Yesterday's pictures were such a hit I thought I'd toss up a few more. Me and the boyfriend a long, long time ago at a fundraiser I hosted... for someone or other...


Wanna see former Seattle mayor Norm Rice diving for my dick? Wanna see me dressed up as Ellen Crasswell? They're after the jump...

On second glance I think Norm Rice is just doubled-over with laughter...


And one night when I was running around dressed up as Ellen Crasswell me and the boyfriend dropped by a fetish party...


...which is where he acquired that rope harness and I got my hands on that crop. For those of you who are under 35 or recent transplants: Ellen Crasswell was the batshitcrazy Christian conservative who managed to win the Republican nomination for governor in, oh, 1996 or thereabouts, thanks to a six-way split in the GOP primary. She ran against Gary Locke. I had the wig specially made and ran around dressed as Crasswell... just to annoy her. Which it did: Crasswell brought it up during one of the goobernotorious debates and Gary Locke—that profile in courage—took the opportunity to condemn me for my disrespectfulness. (How dare I make fun of the woman who compared gay people to child molesters and felt the state should "enforce biblical law" and lock gay people up?) I was at Crasswell's victory party—one of the two times I've been to Bellevue—when she lost the election by 20 points.

Keck had come with me and we were... impaired... but we played along when the first disastrous numbers came in and everyone in the convention hall spontaneously clumped into little prayer circles, held hands, and prayed for a miracle. Those were good times.

I was frankly disappointed that there weren't a half a dozen Susan Hutchisons running around during the campaign last fall. Drag queens today—pffft.