Blogs Jul 29, 2010 at 2:39 pm


Those are fine fine events there!

Wish they had an all ages place once in a while, though.

Are you sure about the pork at Ravenna Park on Saturday from 11am to 3pm, though? I thought they had some vegan, vegetarian and Jewish/Islamic friendly foods too. But a pulled pork sandwich would be nice. Or Adobo.
I know ya'll are all doughy eyed over Fitzgibbon, but have you met Eric Oemig? Oh. My. Heck. *swoon*
Dammit, I'm tryin' to keep it klassy and not say that candidate Joe Fitzgibbon is a total HRILF. OMGOMGOMG!
I hear that Dorsol Plants has said he'll show up at the 43rd picnic on Saturday too. From his campaign guy. Not sure about Moe Bar tonite tho.
If Mr. Fitzgibbon needs some help lifting his luggage, please let him know that I am available.

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