
he deserved it.
Maybe the cyclist should have just moved out of the way? Would you react with such self-righteousness if a pedestrian had been involved in this altercation? The multiple postings about the poor downtrodden bicyclists in this city are nothing if not boring, their tone pedantic and purpose fleeting.
I do have to salute you guys: you've figured out how to optimize your content for revenue. Nothing like a good bicyclist/non-bicyclist flame war to bring in the page views.
Obviously we need to ban cars on those streets, since they're interfering with cyclists, which is why we built roads in Seattle in the first place, so cyclists could get to work.
@4 Well Will, it is easier for bikes to ride in the rain on paved roads than muddy trails, and less messy. Just playing Devil's/bicyclist's advocate...

This story has less to do with cycling and more to do with the breed of animal that has infected Seattle in the last 10 years.
What the hell was a bicyclist stopped at an intersection?

"The report notes that the cyclist may have closed the door on the woman's leg.

As the cyclist pedaled through the intersection, the Cadillac again pulled up next to him. The driver then got out, walked up to the cyclist, and punched him in the face, sending his helmet flying, cutting his lip and damaging his teeth."

I get it, he shut the door on her leg and then ran the red light. But why didn't the bicyclist just keep away from the Caddy driver? If a driver pulls up next to a biker and stops and gets out of his car, wouldn't the biker be half a block down the street? Maybe the biker thought he was on a CM ride and a buddy was going to clock the driver.
There's two worrying things about this story:

1. white Cadillac
2. "gently pushed" the door shut

So why doesn't the post say "Cyclist Assaulted Woman, Cyclist Assaulted on Capital Hill"?
Clearly this driver has a grudge against bicyclists. My guess is he was stuck on the viaduct behind a pack of them one Friday at rush hour.
"The report notes that the cyclist may have closed the door on the woman's leg."

I would've punched him too.
Ha ha. "Gently pushed." Riiiight. I'm a cyclist, but when you tell The Police you "gently pushed" a door on someone and "may have closed" the door on that person, you slammed the door on a motherfucker. Not a smart move, but the fact that he got punched in the face by someone ON FOOT... that's just sad.

Where was his u-lock?
"Gently pushed". That's what I would say to my mom when she asked why my little brother was crying. Of course I really cracked him in the skull with a Tonka truck.

I call bullshit on the bike rider.
Yesterday, I was riding through the Arboretum at rush hour, coming up the long hill towards Madison. There was a long line of cars stopped for the light, all the way to the bottom of the hill. About half way up, a BMW driver had pulled his car all the way to the curb. I though he was just being thoughtless, so I went around the left of his car. As I tried to cut back in front of him, he pulled forward to block me. There was still enough space between his car and the stopped one in front of it, so I went ahead and crossed back toward the curb. He yelled something about how bikes have to follow the same rules as cars, and couldn't cut around other vehicles in the same lane. I pointed to the space next to the curb and told him that was exactly where I was supposed to be. Because I had stopped to hear what he said, and was turned back towards him, I didn't notice for a minute that the traffic had started to move. Once I was out of his way, he flipped me off through his sunroof. He ended up stuck at the light. I really wanted to ask what he thought he was doing. It didn't make any sense, because there was plenty of room for both bikes and cars in the lane, given how slow the traffic was. However, I figured I had better just keep my distance. As the light turned green, a group of cyclists who had pulled up next to him made it across the intersection first, and it took him a couple blocks to get passed them. I realized that his whole douchebag act was a strategy to avoid this minor inconvenience.
If I "gently pushed" the door shut on some Cadillac guys girlfriend, I'd get the fuck out of there, and certainly not stick around to get punched out.
After the run-in I had with a lady cyclist yesterday, I would have been happy to assault her.

There I was, driving my eco-friendly city car in front of the Westin Hotel, obeying all the rules, smiling and waving where appropriate, and suddenly this sweaty tatooed THING runs the red right in front of me (I so TOTALLY had the right-of-way)

I braked abruptly, so she wouldn't be on my hood, honked a friendly honk, to alert her in case she was distracted by what was probably her overwhelming funk and didn't realize what she had done, and she flipped me off! Flipped ME off!

Now, I've done my share of traffic "boners" in my day: Not long ago, I totally blew through a busy four way stop. and some lucky deity or something intervened on my behalf, and no one was hurt. But there was a whole lot of honking, and I was chagrined and chastened. The last thing I would have thought to do was flip someone off.

I don't want to wade into the whole bike vs car thing, but I really don't understand why anyone - motorist or cyclist - would have that kind of reaction when they are so blatantly in the wrong.
I'm a little skeptical that the cyclist was actually stopped at an intersection. Most I've seen appear to think that red lights are Christmas decorations that someone forgot to take down.
@17: yeah, they're big red warning signs, but frankly, they're not an absolute command to stop. when no one's around. try riding uphilll to an empty intersection - you'll violate the law too.

oh, and a cadillac driver's lady? don't fuck with that shit. uptight seattleite.
@2: I'm not a bicyclist, but I am a full-time pedestrian, and I have no tolerance for people who aren't aware of their surroundings. If someone tried to open their car door into me, I too would push it back reflexively, and even if it got me pummeled by some asshole, I would still be right.

Yes, there do seem to be a lot of asshole bicyclists. As a group, however, they do seem more aware of what's going on around them than drivers and pedestrians. In general. And frankly, I think that's where a lot of their aggression comes from (at least I, as someone who is apparently more alert than most commuters, sympathize more with cyclist anger than I do with all the oblivious morons who go into high dudgeon whenever someone wakes them up).
I'm not surprised that the opinion is basically against the cyclist. Commenters read reports and reply. I do the same thing. I'd just like to add my two cents as this happened to my best friend and I drove him to the emergency room and the dentist in the middle of the night to set his tooth.

It wasn't like the door was opened and he approached and in a fit of self-righteous cycler irritation he closed it. The car pulled up in front of him and the door popped open. He was about to be clothes-lined, he reacted and tried to react in a responsible, non-harmful way. He barely closed the door. By his account and the accounts of the half dozen witnesses that gave testimonies, there was no question about his actions. He wasn't being an asshole, He simply responded in the most responsible way one can in a split second decision.

In a fit of rage, the driver then pulled up in front of him and corked him. The man and the woman popped out of the car and started screaming at him. The woman then spat on him. Literally. Then he got hit. Could he have high-tailed it out of there? Maybe. He's a peaceful guy, he's not an aggressive cyclist, and he's not an asshole. He's not used to this kind of conflict. Again, every witness on the street sided with him. There was no one that sided with the driver and the passenger. It was a straight assault and it was uncalled for.

Also, the reason why the guy that punched him couldn't be identified is that the car belonged to the woman's mother.
i would not have punched the guy. gently sprinkle him with knuckles, maybe.
Am I understanding this correctly?

1) Car pulls up next to stopped cyclist, within 3 feet
2) Lady partially opens door (and maybe sticks her leg out) but is distracted talking to the driver
3) Cyclist does not say watch out. Cyclist does not let her open the door into his leg, or whatever, and laugh. Cyclist "gently closes" the door (maybe on her leg).

What is corked? And if it happened the way Jonah described, how was he ever in danger of being "clotheslined"?

Your account doesn't actually make sense. How does a car "pull up next to" a bicyclist pedaling through an intersection, and the driver get out, and WALK to catch up to the cyclist (who is presumably moving 5-7mph)?

Protip: if getting punched in the face sends your helmet flying, you're wearing it wrong.
OK. Clearly all you assholes have your rock-solid opinions, objective truth of how it went down. Great. Feel good about yourselves. You're such tough, smart, bad-ass urban citizens. Next time some asshole jacks W7ngman or Mahtli69 for just being law abiding citizens, I hope they have the honesty to say my bad, It's all my fault, I would have punched myself....
Cyclist is an Asshole
and deserved to get
his teeth knocked out.

Let him explain why:

"On... a cyclist was stopped at... when a white Cadillac pulled up beside him."

He is stopped and waiting at the intersection...

"... the cyclist told officers that he saw a woman in the passenger seat trying to get out of the car. The cyclist, concerned that the woman would hit him with the car door,..."

He knows she is trying to get out at the intersection.
Evidently his stationary bike overlaps and blocks the passenger side door.

(because he is an ASSHOLE)

Instead he:

"gently pushed" the door shut to "let [the woman] know he was there." The report notes that the cyclist may have closed the door on the woman's leg."

Stripped of the self-serving BS, the ASSHOLE on the bike shoved the door shut on the leg of the lady who is trying to get out but is blocked in by the bike.

Obviously Cadillac couple should have let ASSHOLE ride away and then let lady get out.
But then we'd have no story-
Instead they follow him through the intersection and...

"the Cadillac again pulled up next to him. The driver then got out, walked up to the cyclist,..."

and then?

This part is good.

Why does ASSHOLE sit their and wait for Cadillac dude?
Is he now terrified and immobile?
Is there no room to curl up on the ground in the fetal position?
Does he think Cadillac dude is coming over to thank him for the lesson in vehicle-cycle relations?

We shan't speculate, because we want to hurry up to get to the best part...

"The driver then got out, walked up to the cyclist, and punched him in the face, sending his helmet flying, cutting his lip and damaging his teeth."


Our Hero!!!

(And ASSHOLE will be waiting till Monday at least before he finds a Dentist in to repair those teeth...)

Who is Cadillac dude?

"police were able to identify him through booking photo records."

Like you, I am 'surprised' to discover that White Cadillac dude has a record.
Shocked, actually.

Also shocked that ASSHOLE urban hipster dude's "This Guy Might Kick My Ass"-dar is so poor.
(not really)

We will not digress into speculation about testosterone or melanin or punk-assed faggots who have graduated from passive-aggressive dickery to "I'm not going to take it anymore! bravado as a prelude to getting their ass kicked".
There will be plenty of time for that later.

The issue at hand is starting a defense fund for our hero.
The "White Cadillac Urban Hero" Defense Fund.

Come on Slog, give till it hurts!
@22: Sometimes you're a pretty smart guy, but then other times you make comments like this that basically scream "simpering moron."

The car pulled up next to a stopped bicyclist, and someone opened a door into him. If you've ever been on a bicycle in the city, this is not a difficult scenario to imagine. If he hadn't pushed back, he would have been knocked over.

Moreover, even if he somehow could have moved out of the way (the physics of bicycles make this difficult), he still would have been RIGHT.

What is wrong with you?
-He's a peaceful guy, he's not an aggressive cyclist, and he's not an asshole. He's not used to this kind of conflict. -

Perhaps he is just paying the price for the CMers and all the aggressive bikers that break the laws and then flip people off.

Last night on Eastlake I watched ten bikes go by without lights or even reflectors - not directly related but goes to the attitude of many bikers - on street, cut across crosswalk in front of car just passed on right , ride through pedestrians, cut across in front of peds, back on street, pass cars waiting for light on right, jump out in front of line of cars, move to center of lane, ignore pedestrian in crosswalk, jump back on sidewalk ride at 10 mph down sidewalk by doorways...
@27: By the logic you are espousing, I should start sucker punching all automobile drivers because of what the one in this story did.
IF you open a car door into a stopped cyclist you can knock him over. so the lady assaulted the cyclist. he has the right to use proportionate force in self defense so if he did gently push back the door, that's okay. if he didn't, if he pushed too hard, well, you need a jury to figure it out, but if he pushed too hard in eyes of a jury, he's guilty of assault too.

then there's a pause and it's clear the driver and the lady agreed to come after the cyclist. they pursue, block him, and both get out and acting in concert they attack him. one with spit. one with a fist.

dear cyclist: sue the motherfucking lady. you know who she is. depose her and find out name of the driver and sue him too. sue them for assault and civil conspiracy to commit assault. whatever happened prior to the time they came after you is legally irrelevant, even if the cyclist committed assault in pushing the door shut, or slamming it shut, even if he committed assault, we don't have vigilante justice and it's no excuse for the driver's felonious assault and for the lady friend helping him. Sue for medical bills, and pain and suffering and emotional distress. it's not unreasonable to make this a medium sized lawsuit. the cops won't help you. the slog commenters won't help you. but you can get a jury of your peers to help you.

that will be $250 please.
@13 FTW
"As the cyclist pedaled through the intersection, the Cadillac again pulled up next to him. The driver then got out, walked up to the cyclist, and punched him in the face, sending his helmet flying, cutting his lip and damaging his teeth."

Hell yeah. I am sick of bike rider aggression towards even the most normal of actions of car riders. It seems to only happen to me downtown. Just the other day this cyclist (male) tried to get physical with me (female) as I was parking on 1st Ave at the corner of Virginia. I was just rolling up the windows of my car, grabbing my dog and purse, and getting ready to exit the car. He rode up next to me and heard my large pit bull (who was excited to go on a walk) barking. He did a double take (her barking must had scared him as he rode past) circled around and then pulled up next to me, blocking me in on the driver's side. He began screaming at me about opening my car door on him (even though he had initially passed me) and then he began taunting my dog. I unrolled the window and told him to move out of my way, and he stood there with his hands on his hips. I tried to open my door slowly and he slammed it shut on me. By them I was pist and I got out of the passenger door with my dog. He met me on the sidewalk and got off his bike and began making arm gestures like he was going to swing. A crowd stood there and I said "if you touch me you will get bit the fuck up" as my dog was facing him with her tail and ears up. Needless to say, he got his hipster ass on that bike and rolled off with his finger up in the air behind him.
"suddenly this sweaty tattooed THING runs the red right in front of me"

I see this at least five times every time drive downtown. Make that 25 if I have to swing by the hill.
WOW! @ 25 for the mega win.
#23 "Protip: if getting punched in the face sends your helmet flying, you're wearing it wrong."
That was the first thing I was thinking when reading it. A ridiculous amount of people wear helmets wrong. Of course, most helmets suck and would get pushed back off the head even when wearing them right. It's 2009 and we still have mostly crap helmets.
@29: "IF you open a car door into a stopped cyclist you can knock him over. so the lady assaulted the cyclist."

According to the asshole cyclist the lady did not touch him:
"...the cyclist told officers that he saw a woman in the passenger seat trying to get out of the car. The cyclist, concerned that the woman WOULD hit him with the car door, "gently pushed" the door shut to "let [the woman] know he was there."

The lady had not touched him- he initiated contact, crushing her leg.

Go ahead, sue.
When we get to court I'll eat your ass. And my client will spit on your's. Again.
And her boyfriend will beat both your asses as soon as we get in the parking lot.
The Black Guy did it.
@22 Corked means getting cut off, at least in Southeast Alaska.
Isn't it illegal to get out of a car stopped at an intersection?
when i pull up to a intersection i hug the curb so spandouches cant get in front of the line.
Did the driver of the Caddy have dark green skin and wore only a pair of torn purple pants?

If someone hit me hard enough to send my helmet flying, I'd have to guess they knocked my head clean off my body. Properly fitted chin straps will not allow the helmet to separate from the head except under hulk-tastic circumstances.
This is ridiculous. When I'm in a parking lot and a car opens it's door while I'm next to it, am I justified to push the door shut? No. Hell, last night while walking by the bars, I had 3 or 4 cars open their doors in front of me...And I was MOVING!

As a pedestrian, I have doors open in front of me along Broadway all the time. Should I get in the habit of pushing them shut on people?

The cyclist's bad behavior here is a direct result of all the 'downtrodden, oppressed cyclist' bullshit that this blog spouts. The cyclist saw his mental prototype "car" ... the wiring in his fucked up brain immediately re-routed to "evil", and in a petty, petty passive aggressive way his bad wiring led to him closing a door on a woman.... And he got what he earned. Hell, if he had done it to my girl, I'd have hit him more than once. And since he started it, it's not illegal, and thus not assault. It's his fault for buying into the 'drivers=oppressors of bikers' nonsense.

The title of this should be, 'pent-up aggression pettily displayed by pussy against a woman gets pussy knocked out with one punch.' I'm no journalist.

Oh, and mister biker, when you finally get around to reading this after you get your wittle teef put back in. Remember this is NOT a cars vs. bikes issue. It's a dick who closed door on woman vs. woman's boyfriend issue... And it sounds like things came out just about as they should have. 'Assault,' my ass.
Cyclist, a suggestion for this situation. Whether or not you passive-aggressively "gently push the door shut", how about yelling, "Hey, look out!" This makes it clear to them that you're reacting in self defense, and not just being a prick. And then if the passenger/driver want to be pricks, that's on them.

But as it stood, all you did from their POV was try to slam the car door on her leg. The assault was an overreaction, but you did appear to provoke them both without giving much of an indication to the contrary. I'd probably be pissed as well from their POV, and I'm not a motorist.

(This assumes, of course, that the report is genuine and you aren't trying to cover up any malicious activity. I'm willing to assume so.)
#9 "... I am a full-time pedestrian..."

How well does that gig pay?
Er, I meant #19.
@ 19 "...there do seem to be a lot of asshole bicyclists. As a group, however, they do seem more aware of what's going on around them than drivers and pedestrians. In general."

And what city do you live in where this is the norm? I mean, in general?
questions: was the cyclist white? were the car occupants black? hmm? can i get an answer here? PLEASE???
Why do you ask?
don't answer a question with a question. if you don't have the answer, BUTT OUT!
Just as we suspected.
We'll add you to our watch list.
#24, I don't have an opinion on how it went down. That's why my post was nothing but questions. Fucking learn to read.

#26 you too. The report never said the door was opened into him. In fact, the report was extremely confusing, hence my questions.
Sounds like the driver/puncher was black, the cyclist was white.
why do you say that?
If the puncher was black, then we have something interesting. Here we have the Stranger aligning itself with a white, yuppy-to-be, on his eco-friendly status symbol who assaulted a woman when they could be standing up for women, or blacks, or black women.

I had no idea that cyclist rights had actually trumped civil rights and women's rights. It's great to see that we're in a post racial society where whites can kick around black women because they've become the oppressors now that they have cars.

A few new possible headlines for this story:
"Cyclists are the new blacks, blacks with cars the new KKK"
"Anti-cyclist sentiment gaining ground among black women"
"White male cyclist oppressed by black female, black motorist"
"All white crowd sympathizes with white cyclist after black woman dares to open car door"
"Terrible gorilla-creature instinctively defends mate when angel on bike stands up for cyclist rights"
"Martin Luther King, Suffragettes, out of the way! Lance Armstrong the new civil rights demigod"
@ 53 Wow, those headlines would be far more appropriate, I agree.
Actually, I don't, but they still made me laugh.

Slog Hates Blacks.

(ps- you're good...)
@55: I dislike people who commit assault. Since the article makes no mention of the races of the involved parties, I feel comfortable with my reflexive dislike for the asshole who punched another guy in the face hard enough to send him to the hospital.
Do you dislike the guy who shoved a car door shut onto the leg of the lady?
@57: yep.
@50: Well, okay, sure. The report says the car pulled up next to the cyclist, and when the door began to open, he was worried that it was going to hit him. So he pushed back.

That strikes me as a perfectly reasonable reflexive response. As I said, it also strikes me as a perfectly reasonable considered response.

What you're doing is essentially saying "the report didn't specifically deny that the bicyclist was 50 yards away from the car door, so clearly he was." Basically, I think you are imaginging far-fetched scenarios in which the cyclist was the aggressor. Imagining far-fetched scenarios in the name of skeptical inquiry pisses me off, by the way.

The other option is that you are implying that the bicyclist should not have pushed back until he was actually hit by the car door. This is less absurd, but I really don't believe that society has anything, overall, to gain from expecting people to react so passively toward those who are unable to watch where they are going.

The bottom line, for me, is that opening a passenger side car door without looking at what's outside of it is dangerous, selfish, and stupid, and people who do this deserve what they get. The cyclist in this case did not deserve what he got.
Hmmm "urban hipster douchebag" cyclists don't wear helmets
you're right, the cyclist did not deserve what he got- which was one punch in the face... he deserved a Rodney King urban ghetto BEATDOWN.
Basically he pissed off black people.
People that bike should have to obey the rules of the road... Automobile
money has gone to far in Building these dam bike lanes...People that bike
should get a bike license and go thru an pay annual bike permitt fee's..
(give that idea to Mayor Greg Nickels) Its a good idea as he leaves

my newphew got killed in Chicago on a bike. His fault. More license
@9 - Because that would be misspelling Capitol Hill
Couldn't he have just yelled Hey? I mean, the driver of the car overreacted big time, but what's wrong with yelling AAAAAAA or something to let them know you're there?
"The cyclist's bad behavior here is a direct result of all the 'downtrodden, oppressed cyclist' bullshit that this blog spouts. The cyclist saw his mental prototype "car" ... the wiring in his fucked up brain immediately re-routed to "evil", and in a petty, petty passive aggressive way his bad wiring led to him closing a door on a woman.... ."'

NOOOO!! His main mistake was doing this to a black person. Look at CM, 99% white kids, plus two gay, black messenger riders!

Clearly this cyclist forgot the golden rule. Real oppressed people don't give a shit about your tricycle wars. SEriously, file this one under 'Stuff White People Like"
There have been a lot of legit (and funny points) made on both sides here. However, we don't really have enough information to make judgments about this particular situation; only judgments based on how we imagine it happened.

1) How quickly was the passenger opening the door?
2) Where exactly were the cyclist and the car door positioned relative to one another when the passenger began to open the door?
3) Could the cyclist simply have moved to avoid the door? If so, how easily?
4) Did the passenger not realize there was a cyclist next to the door, or did she rudely and intentionally open the door into him?

One possible scenario: Passenger did not realize cyclist was there, passenger opened door slowly, cyclist was at least 18 inches away from the car and had room to his right to slide out of the way (probably not possible to roll forward or backward quickly enough). In this case, the cyclist was being a jerk by pushing the door closed. Whether he deserved to get punched is a separate issue.

Another possible scenario: Passenger does realize the cyclist is there but (thinking: fuck this fleece-wearing white motherfucker) opens the door assuming the cyclist will move, passenger opens the door quickly, cyclist is within 18 inches of the car, cyclist cannot slide to his right in time because of a high curb, mailbox, traffic sign, etc. is trapping him. In this case, the cyclist was in the right. Again, whether he still deserved to get punched is a separate issue.

I'm guessing that what happened was some kind of combo of the above two scenarios.

Without weighing in on the justice or lack thereof of the beating, I will say that cyclists who are concerned for their own safety should take into account whether or not they can fight before making contact with vehicles, regardless of whether they are in the legal or moral right.

What you're doing is essentially saying "the report didn't specifically deny that the bicyclist was 50 yards away from the car door, so clearly he was."

What? I didn't say anything about the distance, except that in my point 1, I presumed cyclist was indeed within 3 feet of the door. Again, learn to read.

Basically, I think you are imaginging far-fetched scenarios in which the cyclist was the aggressor.

What far-fetched scenarios am I imagining, exactly? Here's what I think: you need to learn how to read.

The other option is that you are implying that the bicyclist should not have pushed back until he was actually hit by the car door.

How am I implying that? Again, learn to read.

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