
Wait, wait. Somebody of MY generation, somebody born in the 80's is running for Congress? Is that allowed? Jesus Christ, we are all royally fucked.

Love the gingham shirt, by the way.
..and he's a Republican, ScaryMara.

I sometimes forget that people born in the 80s could be Republicans.
Side note: if that was in my bed, I wouldn't ignore him.
He's a little too fem for me.
Wipe your chin, Dan, Darling. You're drooling.
So afraid of teh ghey he burned his belt? Methinks he doth protest too much.

Are they at a Polo match?
Just undo one more button on that shirt and it would've turned that outfit completely straight.
Burning the belt, which looks to be made of nylon or some other sort of plastic, likely released a lot of dioxin into the air. I hope he inhaled a lot of it.
i hate to break it to dan, but southern men of the "frat" class dress like this all the time. bowties, pink collared shirts, khaki shorts that barely come halfway to their knees, ect.
gehdar reads 10!
0% body fat, people.
I'm with 11. This reads as preppy to me.
looks like a call back for the cast of true blood.
I'm pretty sure that terrible ringing in my ears is the result of what little straight-person gaydar I do have going off like a fireworks display.
@11 and 14, really? I did the whole prep school and Ivy League thing on scholarship and I never encountered anything of that nature. And I'm pretty sure it would have been burned into my retinas.
I used to wear the tight white jeans, the eye-catching belt, and a colorful shirt with one extra button undone.

Of course, it was 1977 at the time.

Burned it, seriously? What a drama queen.
@17. no, not ivy league. southern frat style. here is a story to illustrate: my sophomore year of college in south carolina, saturday morning before a football game, two guys stepped out of their rooms to meet in the lounge and walk down to the game. one of them had to go back to their room and change because they had shown up in identical powder-blue seersucker shorts and yellow bowties. both of them. who didn't go shopping together.
Schock is already in Congress and is from Illinois. unfortunately most of the Republicans his age here in DC dress like him. That aside, pretty much everyone is convinced he is a total mo.
We all want to see his dick!
New parlor game ... "Gay or Southern?"
OK, on the first post my vote was for "preppy, not gay".

Now that he has reacted by BURNING the teal belt and making a weak attempt at a roll-with-the-punches joke about burning it?

Definitely a closet case.
Photoshop the belt brown and this guy still looks gay to me.
The professor rigged up a coconut phone and Mary Ann called. She wants her shirt back.
Right now, I'm wearing almost that identical belt, only in orange, with white pants. It's not gay, it's confidence.
Oh sure, you post a photo of him from 1985!
@ 23 - they do come in both.

and as a southern woman with exquisite gaydar (a necessity, believe me), i'm pinging in the RED. the shirt, the belt okay - but comboed over white jeans. add the hair. clutch the pearls ladies. and by "burned the belt" he totally means rolled it up and tucked in the back of a drawer, next to my "choose life" t-shirt.
As noted in the last thread, what about the man in the middle: granny or tranny?
@30 - why sugar, that's his momma. she's secretly happy that he's gay. you see, he's an only child and she'd just as soon not have to share him with any woman.

i really have no idea. i simply haven't slept for over 36 hours now and i'm commenting as much as possible to stay sane.
the gay face is what really sells me. You know what I'm talking about.
He's from Peoria... and he follows @fabulous_peoria in his Twitter feed. Just sayin'.
I am originally from central Illinois and can assure you that no straight man from Peoria would dress that way.
Here is another goofy outfit from Wikipedia.

Ginger or Mary Ann?
Mary Ann would have tied a knot with the front tails above the waist.
Well, until he burns his impeccably maintained hair and skin, he's still going to look gay.
Okay I was raised in S. Carolina, lived their over 20 years. That would not have been preppy, but gay. It's the teal belt. The gingham shirt would have been straight with black jeans, and buttoned to the top with a bolo tie. I never once saw a bow tie except amongst some elderly professors.

Preppy, for the CSRA area included khaki shorts, dark green or dark blue polo shirt, and expensive sun glasses. Shorts could be white, but with pastel blue shirts, especially in spring. Any shirt featuring some kind of mallard with its feathery rump in the air, was a hallmark of preppiness all throughout the 90s.

Also, straight men never, ever, ever wore tight jeans or shorts---that was a hallmark of gayness. It had to be loose-fitting. The more hetero you claimed to be, the baggier the pants.
@39, I agree, there may be a difference between New England preppy and Southern preppy, but this isn't it. That shirt would have to be pastel to be preppy (never magenta) and the pants...always khaki, sitting low, flat front (if anything was white, it would be the white bucks.) And *never* an artificial fiber would be needlepoint with elephants and martini glasses. I think this guy is *going* for preppy, but has ended up with the Project Runway version. And he's cute, too bad he's a Satanic verse spewing Republican.
When I saw that picture the other day, my first thought was, "Is that Greg Louganis?"
wide stance.

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