
but did they have any weed?
Magnolia is soooooo ghetto.
I guess that's the only way to get crime in the Great White North, import it from the southside
"Haven't people heard the recession is over?"

I don't think da' homeys be readin' the WSJ.
"The victims told police one of the men was wearing a red bandanna over his face."

The victims told police one of the BLACK men was wearing a red bandanna over his face.

Should be easy to spot in Magnolia.
Not to blame the victims or anything, but if I saw someone, with anything covering his face, headed in my direction, I'd get the hell out of there.
Hopefully these fellas will run into someone with a concealed handgun permit.
There is always a recession when your lifestyle demands $100,000 a year income but you are too lazy to work any job that requires you to wake up before noon.
Hey look at all those facts!

Blacks make up only abut 8% of Seattle but commit over half of all murders there.

From the article "List of 2008 homicides in Seattle" from the Seattle PI

selected from the list of the 28 Seattle homicides in 2008....

Allen Joplin, Jan. 4 -- black killed by black

De'Che Morrison, Jan. 10 -- black killed by black

Maurice "Moe" Allen Jr., Jan. 26 -- black killed by black

Degene Barecha, Jan. 30 -- black killed by black

Perry Henderson, Feb. 6 -- black killed by black

Stephan Dwaine Stewart, April 2 -- black killed by black

Eldora Earlycutt, July 4 -- black killed by black

James Paroline, July 10 -- white killed by black

Troy Peters, July 22 -- black killed by black

Pierre Lapoint, Aug. 5 -- black killed by black

Jane Kariuki, Oct. 16 -- woman of unknown race killed by black man named Christel D. Murphy

Quincy S. Coleman, Oct. 31 -- black killed by black

Edward McMichael, the "Tuba Man", Nov. 3 -- white killed by multiple blacks

Nathaniel Lee Thomas, Nov. 23 -- black killed by black

So by my count blacks (8% of Seattle) were the killers in at least half (that's at least 50%) of the murders in the Seattle area in 2008. At least five of the other murderers were latinos.

The numbers are actually quite a bit worse for 2009 and do approach the 85% mark, if not just totally surpassing it.
To the KKK representative who posted "statistics", you forgot one... They're all poor. A bunch of 'em are in gangs.
The economics are a bigger factor than the race.
"The economics are a bigger factor than the race."

He's right you know. That's why no poor Somalis or Ethiopian refugees are on his list. They are all too busy getting jobs at Seatac.
"The economics are a bigger factor than the race."

Right. Woman and older people are more likely to be poor than men and younger people. So what % of crime is by old ladies vs young men? What % of crime is by single moms vs young men without any responsibility? Here is a reality check: if poverty were the cause of crime it wouldn't be young men with $600 shoes and tons of flashy jewelry doing it.
If you believe most of these young men are stealing in order to put food on the table for their mom or to provide basic necessities for their children you are delusional.
"The economics are a bigger factor than the race."

So how do you explain all the poor black folk (the majority) who don't turn to crime? Are they just stupid for not following the scientific fact that poverty = crime

Here's you answer:
@13- it's a question of morality, greed, entitlement. For instance a taxi driver was recently murdered in a robbery by a young man who owed money for a gambling debt. Why could I not be in his shoes? 1) I wouldn't let my indulgences get so out of control that I owed money I couldn't pay off 2) I sure as hell wouldn't ruin the life of a stranger cause I caused myself some problems. Even if someone was threatening me over money owed I sure as fuck wouldn't ruin someone else's life over a problem I caused myself. Funny though we never hear the word "entitled" used for those who don't think twice about this.
"... They're all poor. A bunch of 'em are in gangs. "

Oh, well never mind then. I didn't realize they had such an awesome excuse.

Kill each other all you want, black boys! The fact that you are poor and are retarded enough to join a gang makes it not so bad.


"The economics are a bigger factor than the race."

Yes, this explains why West Virginia, one of the poorest states in the USA, has one of the lower violent crime rates in the country. West Virginia is also, by some amazing coincidence, one of the whitest states.

Personally, I'm glad blacks kill each other in insane proportions. I just hope they keep it up and can raise their Seattle murder rate to at least 95%, with 100% of that 95% being black victims.
better rephrasing of #10's post:

"Damn you and your racist facts! This is whitey's fault somehow!!!!"

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