I hate these motherfuckers. And he was introducing some Republican congressman from Indiana. You think stupid-shit called him out? Nope. He THANKED him for the introduction.
and I was wondering when Obama would get blamed for the current economic crisis. it must be nice to have a rip van winkle funtion - have you been asleep for 8 years too, #6?
Is this really that much different than the libtards whining for 8 years about how Bush was "selected" by the Supreme Court? I seem to remember some "what are we going to do?" "how are we going to save our country?" "not my president" getting thrown around. Just because you have a morbid fascination with Obama getting shot doesn't mean every Republican that opens his mouth is inciting it.
You girls won but you still can't get over your pathetic whining, as this post and all the comments show.
Republicans were over Bush two years ago, are looking to 2012 and feeling good about life.
Dan keeps dredging up crap like this and muttering darkly in the corner.
The Democrats and Liberals are balls and chains keeping Obama back.
@11 — "Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
Oh, please Dan, do send someone down to Westlake tomorrow with a camera. I would love to see the picture of the half-dozen pathetic losers standing around in the rain with their "Obama Stole My Job!" protest signs.
But he didn't have the balls to say what that really meant.
It meant:
Say yes to enormous suffering for millions of people.
Say yes to killing and maiming Iraqi children and civilians.
Say yes to millions being displaced from their homes.
Dan was just being snarky-right? He was being amusing-right? no need to hold him or his hero Sullivan responsible for helping the worst President in the history make the biggest foreign policy blunder in history-right?
And now the sorry asshole eater wants to talk about how are we going to save the country?
Bill is right. The entire country was looking to Dan Savage for guidance on the war, and he lead us down that path. It's all Dan Savage's Fault. Without his endorsement, it never would have happened.
Good thing nobody in the world remembers, except for some shithead from DesMoines.
Oh Sad Comment that's just the kind of strong man comment that turns me on. Please please please meet me in stall number three at the Seattle Greyhound Bus Sation and we'll do a larry Craig/Dan Savage act of love. OK? Friday at 2pm. Don't be late.
At least he didn't have to steal the election. Hey, the Republicans have appealed to the bigots, the superstitious and the conspiracy theorists. Is it any wonder that's all they have left?
Attention all people who lost their jobs during Obama...come out and protest tomorrow:
Seattle Tea Party
Revolution is Brewing
and I was wondering when Obama would get blamed for the current economic crisis. it must be nice to have a rip van winkle funtion - have you been asleep for 8 years too, #6?
He's saying Obama is a communist.
They've really, really, really gone off their collective rockers. We were pissed after losing in '00 and '04, but not this big of pathetic whiners.
You girls won but you still can't get over your pathetic whining, as this post and all the comments show.
Republicans were over Bush two years ago, are looking to 2012 and feeling good about life.
Dan keeps dredging up crap like this and muttering darkly in the corner.
The Democrats and Liberals are balls and chains keeping Obama back.
- the supreme court really did stop the recount, and for reasons that aren't unassailable, legally or ethically
- obama isn't a communist. ask an actual communist, or learn what communism is, then compare!
- hawaii is in the us!
power, torture, more power, more money, no debate, no disagreement
People without souls/morality = Republicans
But he didn't have the balls to say what that really meant.
It meant:
Say yes to enormous suffering for millions of people.
Say yes to killing and maiming Iraqi children and civilians.
Say yes to millions being displaced from their homes.
Dan was just being snarky-right? He was being amusing-right? no need to hold him or his hero Sullivan responsible for helping the worst President in the history make the biggest foreign policy blunder in history-right?
And now the sorry asshole eater wants to talk about how are we going to save the country?
Good thing nobody in the world remembers, except for some shithead from DesMoines.
You've had your say - now Fuck off!
I mean, was there ANYONE in that room who WASN'T A rich, white, male Republican, or the spouse of a rich, white male Republican?
Bullshit - you have told me that all before, and that sure is hell doesn't belong to a "Horse" let a lone a pony.