Blogs Jun 2, 2010 at 8:25 am


I know it's hard for you to believe, Dan, but not everybody in the country is a one-issue voter.
This reminds me that that HOMOPHOBIC BIGOT
Sir Elton John also does not endorse Gay Marriage.



#1: Yup, I'm sure your NRA would endorse someone who was against private gun sales, right?
This seems to be par for the course with gay 'pubs. I don't understand why they're out of the closet at all.
wow, republicans are stupid.
@ 1, the issue seems to be this. If you're going to make a big deal out of being gay and being Republican, shouldn't gay rights issues take more of a center place in your positions, and your assessment of candidates?

I understand that they are truly fiscal conservatives, and really don't like liberal policies like HCR, but what are they doing to promote gay rights within the GOP? I know that they aren't going to go very far since the religious bigots are firmly in control, but shouldn't they abstain from giving endorsements if there aren't any candidates who are playing the gay marriage card? I don't see pro-gun Democrats endorsing gun control candidates in their primaries.
Just so I have this straight (no pun intended): they're endorsing a Republican candidate presumably because they want lower taxes, but the candidate they've endorsed is opposed to same-sex couples being able to marry and file joint tax returns which would, in many cases, allow them to pay lower taxes, in addition to other benefits.

I guess for those who would pay higher taxes if they filed jointly it's more important to give up the other benefits, like being able to visit their partner in the hospital, have power of attorney, own property together. Yes, I can see why wanting to pay slightly lower taxes would be worth giving up all that.


If you're going to make a big deal out of being gay and being Republican, Republican issues take more of a center place in your positions, and your assessment of candidates.

The Qunited States of Gaymerica is full of Hysterical HomoLiberal One Issue Faggots.

Throwing in a handful of Hysterical Republican One Issue Faggots wouldn't really add a lot....
In California they already have all those things, Rhett.
Try to get out more.
Perhaps these particular homosexuals have no plans or desire to get married.
Is Dan going to force all Gays to get married once it is legal?
Yes, Matt, pro-gun Democrats (and there are a fair amount of them) are in a similar pickle. Maybe you're right and we should all just vote for "none of the above."
What? All gays don't think alike? Marriage is a vestige of paternalism. F-it. It's called progress...
Shouldn't that be "self-hating gay Republican group..."?
@13, the "self-hating" part is silent, like the "p" in "psycho".
Not all gays care about "marriage equality". I for one couldn't fucking care less. Civil unions/rights are fine by me.
Without clicking the link, let me guess: the group is HRC?
I'm sure there are plenty of gays out there who don't give two shits about marriage or joining the military. They are probably fairly wealthy, hate taxes, and are voting accordingly. Sure, it's an incredibly selfish viewpoint, but isn't selfishness one of the Republican party platforms?
@17, @15 -- some of the gays who don't care about marriage equality are also single.

And bitter.
@ 16, no, it's a specifically gay republican group.

@ 17, true enough, but those are fiscal issues, not social ones. It goes back to what I said @ 6 - if they aren't promoting gay equality and rights, then what's the point?
@19 - The point is there are people out there who are perfectly happy with the way things are because they are already thriving economically, socially, and/or professionally. Maybe they are not directly affected by discrimination, or, if they are, they don't care about that as much as they care about taxes, big gub-mint, or whatever. Maybe they work for the oil or defense industry.

There are also many heterosexual fiscal-conservatives out there who don't give a damn about abortion, sex education, definition of marriage, or any of the other social issues that the Republican party clings to. They vote Republican because of taxes, and nothing else. Hell, that describes half of my family: fiscally-conservative and socially either liberal or not-giving-a-shit.
@9 Then why all the fuss over Prop 8, Bubba? Your fabrications are showing again. Either make up better lies or stick to the facts.
Mahtli, you're missing the point entirely. I get that you can be gay and Republican. What I don't get is, if gay rights aren't important enough to promote, or if you aren't suffering discrimination, then why would you organize a gay Republican group? Just be a Republican. Being "GOProud" means you want people to know you're gay, and implies that you're promoting gay issues.

You brought up hetero 'pubs who don't care about social issues. Are they forming groups centered around any those social issues anyway, then endorsing candidates who oppose them? That's what's going on here.

Maybe there's something I'm missing that you can explain. Again, if you're gay and conservative, and gay issues just don't matter that much, then why have a gay Republican group that endorses candidates?
@22 - Maybe they just don't want to have to hang out with the Baptists at conventions and other party functions.
Following up on my comment @ 22, I looked up GOProud to find out what exactly they say they stand for. According to their "legislative priorities" page, they support repealing DADT and they "oppose any anti-gay federal marriage amendment." Nothing else on their 10-point agenda mentions gay rights, although they insist that limited government will equal improved quality of life for all gays and lesbians. In other words, eight out of 10 of their points have nothing to do with LGBT equality.

So, does opposing a marriage amendment equal supporting marriage equality? That's slippery enough that I can't say that it does. Still, if the endorsed candidate doesn't support marriage equality, is it a stretch to guess that she would support a marriage amendment, and thus stands in opposition to one of this group's planks?

Maybe this group's raison d'รชtre is more about persuading gays that conservatism ain't so bad. It sure doesn't seem to be about promoting LGBT equality within the GOP.
now everyone on slog knows you are an idiot.
you should google california's DP and see what rights it confers
Gay Republican = self-loathing, loser fags who desperately want to be one of the good ol'boys- rich, white, privileged, old guard and heterosexual. So desperate are they to be the something they aspire to (but never will be) they repeatedly throw themselves under the bus politically. Trying to get the good olโ€™ boys to notice them and not choose them last again to play ball. They never will get into that exclusive club of course. That's the sad joke about Gay republican groups...
@26, it always cracks me up whenever I hear Joe Sixpack talking about the Republican Party as "my" party. Do you make a million dollars a year? No? Then it's not your party.
@ 26, I think the confusion over "good ol' boys" and "old boys club" has permanently altered their definitions, but I'm still going to point out that you mean "old boys club." Good ol' boys are poor white Southern trash, and no one aspiring to join the old boys club wants to be a good ol' boy.
Thanks Matt for the clarification- I'm a North Westerner and really couldn't tell the difference...

When I went to NC to meet my then Bf's rich white republican family (I'm Hispanic) his step father came up to me and asked if I had "seen any "Yankees" at this here party?" When I replied "no"- he said "well hold my mint julep while I go beat the slaves"... It, um, was supposed to be a joke...
@25 Please stop projecting. For one thing if you really were from the South (and, no, Renton, WA doesn't qualify as "the South") you'd understand why "separate but equal" doesn't work.

Besides, didn't you notice that the candidate being endorsed opposes marriage equality? That could include repealing California's DP law. Fortunately for you, Bubba, most people on Slog don't know you're an idiot because they have unregistered comments turned off. Too bad you can't remember your password.
Christ, gay republicans are pathetic. Suck up to them all you want, you morons, they still hate you and want you to burn in Hell for all eternity.
I'll just point out here that Fiorina's opponent in the Republican primary actually came out against Prop. 8 and urged Republicans to vote against it.

GOProud's main problem with Campbell appears to be that he is open to raising some taxes to get California out of its massive budget deficit instead of simply cutting everything.

I also find it interesting that they're not taking her business record into account. She basically was forced to resign as HP CEO because she completely fucked up the merger with Compaq.

She's a strong proponent of offshoring technology jobs to lower wage countries and away from California and elsewhere in the US, as well as H-1B visas, which drive down tech wages here in the US.

Over her tenure, HP's stock value declined by about 60%.

Failing upward, the Republican motto. GOProud's not just endorsing a hater, they're endorsing an incompetent moron!
so you admit you didn't know Cali already confers all those benefits-
well it takes a big man to admit when he was a moron.
does frequent practice make it any easier?
@ 11 - It's not that pro-gun Democrats aren't in a similar bind - hell, most people have a set of political views that don't neatly line up with one or the other party platform - but I do think that this can be distinguished. We all have to weigh our options when deciding which issues are most important to us - but it seems to me that there's something different about supporting a candidate who goes out of his way to support bald-faced discrimination against you as an isolated group. The fact is that the anti-gay-marriage Republicans make demonizing gays and lesbians a pretty central part of their platform; and that seems to me like a compelling reason to withhold your support. That's the way I see it, anyway.
GOProud is made up of people privileged enough not to feel hated for their sexuality. These people don't need their civil rights defended. They don't care about those whose rights still need defending, and they don't acknowledge the suffering of gays who made GOProud's existence possible. So... they're typical Republicans.
I guess I wasn't finishedโ€ฆ

Gay Republican's are like a drag queen (wearing knee pad's) that's getting the $hit kicked out of them by queer bashers, but instead of fighting back she/he starts helping the queer bashers kick their own ass- then handing over to the queer bashers all their money (to help their political agendas) and then (if that wasn't outrageous enough), voting for the queer basher's favorite political figurehead(s) too.

The self loathing hypocrisy (of Gay republicans) is not lost to the (Republicans) either. Real Republicans will gladly take their money (if they're stupid enough to give it to them) and their votes- but will never take them seriously and certainly will never acknowledge them as one of their own, nor include them in their clubโ€ฆ

No-one has respect for politically self-castrating douche bags.
36 we reserve our respect for douchebags that give each other STDs then squeal dammit! why won't the federal government cure our STDs?! and who kill 15000 of each other a year with AIDS but squeal 24/7 about queer bashers who kill 5 a year man that's who we respect it takes some balls to screw yourself over like that and keep going back for more asshole
@33 First go back and read my comments and you'll find I never said any such thing. California's domestic partnership law may confer many of the benefits of marriage but is not full marriage in the legal sense. Second, please explain why the domestic partnership law is so comprehensive that it makes Perry v. Schwarzanegger unnecessary.

And third, since "it takes a big man to admit when he was a moron", you have confirmed what a small man you are. No wonder your numbers are dwindling.
Awww @37

Sorry if my comment about self loathing politically castrated drag queen douche bags hit so close to home for you.

BTW if by STD's u mean AIDS, well there is no one group (straight, gay, black, yellow, Christian, Republican etc) that isn't immune to it effects. Case in point:…

Yes, and Fu@K you...

Go back and read your comments.
Which of the benefits you listed @7 can California homosexual couples not receive through DP?
Which of those benefits are they 'giving up' by supporting a GOP candidate?
Homosexual men are 2% of the population but 59% of all new AIDS cases and 68% of all men living with AIDS.
15,000 homosexuals die each year from AIDS that some other homosexual gave them.
"WE have met the enemy and he is Us!"
The 'queer bashers' you imagine and obsess over are by comparison just boogey men in your imagination.

It's called Reality.
Take a deep whiff.
Breath it in...
@40: Alleged, you ignorant twat, they support a candidate who's against marriage equality. By definition, being against marriage equality means being against gay couples obtaining those rights.
Right now they CAN get those rights. Southern Gentleman never said they couldn't. If Fiorina wins, she'd push for those rights to be taken away.
What exactly are you too thick to understand, you dumb cockmongler?

@41: If you gave a rat's ass about reality, you'd stop equating gay or bi men with men who have sex with men. Plenty of straight guys give or take it up the ass in various situations.
Also, very very few people try to spread HIV. Every single hate crime committed against gays was by definition intentionally against them.
Would you say that racism against people of sub-Saharan African extraction isn't a problem? Apparently you would, since people in sub-Saharan Africa infect each other with malaria (through mosquitoes) at much higher than the global rate. Pshh, malaria's the big problem, right? Racism is just imagined by them.
@40: Alleged, you ignorant twat, they support a candidate who's against marriage equality. By definition, being against marriage equality means being against gay couples obtaining those rights.
Right now they CAN get those rights. Southern Gentleman never said they couldn't. If Fiorina wins, she'd push for those rights to be taken away.
What exactly are you too thick to understand, you dumb cockmongler?

@41: If you gave a rat's ass about reality, you'd stop equating gay or bi men with men who have sex with men. Plenty of straight guys give or take it up the ass in various situations.
Also, very very few people try to spread HIV. Every single hate crime committed against gays was by definition intentionally against them.
Would you say that racism against people of sub-Saharan African extraction isn't a problem? Apparently you would, since people in sub-Saharan Africa infect each other with malaria (through mosquitoes) at much higher than the global rate. Pshh, malaria's the big problem, right? Racism is just imagined by them.
Being a gay Republican makes at least as much sense as being a low-income Republican (paying high payroll taxes while thinking that GOP-sponsored tax cuts for the rich somehow benefit them).

42 43 etc etc etc

"Right now they CAN get those rights."

Thank You
@45: Yes, you dumb cockmongler, they CAN RIGHT NOW.
The issue is that they're supporting someone who, given the chance, would TAKE THOSE RIGHTS AWAY.
Any further questions?
Thanks for agreeing.
If you could just help Rhett understand it...
@47: Southern Gentleman is saying the same thing I am. His main point was that gay people are supporting a candidate who wants to take rights away from them.
Trying to explain something to you never was a good idea, I guess.
"Dumb Cockmongler" - HAHAHAHAHAHA - Love it

Fits the unregistered troll so appropriately. He's simply terrified that gays and lesbians just might receive the same rights as he. Worry away, dickhead.
don't just admire from afar;
venom is available (well, desperate actually)
you should drop him a line...
@50 - Awww. I know you're upset because you can't seem to get anybody to agree with your hateful rhetoric. If only people would just see the value of your wishes to keep gays and lesbians from living a life, equal in rights to yours, maybe we'd all be blessed with you actually having something positive to post on SLOG, right??

Your dislike for issues of equality for gays and lesbians has been noted. Now, go and make something productive of your pathetic life. Your constant bitching and moaning makes you the one person at the party that everyone tries to avoid.

The nice thing about being right
is that you don't really need people to agree with you
to find inner peace- ahmmmmmmmm.........

Actually we post lots and lots of positive stuff-
Life is actually pretty sweet
once get a few basic, pretty obvious things down.
You find you don't really have to blame
Conservatives or
Republicans or
Christians or
Catholics for the crummy stuff you think is happening to you;
you learn that you control your own destiny
and inner peace is found within.

Of course,
it is a lot easier to blame someone else
for one's STDs and
inability to find fulfillment in an empty hedonistic lifestyle.

It is tempting to imagine that once you
FORCE everyone else to
ENDORSE your lifestyle and behavior choices and
ADMIT that your choices are JUST AS GOOD AS THEIRS
then you will finally be happy, but, alas,
happiness is something that you grow in your own soul
and not something you can wring out of your (many many) ENEMIES...
@52 - You speak as though you have a soul, which we all know, you don't.
Vampires are people too

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