Speaking of joyful rallies, that big announcement Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert have been teasing about for a week or so? The one that already happened in most other time zones?

It's after the jump.


The Rally to Restore Sanity and The March to Keep Fear Alive will both be held in D.C. on October 30, presumably very nearby one another. Specific details? Who knows. Like I said, it hasn't aired here yet. But the idea alone is enough to restore your faith in humanity just a little.

From the Stewart site:

If we had to sum up the political view of our participants in a single sentence... we couldn't. That's sort of the point.

And Colbert:

They want to replace our Fear with reason. But never forget — "Reason" is just one letter away from "Treason." Coincidence? Reasonable people would say it is, but America can't afford to take that chance.