Super Natural!
  • Super Natural!
Dry, crumpled-up leaves—they don't sound like a particularly arousing sex toy, not by human standards, but lady chimps seems to love them (and the erections they come with). But evidence of animals using sex toys is good news for anyone who still feels guilty about her trip(s) to the sex-toy shop. And this detail, from the same story, has to be filed under good news too:

But it would be fairer to compare the clipped leaf with the most popular human sex tool, which we can now identify thanks to the academic research described last year by my colleague Michael Winerip. The researchers found that the vibrator, considered taboo a few decades ago, had become one of the most common household appliances in the United States. Slightly more than half of all women, and almost half of men, reported having used one, and they weren’t giving each other platonic massages.

Babeland for the win.