Right now I'm reading Slog at City Cafe in Baltimore. City Cafe is on Eager Street along with some—most? all? help me out, Charm City natives!—of Baltimore's gay bars. You've got your Club Hippo, your Eden's Lounge, your Grand Central. I think it's fitting that Baltimore's gay bars are on Eager Street... because I'm juvenile like that.
Anyway, last week's "Where Are You Reading Slog?" post was interesting—and a lot of you are reading Slog in more interesting places than I am—so we're going to open it up. Take a picture of your computer, with Slog open on it, and send it to readingslog@thestranger.com along with a note explaining where the picture was taken and when, and we'll post the best of 'em to Slog. Photos of laps and laptops in interesting places move to the front of the line.
And now a little something extra for the musical theater queens after the jump...
I can't imagine that Eager Street is very far from...