
I'm just saying. Every movie would be better with a Mothra cameo.
I agree Dan, York was really hot back in the day. He has changed a lot since since those halcyon days. He is now a fervent Christian. His film "Megiddo", in which he appears as the Anti-Christ is lauded by fundies. York's character seduces the world by promoting secular humanism and ecumenicalism over Christian faith. York now appears regularly on conservative Chrisitian talk shows sharing his conversion story and decrying the moral deay of movies and theater today.
I agree with @23. I assumed the old guy was either jewish or was a veteran of the trenches in WWI. Either way he seemed to recognize the ridiculousness of what was happening around him.
Nazis are so cute. The Pope loves them to death.
And it really helps if they were raised in a good "Christian" home like all good Nazis. Do unto others (vile and inhumane things) as you would want them to do unto you?
@26...yeah, that was my impression. I read a book by someone who grew up in Germany in the period between the wars, and he made this point that was startling to me and somewhat disturbing for its present day relevance: that most of the hard core Nazis were from the generation that had been too young to fight in WWI, but only saw it via the news dispatches and thought of it as a great romantic adventure. They're the ones who bought into the whole "stabbed in the back" myth, and romanticized war and the whole glory in war ideal. The book is called "Defying Hitler" and it's by Sebastian Haffner, which is actually a pen name for historian Raimund Pretzel. It's an amazing read if you've always wondered what it felt like to be growing up while all that was happening. And...disturbing...
I have always been of the opinion that the old guy is a been there seen this crap kind of man.
He is old enough in 1938 (when the film is set) to have seen the ultranationailsm the Crimean war and of WWI and the aftermath and being so world weary that the young never ever learn the lessons of the world.
That clip well characterizes proto-fascist Warren's brand of Reconstructionist Christianity. I believe Michael York's statement to the Baron at the end of the clip is something like "Do you still think you can contain them?". I grew up in the Deep South, in the Bible Belt. The film clip accurately portrays the depth of culturally-embedded religiosity that has encouraged a persistent emigration from a region deeply rooted in a Calvinist worldview. In Germany at this time, the religion was national socialism, and the fascist leaders knew they could whip up fervent support if they exploited the massive economic failures of German society. The USA has been in a similar situation since Reaganism seized power and the Democrats, moderates, liberals, and lefties have been running around in circles, as extremist elements have infiltrated every level of government, the judiciary, and society. Meanwhile, the rule of law is diminished at every turn, as the principles of a religion have been applied by every stealth politician elected to office through the use of massive networks of Christian churches and organizations.
Along with one of his primary sources and inspirations, RJ Rushdoony (…), Warren believes that the USA is a nation founded on Christian ideology and that the rule of Constitutional law should be replaced with Mosaic law. Warren is savvy enough to realized he cannot outright declare such positions, however. The Reconstructionist Christianity movement is decidely proto-fascist in its fanaticism and in its vision for America and the world. I suggest people read Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale" or rent the movie, if they want to see how anyone deemed "less-than" is dealt with in a theocracy. Not only could such a totalitarian government emerge in the USA, but it has taken root over the past 40 years, accelerating with the ascension of the Reaganoids. Freedom-loving people must be vigilant in every generation to guard the foundations of liberty and democracy or we will lose our precious freedoms and our American Constitution will be tossed aside by the misguided passions of a population led by the publicly nice Warrens into a new world dominated by a narrow and regressive worldview. In this way, the Reconstructionist, fundamentalist, and evangelical Christians such as Warren mirror extremist Muslim sects and schools that share a dominator vision that aggressively represses freethought and is aggressively intolerant of a pluralist democracy.
The biggest challenge facing Americans is that we simply do not believe such a movement could seize power in the USA. Any extremism would carry a decidely American branding and fundamentalist Christianity, in its Rushdoony-inspired fascism, is exactly that: homegrown and fascist. It is clear that Warren's Mr. Nice Guy persona is simply the smiling face of a nicer form of domination.
Please wait...
and remember to be decent to everyone all of the time.
Do you still sing?
I have to say, this is somewhat inspiring. Is it too late to sign up for the Party?
Just think what you could do with a stadium full of cute little aryan boys like the singer.
Don't be schtupid, be a schmartie. Come and join your Nazi Party!
Unlike your Nazi's Warren, my Nazi's will actually do good where your's only serve evil?…
I think the point of this video clip is to show the dark side of "getting on board", jumping up and down, singing songs at brew pubs, and being all Rah Rah about any political leader. I suspect NOT ONE German thought their little Adolf from Austria would turn into such a Monster. Hell I never thought G.W. Bush would become the Butcher of Baghdad.
America is not immune to political nightmares. Despite what some think, God does not bless America.
The cadence is southern (Barvarian, Swiss or Austrian), but if German it's either Swiss or Hollywood. ("Eins! Zwei! Drei! Vier! Schnappt ihn! Schnell! Schnell!") I always think Swiss German is incomprehensible until I've crossed the border into Italy, where I really can't understand.
Love how nazis are depicted in post-WWII cinema with obvious blond dye jobs. The red shading is particularly Celtic on this one.
While few could foresee exactly how far Hitler would get, there were plenty of free thinking people who understood the implications of extreme nationalism, extinguishing political dissent, scapegoating ethnic groups, removing checks and balances from the government, and taking away civil liberties.
It's an old recipe that should be familiar to anyone following American politics in the last 8 years. Who knows how far Bush/Cheney would have gotten if they had Hitler's political skills?
Now I have that fucking nazi song in my head. Thanks Dan-O!
Bullshit. Plenty of Germans saw through him. Most of them stayed silent. The few who fought against him wound up dead.
I'm just saying. Every movie would be better with a Mothra cameo.
And it really helps if they were raised in a good "Christian" home like all good Nazis. Do unto others (vile and inhumane things) as you would want them to do unto you?
He is old enough in 1938 (when the film is set) to have seen the ultranationailsm the Crimean war and of WWI and the aftermath and being so world weary that the young never ever learn the lessons of the world.
On a side note I would rather have done the Baron
Along with one of his primary sources and inspirations, RJ Rushdoony (…), Warren believes that the USA is a nation founded on Christian ideology and that the rule of Constitutional law should be replaced with Mosaic law. Warren is savvy enough to realized he cannot outright declare such positions, however. The Reconstructionist Christianity movement is decidely proto-fascist in its fanaticism and in its vision for America and the world. I suggest people read Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale" or rent the movie, if they want to see how anyone deemed "less-than" is dealt with in a theocracy. Not only could such a totalitarian government emerge in the USA, but it has taken root over the past 40 years, accelerating with the ascension of the Reaganoids. Freedom-loving people must be vigilant in every generation to guard the foundations of liberty and democracy or we will lose our precious freedoms and our American Constitution will be tossed aside by the misguided passions of a population led by the publicly nice Warrens into a new world dominated by a narrow and regressive worldview. In this way, the Reconstructionist, fundamentalist, and evangelical Christians such as Warren mirror extremist Muslim sects and schools that share a dominator vision that aggressively represses freethought and is aggressively intolerant of a pluralist democracy.
The biggest challenge facing Americans is that we simply do not believe such a movement could seize power in the USA. Any extremism would carry a decidely American branding and fundamentalist Christianity, in its Rushdoony-inspired fascism, is exactly that: homegrown and fascist. It is clear that Warren's Mr. Nice Guy persona is simply the smiling face of a nicer form of domination.