
And Loveschild will jump up to in to chide us for interfering in their affairs.

Also, looking at the add on my right, I see Louie Anderson is alive. I had assumed the opposite.
I suggest leaking to the federal government that Uganda may have tons of oil. Then a plan would be quickly hatched to launch an illegal war leading to the annihilation of the Ugandan government and "collateral damage" extermination of hundreds of thousands of people. Then freedom can come to whoever is left, and the "mission accomplished" sign can be reused. It's the American thing to do.
do we really have to "connect the dots" to know this law is a bad idea?
Does the law say anything about incest? Or Child Rape? Or Bestiality? I'll haver my Justice Dept go over it...
This is what I've been saying all along. This law essentially gives the government power to arrest and execute ANYONE, for any reason, and creates a totalitarian "society of informers", where an accusation of homosexuality against ANYONE will become the obvious way out of ANY crime. Uganda is going to turn into Pol Pot's Cambodia, Mao's China.

I predict that 90% of the people punished under this law for homosexual crimes will be straights.
This is a witch hunt waiting to happen. And it will only lead to Uganda's destruction in the end.

I'm not waiting around for the "sovereign nation not a threat to the US" and "enforcing euro-centric values on African nations" chiding.
"You're going to prison for a long, long time, buddy; unless, you know any homosexuals? Just a couple of names, buddy, and we'll see what we can do for you."
Once more the hypocrites take on African law. This is none of the business of outsiders who have no connection, culturally or ethnically with Uganda is that simple yet so difficult to grasp for mr Tisinai.

Not an Ugandan? not African, don't share any connection with African or Ugandan culture ...then lay off because the only ones who are engaging in witch hunt with this repeated assault on this nation are you.

And if you're so passionate about forcing the acceptance and legalization of homosexuality in Uganda and throughout Africa then take your white asses over there and tell them yourself what their culture needs to embrace. In other words, put up or shut up.
You know,
that's what lead to Sodom's destruction.
Laws against homosexuality.
all the artsy types moved away,
and the next thing you know it was raining fire and brimstone.
@8, this doesn't have anything to do with homosexuality. The people who will suffer most under this law are not gay. But then, if, in your panic to rid the world of homos, lots of straight people have to die too, it's OK by you. As long as they get the gays, right? Better ten thousand innocents should die than a single "guilty" person go free, right?

You're a human rights nightmare, Loveschild. You won't be happy until everyone is locked away in the same prison you are in.
@8 - Hey Lovechild, I'm a black gay man, who's the descendant of African slaves. So what you're telling me is that if I went to Uganda after this law was passed for humanitarian work and you were there, you'd tell the authorities that I'm gay and shook the hand of some guy or hugged some guy affectionately after offering him or his family assistance to overcome a crisis just because you can't stand the idea of gays, more importantly gay black guys, being in existence and like to see me jailed or killed?
@8- You're so very much like a wind-up doll.

I'm not going to go be an activist someplace where they can kill me on the accusation of being gay. They probably wouldn't kill me, just deport me, but I have a kid so I'll just stick to pointing out the obvious evil of this from the comfort of my desk. And you can keep ignoring the obvious evil of it from your home or office.
#8 Lovechild, I congratulate you. You've said exactly what Jesus would say.

Oh, wait, no. He said something very different in Matthew 25:31-45. Look it up, and linger over that last beautiful line: "I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me." He didn't say, "Ignore suffering as long as it's somewhere else."

You call yourself a Christian? I can well understand why one of the figures in your icon is bright red under the cross--red with shame and embarrassment.
@8, you almost had a great idea! If this shameful, medieval law should pass, you and the other righteous believers who think homosexuality is corroding America should emigrate to Uganda.

You could finally live in a culture aligned with your values and leave freedom and wealth to the perverts back in America!

I'm sure they would love to have you. Your children could be educated with your values which would lead to bright, morally correct futures for them all. Put your money where your mouth is, call the embassy today!
@ apres_moi, in African society men shake the hands of each other, hug affectionately, they do all the things you described, shows of affection like that and others are very common in African society because we're and have always been a very expressive and warm people when it comes to our feelings. They just don't do it with the intention of sleeping with each other.
@15, according to this new law, those handshakes and hugs are going to be eligible for the death penalty now. That's how fucking stupid you are. You are positively in love with evil. Why is that?
@15 - exactly but someone as homophobic and vengeful of gays as you would take it the wrong way and like to see a gay black man persecuted as a way to teach them a lesson. all it would take is a gossipy person to tell the wrong person with power then someone's life is ruined.
You don't get it, @ 15. All someone will need is a reason to cry "Gay" and another human be they gay or not will be imprisoned.

Innocent people will suffer imprisonment and die as a result of this. All that is required is the accusation.

You who claim, "My Heavenly Father has always sent his angels to guard me in all my ways." You who parade your hatred. Are a source of shame.

@17 That's not true. I would expect that nonsense from most Sloggers but not from another African American, because if you know anything about black culture then you know we're a very close knit society even more so in Africa than here in the states were we have been subjected to the whims of european customs. Given that, the likelihood of someone being wrongly accused of homosexual behavior because of a hug or handshaking is nothing more than a ruse that outside forces are using to taint African law and impose their culture on them.
@19- I like how you can speak for all Black people. It's like a superpower.
Aw, fuck, it's pretty obvious that Loveschild has never even been to Africa. How do I know this? Because I have, and that last comment is substantially a crock of shit.
@19 - woman please. You know how we blacks love to gossip about other people's lives, no matter if we're in America, Canada, the UK, the Caribbean, South America, or the 'motherland' - Africa. Please get off your 'holier than thou' high horse and smell the shit that's on the ground. This law basically feeds off the corruption rampant in Uganda, a nation like any other corrupt nation where rumors, whether in the form of gossip or just blatant dangerous lies, spreads like wildfire and people's innocent lives are ruined.
Maybe this might work to our advantage. If we can get LC to go there, then I'll gladly tell them she is gay, on multiple occasions.

They'll simply have to kill her.

Problem of LC solved.
@22 Gossip is one thing, proof is another. We may not have that here on the states because we were extirpated out of mores and values but that has not been the case in places like the Caribbean or Black communities throughout Latin America where still everybody in the community knows each other, certainly that's not the case in most African nations and the communities in them with the exception of a few large cities and places where western ways of life have been adopted.

Look, you don't like the law ? then that's fine, it's their law and the law of many other African nations. That's it. You don't have to go there, you don't have to want to know about them nor care about them. You can keep on admiring european culture and bootlicking whatever you want. They're not forbidding you or anyone else that's outside of their borders from embracing and submitting your lives to whatever western culture you want to submit to. They're doing just fine without you and without those who share your way of thinking.

But just because you don't like their moral values and their domestic laws that doesn't mean that they're a "corrupt nation", if the existence of rumors and gossip is used by you to deem a nation as "corrupt" then start with your friend's ancestral lands over the pond in western europe.
You know, Christians are genuinely persecuted in some countries. If a country passed a law executing Christians for their faith, would LC be consistent and nonchalantly say, "This is none of the business of outsiders who have no connection, culturally or ethnically with the country."

Or what she be a great big hypocrite and reserve the right to object to what the country was doing?
You must be new here, Rob Tisinai. Welcome.

@26 You mean like in places like the Castro were Christians have been subjected to violence and expulsion ? Maybe you're referring to places where churches have been desecrated and vandalized by gay activists ? Or maybe you're talking about our neighbor to the north, Canada , where laws under the guise of protecting homosexuals have been effectively used by the government to exact vengeance upon and silence Christians. Don't need look for Christian persecution in other countries (which does happen) because we Christians are experiencing it here. Not that you or those like you actually acknowledge that since you're the ones instigating it.

So who's the hypocrite ?

So far as I know homosexuality is not a religion, homosexuality is not a core value system used to provide humans with life affirming spiritual guidance into the positive aspects of Creation that allows us to be in-tune with the universe and the Creator of it. Quite the opposite, homosexuality is merely a behavior that when practiced has induced the termination of many lives in this Earth because of the illnesses that arise from it and the lack of purpose that it's devoid of.

42- For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43- I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.'
Matthew 25:31-45 Beautiful Words of Life, true. Quite the opposite of what those who are instigating for sanctions and boycotts against African and Caribbean nations that outlaw homosexuality.

In fact by calling for economic sanctions and boycotts for developing nations you and those like you seem to want to see more: 1) people hungry , 2) thirsty, with lack of adequate access to water 3) economically depressed and having to immigrate and drift and go thru hard times in foreign nations, 4) Sickness, of all sorts and desperate people breaking the law. That seems to be what you want to provoke.

Keep on reading the Bible mr Tisinai. There's more to it, the beauty and life affirming lessons that can help us in this world of suffering and confusion need to be looked at carefully and contemplated with the assistance of the Holy Spirit in order to be thoroughly understood. Only then will you be able to realize how you've been attempting to lead others astray. I will be keeping you in my prayers. In God's Love.

35- For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36- I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'

Matthew 25:35-36

Boycotts, sanctions, economic and political coercions will provoke exactly the suffering that those that claim to care are saying they don't want to see. But they're blinded by their passions and cannot see this.
No Christian in Canada has been silenced under the guise of protecting homosexuality. One Marriage Commissioner in Saskatchewan had the choice of giving up his license or playing by the rules -- and the rules said that if he wanted to be licensed to offer a public service, he had to serve ALL the public. Not just the ones he approved of personally.
You are SO full of shit.
Thank you for the lecture, @ 27 and @ 28. Your take on history is always fascinating, even when less than accurate.
Rob, thank you for the information and the link. This is insane. It really is much worse than they want you to believe. What madness.

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