Judging Slog's general gayness based on today's posts isn't entirely fair. An unavoidable and all-consuming gay story reached a crescendo late this week. But Jonah's post calls for some context, a little fact checking, some actual data. So let's crunch the numbers: there were a total of 38 posts on Slog today—I'm not counting this post—and out of those 38 posts, 8 touched on gay subject matter. So Slog was roughly 22% gay today. Seeing as our readership is roughly 25% gay, the gays were actually underrepresented on Slog today. We will have to up the number of gay posts on Monday. But here's a little gayness in the meantime just to balance things out...
...and, yes, I consider that video to be darn gay even though it's got just one dude in it—two if you count the drag queen (and you shouldn't)—and, yeah, there is a quick shot of a little simulated cunnilingus. But nothing's gayer than the "Lonely Goatherd."