Blogs Jun 30, 2010 at 8:33 am


So, what you're saying is Marxists don't eat? That would be a neat trick.
Just out of curiosity, is there *anyone* who reads random pseudo-intellectual posts like this and thinks "gee, that's interesting"? Or even "gee, that's coherent"?
Human life is a conundrum filled with contradictions and driven by a need to know why we're even here and what it all means. This theory answers none of these things. It only adds to the confusion.
Now I know why Whitehead couldn't finish Principia Mathmatica. Guy's a loon!
Trade and robbery are not quite the same thing.
And so what capitalism is in its essence is also what life is in its essence

According to this theory - any society of living beings is robbery. Socialism, Communism, Anarchy -- all robbery.

In this particular context capitalism is not special. Yet you give it special status by singling it out. Why?
Today's random half-baked poorly cogitated marxist ramblings with no consequence and offering little interest. Thanks Charles.

Whitehead is making an enormous proclamation about the meaning behind ALL societies, one which is based entirely on perspective with no objective, factual support. Charles uses this to criticize capitalism exclusively. Big fail.

According to C.M., communist or anarchistic or communal or feudal societies don't eat, build shelters, pave roads, make fires, mine for elements, construct dams, or do anything. Only capitalist societies. Everyone else is capable of sitting in complete neutrality consuming and expelling absolutely zero, taking and needing less from the environment than a rock. Than a rock!

Charles, stfu. please. forever and ever.
I think my sorrow about the essence of life (and all I care about is life) was not clearly expressed. Indeed, this is the only post I have made on the Slog that is not a criticism of capitalism.

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