Christians like this are speeding up the spread of the real good news.
When I was in college, the town tried to add sexual orientation to the non-discrimination something or another, and the baptist church in town was the loudest mouthpiece against it. But when the Phelps brigade came to same small town to protest a veteran's funeral, the bigots ended up seeing what kind of assholes they were, and many minds were changed.
Wish I could have lent the neighbours our pressure the church folks an alternative kind of baptism. This is probably going to bring some hate my way, but it seems, if memory serves, that most of the aggressive anti-gay sentiment, and gay-bashings that occur in Canada are done by fairly recent immigrants, from countries (like the ring-leader in this video) that are preaching a violently homophobic brand of Christianity.
Black people oppressing others in the name of the bible- that's rich! The Bible has been used to oppress blacks for thousands of years! LOL! The hypocrisy is vomitable.
Did you know that Christian slave owners the world order use the biblical reference to the curse of Canaan (a descendent of Ham, who was allegedly black) as justification and grounds for the enslavement of blacks... Yet there they are tapping their bible in their Jamaican speak trying to intimidate an entire neighborhood with their hate. IDIOTS!
Canuck, I don't know if you were a reader of this fine fishwrap back then, but here's one of the best things Eli has written, describing how that very dynamic caught up with Micah Painter:…
God, Gus, that's one of the saddest things I've ever read. I can't begin to imagine a parent being so hateful to their own child, and then that kid having to go through what he did with those thugs. And yes, the other case that came to mind when I was commenting was something similar here, and the young men who beat up the gay man here in Calgary all had Eastern European names, perhaps with similar backgrounds to the ones in Eli's fine article. Whew, too sad.
(Of course, there is plenty of homophobia amongst the many-generation Canadians, too, it's just quiet and "veddy British."
As long as the protesters are not on the protestees private property but on a public sidewalk, yes. That is why Fred Phelps and his ilk can do their thing at funerals.
UNLIKE with Phelps and his ilk, I'd wholeheartedly support that in this case. Though I second the suggestion to have the kiss-in outside their homes, not their church. (For one thing, we don't know if the majority of their congregation is like that or if those eight guys are "special.")
When I first moved to Seattle, some friends of mine and I rented a creepy old house at the corner of Denny and Belmont (long demolished). It was located next door to a women's clinic, so we were often subject to the praying masses who were supposedly there to save babies. We used to camp it up for them, and sit in our yard and drink beer, and do other things to irritate them.
The angrier and more tense it got, the more obnoxiously cheerful we'd get. I'd blast my Patty Duke's Greatest Hits CD, and we'd put on Hawaian shirts and square dancing dresses, and fire up the hibachi. It was great fun, and we even made it onto the TV a few times.
But then the landlord kicked us out for having a cat, and we had to move to a much more boring part of the hill.
I was horrified by the multi-cultural example of Christian judgment being meted out to their gay neighbors. Caliming "authority of God" we should all stand outside of their houses and let them know not only how intimidating and offensive it is but then spray them with a hose like the feral dogs they are.
Canada is one of the most liberal countries in the world with regards to immigration and equal rights for homosexuals, but the reality is many immigrants come from countries where homosexuality is not tolerated. So we have a cultural clash, especially in Toronto which is the most culturally diverse city in the world.
@18, Canaan was the grandson of Noah. Noah was the father of Ham, Ham was the father of Canaan. Ham went and saw his father's nudity and the old man cursed him and his descendants. There was an attempt in the late 19th/early 20th century to group most of the North African peoples into a "Hamitic" ethnic group (as the descendants of Ham in the same way the middle East is Semitic, or descendants of Shem) that was pretty transparently racist. The argument essentially being that North Africans as a group tended to have a "higher" civilization, and so they must fit into the Judeochristian heritage some way.
As a Torontonian, I find this story quite reassuring -- our liberal immune system kicked in, the neighbours gathered together and the Bible-thumpers were sent packing. However, if you ask me, all the victimized had to do was call the police and they would have told the Jesus brigade to leave. That, or just call in the press -- there is no way this crap passes in 21st Century Toronto. No way at all. (And don't get all G20 police state on my ass, that's a separate kettle of fish.)
At the risk of sounding like an idiot, I gotta know: what are the interpretations of "saw his father's nudity?" (i.e., what the hell does that mean?) Sunday school was a loooooonnng time ago.
@29 when "know" is a synonym for having sex, I am sure that saw the nudity of means something on the magnitude of Fisting while taking a dump on Mrs. Noah's chest.
Catalina, even before I read your comment I was going to say how awesome it would have been if the neighbours had got out a big stereo, blasted 'Copacabana' and danced around campily in front of the Christians (ALL the neighbours I mean, not just the gay ones). But what they did do was still pretty awesome. Especially that woman at the end who said "You don't know what love means."
@29: It's actually quite simple.
Noah plants a vineyard and makes wine. He gets drunk from too much, and takes all his clothes off inside his tent. His sons Ham, Shem, and Yefeth walk backwards (so they don't see him in the disgraceful state of nude and inebriated) while pulling a blanket over Noah to cover him up. Ham, however, sneaks a peek, and Noah gets royally pissed at him and curses him and his descendents.
Got this message from Apparently he wants to know why we're pissed...well let the fucker know.
Dear all,
I was deeply disturbed to receive these 4 messages all tonight which are seemingly related to an event I am unaware of. I am simply an individual person who put this site up. I grew up attending the Gospel Hall (which I'm guessing this is all related to), but am not currently affiliated nor do I attend one, even though I still have the directory of Gospel Halls on this web site.
I would be interested to know the details of exactly what took place which has offended and angered all of you?
Would you please let me know what happened and why you all chose this website to respond to?
In Warsaw, Ohio, there is a church called New Beginnings. Some of their members chose to protest a strip club called the Foxhole that is located nearby in Newcastle.
The dancers at the strip club started their own protest outside of the church during their services, sometimes dancing in their bikinis.
This has been going on for quite some time, and will continue until the church members stop protesting at the strip club.
@ 34: Thanks. It really is as literal as it reads, and Noah was apparently both a strict father and an asshole...and the ancient Hebrews were weirder about their bodies even than modern Americans. Got it. :)
Man! I hate the bible yelling. I live in NYC and about every other week there is some crazy bitch YELLING at the top of her lungs about god and how everyone is going to hell. You can tell that a lot of the people don't like it but nobody will ever say anything to her because the people that do like it and believe in that god are super violent if you yell at an aging Nigerian woman on the train.
And its too bad, If I didn't hate getting beaten up so much I would totally rip that lady apart.
But Daaaaaan - that just addresses the "where" and not the "when". I mean, sure... people could just turn up and kiss at any given time, but - that's not so much an event as how things ought to be all the time, no?
Got any further details for us interested readers in Toronto, Dan?
That woman cited her right to "freedom of speech".... noone had the balls to point out that they could as easily go to their neighborhood and chant "go back to Africa N-gers" under the same clause. I guess the KKK wouldn't have had much meaning to them (this was in Canada) but if it was America I would ask them that if the KKK came to their hood and burned a cross on their lawn would they respect it under freedom of expression?
@4 Idiots they most certainly were. Asshole, bigots hiding behind their bullshit religion/belief system which itself can stand up to no reasoned scrutiny, indeed. But I heard no Jamaican accent in this group of religious turds.
Even though religious/bigoted Jamaicans could and would do something like this, so could religious .
I listened again and there was at least one Caribbean accent to be heard, that of the woman in the green dress and hat. The fellow wearing spectacles had an accent that did not sound as though he were from the Caribbean, but rather from Africa. I could not hear any other voices distinctly enough to make a call, but the other bystanders (who were presumably also members of the congregation) appeared to be of various ethnicities, and I doubt whether they were of Caribbean extraction.
Speaking as a Torontonian, this is frankly embarrassing. Galling, even. All the more so as we're quite accommodating to people of many differing faiths, ethnicities, orientations, languages and politics - and this sort of behaviour flies directly in the face of all of that. 'Til now, I've never even heard of such a thing occurring in this city - and to claim that "freedom of speech" grants one the right to harass and intimidate people is complete and utter nonsense here in Canada.
I would hope that the couple (or better yet, their local Neighbourhood Association) seek a restraining order, at the very least. And frankly, I wouldn't shed a single tear on behalf of these Xtians were they to find themselves facing a civil suit.
Every time I start to type, my head keeps shaking in disbelief. MY city? This happened in MY city? Just unbe-freaking-lievable.
Sue these individuals and also get restraining orders against future actions such as this. Also, people need to get together and make sure that the authorities do something about this.
this has been pissing me off all night. i hate bible yelling too. but black homophobia seems so hypocritical. ive never seen this as a civil rights issue as much as i have now from watching this video.
These church folk are going to rot in the ground like the rest of us. There is no god, heaven or hell. Perhaps they can suffer the same hatred they have for gay people. Perhaps they can just cut the shit and enjoy living this life.
Canada does not have an unlimited Freedom of Speech. While the Charter of Rights and Freedoms does protect free speech there are limitations. Some of the limitations are as follows:
Under section 319, it is illegal to publicly incite hatred against people based on their colour, race, religion, ethnic origin, and sexual orientation, except where the statements made are true or are made in good faith. The prohibition against inciting hatred based on sexual orientation was added to the section in 2004 with the passage of Bill C-250.
It could be argued that they are inciting hatered against the couple and should, I believe get a restraining order.
not that I support this law, but it might be worth pointing out, before anyone decides to protest at a church in Canada, that disrupting a church service in Canada is a criminal offense.
I'm just reading this now and so pissed off. This happened a block from my house, but I was off getting drunk in wine county and missed out on the whole thing. I'm totally dropping by the church this week with signs and screaming.
Fuck fuck fuck.
I'm a black Christian too and my closest friends all identify as queer. Fucking hypocritical fucks invading my neighbourhood and pissing all over my neighbours. I'm so angry I need to think through things I can do that aren't illegal.
@53 I'll be with you in spirit, Canadian Nurse. If you want a petition signed, or want to organize a letter writing campaign for your neighbours, let me know. I like the idea of finding out where these people live, not just protesting at their church, but bringing it to their own doorstep.
What I don't get about this conduct is the ludicrously public nature of it. Let's assume arguendo that they aren't bigots, that they're the nicest people in the world. What on earth makes them want to belt out hymns and bible verses on somebody else's quiet residential street?
Hi Dan. I'm a big fan of the podcast and usually agree with you but this time you have your facts wrong. I can hardly be called a fan of this type of Christianity but if you check the facts this group has been occasionally preaching on this street for years and there is no proof they were targeting the gay couple-or targeting gays at all. In fact, one half of the gay couple is denying he was targeted at all, and questioning the motives of the individual who posted the video. As much as what extremist Christians say often disgusts me, they do have a right to free speech. Take it away from them, and soon it will be taken away from me. A number of assumptions were made by neighbours, and the internet community at large. Let's get things straight. Here is an article with some additional information.
Your efforts, however, are totally unwelcome on Slog.
Dan is all about hate mongering and lying and demagoguery.
Dan's tried and true recipe:
Shit out a little pile of made-up homoperscecution.
Stir up the credulous fanboy base.
Crank up the Internet HomoLiberal Hate Machine.
repeat daily.....
please take your facts and truth and fairness somewhere else.......
"Geoffrey Skelding, 29, who is also gay, filmed the confrontation and uploaded it to YouTube with the title âNeighbourhood comes together and kicks out religious haters.â
"Skelding, who moved to the street in January, said he did not personally hear any of the parishionersâ words and did not know whether they had said anything homophobic."
Damn, Danny, you should jump on this guy-
he would be a perfect writer/researcher for Slog.......
âI donât know if it was targeted at the couple.â Skelding said.
Asked about the Internet response to the video, most of which has assumed the parishioners were homophobic, Skelding said: âUnfortunately the Internet is its own animal, and I canât control it."
"Who would have dreamed people would assume they were bigots just because I titled the YouTube piece âNeighbourhood comes together and kicks out religious haters.â?
â"You know what, I donât think you need to be spreading whatever message you have the way you did on my streetâ, Skelding said.
"Obviously the correct forum for spreading malicious lies and hate is the internet. YouTube. Slog. Not in neighborhoods...."
Two Gay residents of a quiet Toronto neighborhood have been intimidated and harassed.
And they don't like it.
Who are the harassers?
Homophobic Christofacists?
Dan Savage.
They speak out-
âI donât like how the whole issue is being distorted,â said Blair Chiasson, a civil servant who lives with his partner, Paul Collins. âNothing happened. Nothing happened.â
He added: âI just want this to stop. Stop discussing it. Stop talking about it. Itâs really kind of spiralling out of control.â
Thanks for the link to the follow-up in the Toronto Star. It's true that the one gay couple doesn't seem to want any publicity, but the fact remains that these people have been "preaching" on this street for years, and as the article goes on to describe:
"Jane Farrow, executive director of Janeâs Walk and a Highfield resident, said neighbours have told her the parishioners have also preached outside the home of a lesbian couple on nearby Kerr Rd. She and Skelding both said they knew of heterosexual neighbours whom aggressive door-knocking parishioners have called sinners for living with partners outside of marriage.
âIt goes beyond spreading the word of God. Itâs righteous, itâs rude, itâs bigoted â and thereâs no room for it on Highfield,â Farrow said."
And why is it always the religious nutsos that go around knocking on people's doors? Do liberals go around knocking on fundies' doors, telling them to chill the fuck out and to add oral sex to their monthly repertoire? No, because that would be an invasion of privacy and just downright rude.
This story is now hyperlinked to Andrew Sullivan, and they are saying that Dan is distorting the truth. So why are these christians on this particular street and preaching in front of this particular house? If I had anyone preaching in front of my house I would set the sprinkler to spray on them. No matter what frakkin' church they're from.
Doesn't matter why the chose where they decided to preach. Fact of the matter is several people on the street have heard their version of preaching on the street over the years, and they were told they are not welcome.
As a matter of law, they should form a block club and get a petition signed to prevent this type of activity in their neighborhood. Such groups can get area-based restraining orders, at the cost of the legal filings and posting/maintaining proper signage, in the US at least. Public walkways are provided for passage and transport, not standing and preaching. That's called loitering, and is quite illegal in many places, public and private.
When I was in college, the town tried to add sexual orientation to the non-discrimination something or another, and the baptist church in town was the loudest mouthpiece against it. But when the Phelps brigade came to same small town to protest a veteran's funeral, the bigots ended up seeing what kind of assholes they were, and many minds were changed.
Did you know that Christian slave owners the world order use the biblical reference to the curse of Canaan (a descendent of Ham, who was allegedly black) as justification and grounds for the enslavement of blacks... Yet there they are tapping their bible in their Jamaican speak trying to intimidate an entire neighborhood with their hate. IDIOTS!……
(Of course, there is plenty of homophobia amongst the many-generation Canadians, too, it's just quiet and "veddy British."
The first one orders a Jack Daniels.
The second one orders a Rum and Coke.
The third orders a dirty martini.
The bartender says "Hey, I thought you guys couldn't drink alcohol ..."
So they all leave.
Moral of the story: don't tell religious jokes about bars.
Why go to their church?
Take down their individual names and protest outside their houses.
UNLIKE with Phelps and his ilk, I'd wholeheartedly support that in this case. Though I second the suggestion to have the kiss-in outside their homes, not their church. (For one thing, we don't know if the majority of their congregation is like that or if those eight guys are "special.")
The angrier and more tense it got, the more obnoxiously cheerful we'd get. I'd blast my Patty Duke's Greatest Hits CD, and we'd put on Hawaian shirts and square dancing dresses, and fire up the hibachi. It was great fun, and we even made it onto the TV a few times.
But then the landlord kicked us out for having a cat, and we had to move to a much more boring part of the hill.
Someone please spay these people.…
Canada is one of the most liberal countries in the world with regards to immigration and equal rights for homosexuals, but the reality is many immigrants come from countries where homosexuality is not tolerated. So we have a cultural clash, especially in Toronto which is the most culturally diverse city in the world.
Noah plants a vineyard and makes wine. He gets drunk from too much, and takes all his clothes off inside his tent. His sons Ham, Shem, and Yefeth walk backwards (so they don't see him in the disgraceful state of nude and inebriated) while pulling a blanket over Noah to cover him up. Ham, however, sneaks a peek, and Noah gets royally pissed at him and curses him and his descendents.
Dear all,
I was deeply disturbed to receive these 4 messages all tonight which are seemingly related to an event I am unaware of. I am simply an individual person who put this site up. I grew up attending the Gospel Hall (which I'm guessing this is all related to), but am not currently affiliated nor do I attend one, even though I still have the directory of Gospel Halls on this web site.
I would be interested to know the details of exactly what took place which has offended and angered all of you?
Would you please let me know what happened and why you all chose this website to respond to?
Thank You!
The dancers at the strip club started their own protest outside of the church during their services, sometimes dancing in their bikinis.
This has been going on for quite some time, and will continue until the church members stop protesting at the strip club.
@ 34: Thanks. It really is as literal as it reads, and Noah was apparently both a strict father and an asshole...and the ancient Hebrews were weirder about their bodies even than modern Americans. Got it. :)
And its too bad, If I didn't hate getting beaten up so much I would totally rip that lady apart.
"So when's the kiss-in?
(address of the church follows)"
But Daaaaaan - that just addresses the "where" and not the "when". I mean, sure... people could just turn up and kiss at any given time, but - that's not so much an event as how things ought to be all the time, no?
Got any further details for us interested readers in Toronto, Dan?
My bad.
Guess I'll just have to keep my ear to the ground on that, then.
Even though religious/bigoted Jamaicans could and would do something like this, so could religious .
Speaking as a Torontonian, this is frankly embarrassing. Galling, even. All the more so as we're quite accommodating to people of many differing faiths, ethnicities, orientations, languages and politics - and this sort of behaviour flies directly in the face of all of that. 'Til now, I've never even heard of such a thing occurring in this city - and to claim that "freedom of speech" grants one the right to harass and intimidate people is complete and utter nonsense here in Canada.
I would hope that the couple (or better yet, their local Neighbourhood Association) seek a restraining order, at the very least. And frankly, I wouldn't shed a single tear on behalf of these Xtians were they to find themselves facing a civil suit.
Every time I start to type, my head keeps shaking in disbelief. MY city? This happened in MY city? Just unbe-freaking-lievable.
Under section 319, it is illegal to publicly incite hatred against people based on their colour, race, religion, ethnic origin, and sexual orientation, except where the statements made are true or are made in good faith. The prohibition against inciting hatred based on sexual orientation was added to the section in 2004 with the passage of Bill C-250.
It could be argued that they are inciting hatered against the couple and should, I believe get a restraining order.
Fuck fuck fuck.
I'm a black Christian too and my closest friends all identify as queer. Fucking hypocritical fucks invading my neighbourhood and pissing all over my neighbours. I'm so angry I need to think through things I can do that aren't illegal.
Damn them.………
What I don't get about this conduct is the ludicrously public nature of it. Let's assume arguendo that they aren't bigots, that they're the nicest people in the world. What on earth makes them want to belt out hymns and bible verses on somebody else's quiet residential street?
Be sure to kiss as many people as possible.
It's the Gay Way!
(if you're really lucky maybe you'll snag some errant anal wart viruses off the tip of someone's tongue.....)
Nice job digging up the facts.
Your efforts, however, are totally unwelcome on Slog.
Dan is all about hate mongering and lying and demagoguery.
Dan's tried and true recipe:
Shit out a little pile of made-up homoperscecution.
Stir up the credulous fanboy base.
Crank up the Internet HomoLiberal Hate Machine.
repeat daily.....
please take your facts and truth and fairness somewhere else.......
the "victims" of the "Christofacists" have a message for you...
oh yeah, and
thank you.
"Skelding, who moved to the street in January, said he did not personally hear any of the parishionersâ words and did not know whether they had said anything homophobic."
Damn, Danny, you should jump on this guy-
he would be a perfect writer/researcher for Slog.......
Asked about the Internet response to the video, most of which has assumed the parishioners were homophobic, Skelding said: âUnfortunately the Internet is its own animal, and I canât control it."
"Who would have dreamed people would assume they were bigots just because I titled the YouTube piece âNeighbourhood comes together and kicks out religious haters.â?
"Go figure..."
"Obviously the correct forum for spreading malicious lies and hate is the internet. YouTube. Slog. Not in neighborhoods...."
And they don't like it.
Who are the harassers?
Homophobic Christofacists?
Dan Savage.
They speak out-
âI donât like how the whole issue is being distorted,â said Blair Chiasson, a civil servant who lives with his partner, Paul Collins. âNothing happened. Nothing happened.â
He added: âI just want this to stop. Stop discussing it. Stop talking about it. Itâs really kind of spiralling out of control.â
âI just want this to stop, Dan."
"Stop discussing it, Dan."
"Stop lying about us, Dan."
"You asshole...."
"Jane Farrow, executive director of Janeâs Walk and a Highfield resident, said neighbours have told her the parishioners have also preached outside the home of a lesbian couple on nearby Kerr Rd. She and Skelding both said they knew of heterosexual neighbours whom aggressive door-knocking parishioners have called sinners for living with partners outside of marriage.
âIt goes beyond spreading the word of God. Itâs righteous, itâs rude, itâs bigoted â and thereâs no room for it on Highfield,â Farrow said."
And why is it always the religious nutsos that go around knocking on people's doors? Do liberals go around knocking on fundies' doors, telling them to chill the fuck out and to add oral sex to their monthly repertoire? No, because that would be an invasion of privacy and just downright rude.
As a matter of law, they should form a block club and get a petition signed to prevent this type of activity in their neighborhood. Such groups can get area-based restraining orders, at the cost of the legal filings and posting/maintaining proper signage, in the US at least. Public walkways are provided for passage and transport, not standing and preaching. That's called loitering, and is quite illegal in many places, public and private.