It appears the cyclist involved in a collision with a van in Ballard earlier this morning was seriously injured.
According to Seattle Fire Department spokeswoman Dana Vander Houwen, medics performed CPR on a 39-year-old man at the scene, who was taken to Harborview with life-threatening injuries.
The King County Medical Examiner's office says they've received notification that a cyclist died at Harborview earlier today, but could not confirm whether it was the cyclist involved in this morning's accident.
Seattle Police are still investigating the cause of the accident, but Slogtipper Ric, who witnesses the accident, says:
My guess is...that the van moved right in order to execute a u-turn to the left, and didn't see the bike; while at the same time the bike went left to go around the van and didn't anticipate the u-turn. Splat.The guy looked the part of a serious biker— all lycra & helmet. As we came down the hill, he was easily going 35.
Update: The cyclist died at Harborview earlier today.