
That poor kid...

...I feel like the media should have stayed out of Georgia, as a pat on the back. The kid can get offers and whatnot, but people should have taken the school's actions in more stride.

I hope that kid is past his dad's class...
I think the school boards need to get hit with some judgements for violating these kids rights. School boards are slow learners.
Well, thankfully he wasn't hounded out of town. He should suck it up.
So heartbreaking. I hope his parents realize that rejecting their son is not only hurting their son, but themselves.

The actions of his classmates are without compassion but are not surprising. Just so very sad.
I'm sort of hoping Derrick decided to invite his boyfriend not only (as he said) in response to reading about Constance - presumably here (?) - but that he somehow wanted to get the hell out of that town, away from his folks (since they were the kick-ya-out kind in any case) and, okay, maybe a little onto Ellen's show or something like it, somewhere he can wear an outfit with which that necklace makes more sense.

How odd that the town is teabaggishly mad the media's looking too closely. One suspects they whisper among themselves how all the reporters look totally Jewish, at least the ones that aren't b-l-a-c-k.
This is more sad than Constance's story. At least she has loving parents while this kid has shitbags for parents.
Time to nuke the south.
I'm guessing his father WON'T get the Teacher of the Year award again.
It's a good thing that only gay kids have it tough in high school, so easy to be a straight high school student.
The should take the teacher of the year award away from his father and censor him for child abandonment.
I just had this, you know, kinda brainstorm: If y'all can't stand the media attention your towns are getting, then just let the kids attend to the prom from the get-go. Then the media will pretty much leave your town alone, and you can go hate gay people in the privacy of your own living rooms.
He won't get Father of the Year either.
I don't know how many people go to this school, but it seems like "a dozen protesters" in the deep south is a pretty weak turnout. It doesn't even sound like they're protesting that much.
@9: seriously? Do you seriously think that A) gay kids don't have it worse than str8 kis? and B) anyone who acknowledges that gay kids do have it worse denies that school can also be rough for str8 kids? What exactly are you looking for? Pro-str8 organizations to rally for all the rights denied str8 kids?
Seriously? People's concern is that they're gonna think Cochran is pro-gay?

Yeah, before that protest, I was confused by the media attention, and thought that EVERYONE in Cochran was gay. Thanks protesters for clearing that up for me.
Meanwhile, the Itawamba's hidden homeless in Florida . . .
Where is the kid living? Has a friend or relative taken him in? Does he need help?
I think this totally proves that edyoocashun causes teh Gay -- I mean, c'mon! The MATH teacher made a Gay? What more proof do you need!?!
@10: You mean "censure" not "censor."
How very, very sad. I wish this kid all the best, and hope he recognizes that being a teenager in high school is only a very small part of his life, even if it doesn't seem so right now. I think he has amazing courage. It's not easy for any of us to live an honest life, and yet he's brave enough to do so as a gay boy surrounded by bigots. Maybe Ellen will give him money for college, too, and he can get out of that stupid town.
@7 has the right idea.
"...the lead organizer isn't going to prom and wants her money back because she doesn't want dance in the same room with teh gays."

Idiot. Sounds jealous of Derrick's boyfriend.

Shame on his parents, especially the dad. My 80+ maths teacher grandfather should (and still can- go Gramps!) kick his arse for sullying the good name of his profession and for being a lousy parent.
# 17, I'm with you.
Bottom line is, where is he? Is he safe? Does he have understanding and protective adults he can go to about this? Is there a chapter of PFLAG in that part of the country that can reach out to him and help him?

Can Seattle help in some way? We have a compassionate community here...surely we can reach out to him!!
The most despicable part is his parents. I'll never understand how someone could reject their child that they've supposedly loved and nurtured from birth.

They're the worst assholes of all.
Now is the time when it should be noted that all of the High Schools that have allowed kids to bring their same sex dates to prom haven't received media attention (good or bad), and that what has brought on the attention in BOTH of these cases was that a school board had decided to BAN a student from bringing a same sex date.

In the case of Derrick, where they reversed the decision, had the board not tried to ban his choice of date based on sexual orientation this never would have become a news item.

It is the banning and not the bringing of same sex dates to prom that is causing the media attention.

These people should get a life and let these brave (and intelligent) young people get on with theirs.
I'm going to see if I can will the kid's cunt of a father dead with my brain. Everyone cross your fingers my psychic powers finally kick in...
@ 26, while the dad is a cunt, I kinda doubt that the kid wants him dead. Just a hunch.
Harry Potter is gay kid in Georgia?
Why is anyone asking permission to bring a date to prom? Do the straight kids have to have their dates vetted too?

I don't understand how these stories are seems like they should come up AFTER the prom where the scaredy cat heteros run from the room in horror holding their asses closed...gasping for breath in the bosom of their thrice divorced mommys..."Mommy mommy! A boy danced with a boy!! I'm afraid!"
Note to school administrators everywhere:

Hold the goddamn prom.
Keep it open for everybody.
If people run out, afraid fo Teh Gayz, so be it.
Let *them* sue (on whatever grounds) and see how far they get.

I'll bet this approach gets you a whole lot less media attention than what's happening in these two instances.

BTW, the most flaming kid at my niece's high school in eastern (redneck) San Diego County was also the most popular.
@9 has the same attitude a former friend of mine had -- "why the hell do teh gays have to have a pride parade?? where's my straight pride??" @9 You suck.

The layers of bullshit and tormenting an out-gay teenager has to endure are ten-fold that of even the nerdiest or fattest of straight students.
It would be interesting to see what would happen if all of the straight kids took same-sex dates to prom in protest of the closed-minded school system.
The photographer for that Macon article is named "Jason Vorhees."

I get distracted easily...
I actually ended up calling the school to congratulate them on their courage. A very nice old-sounding grandmother-type picked up the phone. I chatted with her a bit, and she said that people have been making life hell for having done the right thing. Now THAT gets me mad--so called 'christians' making a sweet old lady cry. I wish that something could be done to give that school a pat on the back. They sure need encouragement.
An 18 year old is not a child.
I feel for him. My dad tried kicking me out of the house at 18 after he found out I was gay at 17. But my mom had him by the balls because he cheated on her and wouldn't let that happen. She'd kick him out of the house before she let her son get kicked out of the house. That was back in 1997. Now my dad, a regularly mass-attending Catholic, is all for gay marriage and very supportive. Btw, as Lovechild knows, I'm black, gay and from the South before anyone starts thinking it's just a white thing.

However, I did not attend my school prom and 1/2 the senior class knew I was gay due to some blabbering bitch by the end of the year. I did an exchange program the summer before my senior year and came back very estranged from most of the people in my senior class in Charleston, SC. In fact, as soon as I came back home after coming back from Asia, I knew I was done with South Carolina. People say HS prom is the highlight of their HS life. No a summer on my own away from my home town and home state discovering myself was the highlight of my years in HS. Would've I gone to my prom with a guy? I don't know. All I knew was that I was sick of HS by then and wanted to get the fuck away from SC ASAP then.

Btw, is it me or is Martin on his way to getting much hotter as he gets into his 20s? like that intelligent gay math nerd-type of hotness?
Wow, I can't believe someone would do this to a kid. I have a friend who is a Lesbian, I she would hate not being able to not bring her date to the prom.
Ummm isn't the whole purpose of a demonstration to attract attention? Having a demonstration to object to the amount of attention you are getting seems a bit, idk, counter-productive. But maybe I'm missing some kind of post-modern statement or something.
I'm with 28.... here's hoping the boyfriend is a pale blond with a pointy chin.
Faer, you've been reading to much H/D slash and it has addled your brain. For one, Derrick looks nothing like Harry Potter, in either Rowling or Radcliffian interpretations. Second, everyone knows that Albus-Scorpius is the OTP.
@40 *backs away slowly* you Next Gen freaks need your own corner of the interwebs to play in.

(Snarry is the OTP)
The redneck adults in Cochran held a hate rally attacking Derrick today. This stuff is really despicable. If a group of white bigots had held a rally against a young Black boy, don't you think some local politician or official would intervene? I'm so sick of hearing gay Republicans squawk about 'pink pistols'. Yet these blowhards never show their faces or stand up for glbt kids being attacked. Why don't these 'pink pistol' idiots walk around armed to protect Derrick if they are as macho as they claim?
Ew! Snape is a sexy guy, sure, but he was totally in love with Lily. If he made it with her son that is...ew.

Anyway, Snape is dead. D-E-A-D. Reconcile yourself to this fact, and do not demean the memory of the late Potions Master by staging fictional resurrections. NG is the only viable fic option for a purist who reads the canon as God Herself intended it to be read.

Sorry to get off topic on this thread. Derrick is the one who matters. But I couldn't resist the gauntlet thrown by a fellow traveller in Slashdom!
@35: O rly?
Ask any psychologist or neurologist and they will tell you that an 18-year-old is mentally very much an adolescent; we are not fully adults until our early- to mid-20s.

@33: Urgutha, you are shitting me.
UPDATE: No you aren't! HAXX!!!!!!
I hate to say it, but these are the kinds of growing pains we're going to have to go through before gay goes mainstream (and I don't mean that "Will & Grace" BS mainstream either).

@9 Come on, most teens are just drama queens who don't really have it that bad.
Faer @39, click on the "Towleroad" link, there is a pic of his cutie patootie boyfriend.
I'd be okay with him being a cute ginger too
GOOD. when will flaming tards realize that there are more of us than them? you liberal pukes like to remind us right leaning, God fearing folk about it all the time, well now the jokes on you!

reap what you sow, lie in your grave, ect ect.

/liberal tears
//they fuel me
@42 Because they hate other gay people as much as they hate themselves. No gay person with any self-respect is a republican (and no that doesn't mean they should all automatically join the democrats either)
So in Georgia it's ok for Brothers and Sisters to go to prom together but not a gay couple?
WTF is that?
At my very catholic high school a gay guy brought his boyfriend to prom as a junior and a senior. Nobody thought it was odd. He was also one of the most loved students in the school, only his younger sister, who was in my grade, had a problem with it.
It's 2010, folks. Let's practice some tolerance. Whether you agree or not doesn't mean you have to make a big deal about it! You can go your own way and ignore, or take the high road and actually get to know these kids based on their personalities, intelligence, and other merits, instead of focusing on their sexual orientation. Does anyone focus on the sexual orientation of straight people (well, other than Bill Clinton, Tiger Woods, etc)? Let's keep sexual preference to the back of what we consider when choosing our friends. TOLERANCE!!!!!
School are getting so stupid. They pretend to teach tolerance and all this Judeo-Christian "love thy neighbor" bullshit, then turn right around and say "Except you. You're bad, and you too, and you, and that guy has darker skin, so he must have a bomb, so he can't go either." Teens have it fucking hard enough these days without the people they're supposed to trust fucking up.
The parents may find themselves in a world of (economic) hurt. If the child is under the age of majority (in his state), and the parent fail (spectacularly) in their custodial duties, they could easily face charges (not limited to) child endangerment, failure to adequately supervise, failure to provide, abuse, assault, and the list goes on. Just because you are pissed that little Johnny is mad about *teh cock*, you are not relieved of all parental responsibility. Should have filed a petition to have him emancipated, or just put him into a psych ward (in the South such would probably present no problem "he'z a fag!", "lock 'im up, he must be crazy." more is the pity).
Is amazing it is ok protest in favor of this kid, but if you are against it, you are criminal. If you look at the way our country is going, sooner or later nothing is sacred, our values are all but forgotten and we are slowly slipping into a third world country. Fight for things that are important and this basically is just another attempt of our media to divide folks and take their eyes off what is really news worthy. Like our government slowly but surely taking total control of our lives. In the last 2 years, they now have a major share of the banking industry, auto industry and now medical industry. If folks don't look up soon, we are going to become the USSR, sooner rather than later.
@55: Some joker must have painted hovering black helicopters on your glasses.
@ 55, no, if you are against this kid taking his boyfriend to the prom, you are NOT a criminal. You are, however, likely a bigot, & behind the times. Note that these "you can't take your same sex date" to the prom, things, ain't happening in big cities or big city suburbs.

So you're saying a USA where Derrick Martin can take that *dreamy* blonde boy is a third world country? Oooooookay.

I don't want the government controlling my life - nor do I see any connection between that & these anti-gay-prom-kids protesting, which they are free to do - but I do want the government to ensure that schools remain places where young ppl are treated fairly, decently AND EQUALLY, regardless of race/creed/orientation, etc. ALL schools, including those in Blakely, GA & Itawamba County, Mississippi.
The parents may find themselves in a world of (economic) hurt. If the child is under the age of majority (in his state), and the parents fail (spectacularly) in their custodial duties, they could easily face charges (not limited to) child endangerment, failure to adequately supervise, failure to provide, abuse, assault, and the list goes on. Just because you are pissed that little Johnny is mad about *teh cock*, you are not relieved of all parental responsibility. Should have filed a petition to have him emancipated, or just put him into a psych ward (in the South such would probably present no problem "he'z a fag!", "lock 'im up, he must be crazy." more is the pity).

*Sorry if this appears as a double post. I mistyped my email during registration, thus had to re-register. Argh!
Oops! Above second paragraph SHOULD read: "So you're saying a USA where Derrick Martin can take that *dreamy* blonde boy to the prom is a third world country? Oooooookay."

Though I guess a country where he could just "take him" ain't on your list of fave places either..;)

@ 56: <3!
@jmahlon #10 --
Censure, damn it censure that is the word that you are looking for, not censor.

English, do you speak it?
Prom is not a right, but a privilage. I presonally think schools should do away with these type of things, think of all the money the school districts could save.

Of course, the School Board is making decisions, when it is the kids affected....the majority of which are 18 (if it is a Senior Prom). Let them VOTE on it.

Just like the Military's Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Let there be a military only vote, by those who are serving and those who served. I bet the Mainstream Media or the left wouldn't like those results either.

The thing is, the majority of America could care less. It is when you shove beliefs down our throats that we get tired of it. I don't want my son seeing men with men or women with women, because that is against my beliefs. I do however respect others rights to be themselves, but there is no need to drag it all out in the open and force others to watch (as some type of freak show).

What's next, legalized bestiality?
a couple of seconds on Google would inform you that our hero is over the age of majority.

if 'adults' decide to tell their parents to fuck off about strongly held moral issues they really shouldn't be surprised if the parents lose some of the warm and fuzzies about being an ATM machine to fund the 'lifestyle'.

because, if you're so allmighty fucking enlightened now son you sure don't want to soil yourself living in this den of ignorant bigotry or eating our foul hateful grub or spending our filthy narrowminded money on gas and tuition....
in liberal la-la land we guess you're doing good if people are 'adults' by the time they hit their thirties, which is handy as it provides a nice long transition time to shift from mooching off parents to mooching off the government...
So, when a group of girls/boys go to the prom because they do not have a date or could not get one, does this mean that they should not be allowed to attend or that the prom should be cancelled? The sexual orientation of someone is not going to rub off on anyone, so why should it matter who takes who? Why are people so narrow minded/tunnel visioned? Why should someone else care who takes who? Why should a gay/lesbian person not have the same rights as the so called straight people? NO, I am not gay/lesbian, but I am sick and tired of people voicing their opinions without validity. If we really get down as to why someone has an issue with gays/lesbians, could the finger be pointing at self and they just do not want to admit it because of the flack/attention/disgrace they may come in to? People, grow up!! This is exactly why our young people act/think the way that they do because of the adults who are narrow minded or only think that their thoughts/beliefs are the best/only one. Your thoughts/opinions are valuable; just do not try to push them off on someone else. Remember, it is o.k. to agree to disagree.

Derrick and any other high school student should be able to attend their prom. Don't hate because he has been asked to appear on the Ellen show. Are you jealous because you have not been asked?
He sounds like an awesome kid, tutoring at risk elementary kids? Way to go! I'd be proud of a kid like that.

OTOH, he is eighteen, so they're not doing anything illegal.

Eighteen isn't a kid anymore, if you have the right to have sex, vote, drive, and sign contracts; then you aren't a kid. If you don't want those rights until you're mid-twenties, then take it up with the lawmakers. Minds change throughout adulthood as well as childhood, to say people are only adult when their minds/brains stop changing means that the only adult people are the dead ones. You also don't automatically stop hurting if your parents reject you when you're in your mid-twenties.
@63 & @ 62
I find it interesting that the parents who decry their own or other children in general as "moochers," are often bad parents themselves. Either you've raised your children rotten by giving them everything they asked for or you've withheld all that you reasonably could because you view them as some kind of parasite. Why do you assume that this young man is a pernicious drain on his parents? For all you know, he has a job, buys his personal wants and only asks his parents to provide his needs. Let's say he does sit around and do nothing.
And if you don't have children, then your argument rings hollow.

Regardless, it's foolish to focus on money when you obviously do not understand parenting. What loving parent would kick a child out of their home, regardless of whether that child has a place to go or not, effectively ending a relationship that should be considered a precious and short gift?
(Claps for @66)

Well said. It's one thing to withhold luxuries from your children or insist they find employment by a certain age, if your goal is to teach them the value of money. It's quite another to deny them affection or moral support. The Martins have shown they value appearances over their son's happiness.
@61, you idiot, you're mis-defining the problem. It's not an issue of majority approval of minorities, it's an issue of public accommodation law. You've got it exactly backwards.

By your rationalization, Harry Truman never should have integrated the U.S. military, blacks should still be subject to "Jim Crow" laws, and women shouldn't be able to vote.

At issue is whether ALL individuals should be considered equal members of the public, entitled to all rights and responsibilities that others are.

As for your, "What's next, legalized bestiality?"... (Why, is that what you're hoping for, so you and your donkey can get married?) I fail to see any relevance to your stupid question. Being gay isn't illegal, and despite my feelings otherwise, neither is holding a prom.
@68: It's okay, he's a jackass too.

@61: If you don't want your son to see two people of the same gender holding hands, cover his eyes, ya fuckin' nitwit. Now if you're talking about over-the-top, hands-in-pants PDA, then that's not cool whether it's homos or heteros (or bisexuals); there's exhibitionism, and then there's indecency.
You do not own public areas any more than the gay people that you are so terrified of your son seeing do; they belong to the people, and YOU have no right to exclude others from the right to express themselves in public.
In conclusion: shut the fuck up, you fascist.
Slog is drooling all over itself about what an awesome kid Martin is so it looks like his parents did a great job for 18 years.

He is 18 now, an adult, and legally responsible for himself.

He has gone out of his way to, in the MOST PUBLIC attention gathering way possible, TOTALLY reject core moral values deeply held by his parents (effectively ending a relationship that should be considered a precious and short gift?).

He is fully within his rights to do so.

His parents respect and respond to his adamantly asserted independence and Slog thinks they are evil terrible people?
@70: So now homophobia is a core moral value?
Oh wait, in a lot of the South it is.

And also, you're misquoting Willy the Shake. The correct line is "Lord, what fools these mortals be!" Bad Alleged, BAD!
Actually, they have shown the complete opposite.

They could not, like their son, have failed to learn the lesson from Constance's saga;
that there would be an outpouring of support for the homosexual position,
that if they also were totally supportive no matter what or who their kid wants to fuck they would be hailed as enlightened progressive cool parents,
that if they expressed anything short of unquestioning support they would be labeled ignorant bigoted haters.

No, if they valued appearances they would have jumped on board the homoliberal bandwagon.

On the other hand, if they cared about their son's happiness (and not just riding the intoxicating wave of PC fashion of the moment) they would stick with their moral values; even and especially in the face of the howling mob.

They obviously have been good parents and no one, least of all "run your fucking mouth first and find out the actual facts never" Savage, has any idea what they are/have going through to lead them to this difficult decision.

But it's pretty safe to say they aren't acting out of a concern over 'appearance'...
I'd say they are violating his rights but I was told by my principal in high school that I didn't have any rights. He also dared me to sue them over my right to free speech.
It would be an awesome movement if all the straight classmates who brought dates or came alone, would protest for him by gathering and slow dancing with classmates of the same sex for a couple of songs. It would just be an in your face protest. Hell I'd do it!
@72: The appearance they value is that they present to their community, not to the country at large. They probably don't much care what we think of them; what matters to them is what their neighbors and townsmen think.
And how is "[sticking] to their moral values" going to be good for their kid, when the moral values they seem to be sticking to condemn who he is as evil and disgusting. Should they have attempted to beat the gay out of him instead?
And yes, the sky is orange on a regular basis. It's called sunset, and it's what's happening to the prejudicial ideals of yesteryear; your breed of bigotry is dying out.
now venom you're being unfairly harsh and judgmental it's not that disgusting especially if you don't actually 'do' it butt if you do be sure to use lots of plastic sheeting and don't forget to enema otherwise dan will tell you how disgusting it is you're not doing it right stupid faggot
Hey, it's Period Troll back at 72! You may have changed your name, but by your inimitable punctuation/spacing and inimical positions we know you!

I hope we can play a round of Spot the Logical Fallacies again, that was fun.
@77: No, that's Alleged. As far as I know, the Period Hive and Alleged are separate (if similar) entities.

So, the black civil rights movement had MLK Jr. and Malcolm X (eventually) and other leaders. The women's civil rights movement had a lot of women from my history books. Who will step up to lead the Million Gay Rights Supporter March? Is Ellen up to the task?

/there's clearly a need for it:
Oh well, Miss Sharp will have to look for sport elsewhere today.
@80: No, no, Alleged is fair game as well. It's wabbit season!
@ 61
Christianity thrives on shoving their beliefs down the the throats of the non believing. You don't want your son seeing men with men, women with women, etc? I don't want my kids seeing your building with cross. That is against MY beliefs. And no one is forcing you or anybody to watch, fuckstick. On the other hand, I have yet to find a gay recruitment brochure hanging from my doorknob.
@ HP comments et al
Snape/Sirius OTP

that's all.
venomlash, I was confused by the odd spacing and punctuation, which is also Period's signature. On closer examination, that second paragraph is actually one run-on sentence.

I yield to your superior knowledge of the quarry, sir!
@84: What, my comments in #78? The strange stuff you saw translates to:

Too Long; Didn't Read. Learn To Read. Learn To Write. Die In A Fire. Thank you. Okay, thanks, bye.

*I like to use mystifying acronyms sometimes, including but not limited to common Interwebs speak.
No, just confused by the comment posted at 72. I truly believed that to be Period, alas! By the run-on sentence I meant Alleged's, which sounds almost like a Modernist poem:

"They could not, like their son, have failed to learn the lesson from Constance's saga;
that there would be an outpouring of support for the homosexual position,
that if they also were totally supportive no matter what or who their kid wants to fuck they would be hailed as enlightened progressive cool parents,
that if they expressed anything short of unquestioning support they would be labeled ignorant bigoted haters."

I figured your reply to 76 was something witty, but thank you for posting the full text!
That's just ridiculous. Poor guy. Just because he's gay doesn't mean he shouldn't be allowed to go to prom with his boyfriend. It makes me really sad to see that the school board wasn't an idiot but young people who should be open and be educated about things are idiots. Just slightly depressing.
Alleged @70 & 72, if the morals reject who someone is at a fundamental level, when that person's way of life harms no one, then there is something fundamentally wrong with the morals. Morals are subjective. To say otherwise is insane. Derrick's parents are putting their fundamentally flawed, intrinsically held values ahead of their son, their own flesh and blood, to his enormous harm. The consequences of such bridge-burning could easily fundamentally change the direction of Derrick's life, easily derail him from all of the prospects that all of his achievements both in and out of school may have lined up for him. That his parents could so endanger his future, one that they invested eighteen years of their lives for, is both reckless and cruel.
if the morals reject lifestyle behavior choices that could easily derail Derrick from all of the prospects that all of his achievements both in and out of school may have lined up for him they are to be admired.

his parents might actually be concerned for Derrick, and not just for his short-term PR value to 'the cause'.

morals ARE subjective.

Slog is putting it's fundamentally flawed, intrinsically held values ahead of the best interests of Derrick, to his enormous harm.
@89: Hellooooo, we are in the 21st century. At least we are in the North. Being gay is not going to stop Derrick from being happy and successful.
And how is the value of accepting people for who they are (NOT necessarily for what they do to others) fundamentally flawed.
Whine whine, moan moan, bitch bitch. Man up and pull your head out of your ass, Alleged.
@ 61 - "I do however respect others rights to be themselves, but there is no need to drag it all out in the open and force others to watch (as some type of freak show)."

Just what does "dragging it all out in the open" mean? If you mean GAY SEX IN PUBLIC, uh, yeah, I agree. Or does someone refusing to keep their big secret anymore (coming out) constitute, to you, "dragging it all out in the open"? If that's the case, go to hell.
my question is would you rather someone be Gay and Happy or straight and miserable?

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