
That love note thing is one of those ideas I wish I had come up with myself. It's cute and charming, and interactive art is the best. Wish I could be there. The Erotic Arts and Crafts show in Toronto was cool, but very very small.
No chance they'll be back around in August, eh?
Dan, agreed. The tutu stripping boy burlesque dancer was a hottie. Amazing legs!!

But Waxie Moon stole the show. He performed twice. Sexy and hilarious and over the top. Waxie Moon should be required viewing.
Thanks so much, Dan! But FYI: Love Note is a collaboration with Jacob Fennell, we both did a ton of work.
So what did your letter say?
Stop Faking! That is awesome!
Dan is famously fond of his own ass......
"I'm sorry for farting in your mouth"?
This was my third year attending and my third year being absolutely disappointed. I left after two hours feeling unimpressed and, yawn, bored out of my mind. The artwork was mostly "been there, done/seen that" and the performances were okay, if you could actually get a spot to view them.
I had work featured there and you would never even know it. They need to either decide NOT to do a literary event, or make it as big and bad as the rest of the show.
Don't bother attending- waste of money. My tickets were free.

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