Blogs Sep 20, 2010 at 12:42 pm


I told you, in your bedroom.
I had dinner at the City Cafe last night. You might like the basement bar of Brewer's Art. (Voted best gay bar that isn't a gay bar by The City Paper.) It gets a good mixed crowd. Try the Resurrection beer. The Club Charles is one of John Water's favorite hangouts. (Again, not really a gay bar, but not a straight bar either.) It's got a neat art deco decor, and a mechanical monkey! If you want to be naughty, you could hit the Baltimore Eagle.
Wow, that clip was fun...
Isn't that clip amazing? Watch again and pay attention to the camera work—it's so beautiful, it's like a fourth dance partner. Amazing, amazing.
I'm reading slog in my studio at MICA (in Baltimore). I second the recommendation of Club Charles. Also, nice job at constitution day... I thought all the panelists complemented each other well. Sorry you were attacked a bit by the asexuals, but I'm sure you're used to it.
If the camera was like a fourth dance partner, Kathy Bates's joyfully bouncy bosom was a fifth.
Mmm... thanks for the Alan Cumming fix. That is one lovely and multi-talented man. His book Tommy's Tale is a pretty good read. Oddly enough, the main review for Tommy's Tale on says that Alan "...writes like the love child of Nick Hornby and Dan Savage."
There's also a clip that shows the entire musical number but includes the entrance of Rooster and Lily (from the same production) that's even that slight bit more amazing. Purest vaudeville translated to the musical comedy stage, on a par with A Funny Thing Happened . . . Thanks for posting this, Dan.
Not to be nitpicky, but the gay bar you posted a pic of is "Grand Central" not "Central Park." Also, I second the recommendation of Brewers Art and the Resurrection. Can't do Baltimore without doing that. And you were great at Constitution Day. Too bad it couldn't have lasted three hours. I felt like it was over before it began.
Dan, if you're in Baltimore then you really must run on down to the corner of Eastern Avenue and Conkling Street. Yesterday we dedicated the new bust of Frank Zappa.
That clip was delightful.
I'm sorry, but nothing can compare to carol burnett in the original. not even that all-star line up.
But alas no gay bars on Gay Street...
At school on the Eastside...on a filtered computer.

The same filter which allows Craigslist and The Onion, but does not allow Twitter or anything hosted on WordPress
She certainly has a way with skooching herself across that desk.
YES! I totally agree, I love club charles and am also in my studio at MICA and am sorry about the crazy asexual. You are my hero and I am so glad you are visiting Baltimore - you are loved here!!
at the moment, i'm in Berlin. i can't get away from slog.
Boy, Kathy Bates looks like she's having the time of her life. Thanks so much for posting this.
Marshfield, Massachusetts. All the New England summer-ers have gone back to Connecticut and New Hampshire, thank god.
NOW you ask...24 hours ago, I was eating at Melriches Coffee Shop on Davie in the West End, right near Little Sisters bright pink neon signed frequently banned book shop, watching the queens who had participated in the AIDS walk at Stanley park pass by, but you know, WHATEVER. Fine, just to spite you, I will be sending a boring picture, but you could've had GENIUS...
on my computer.

Oh and at

Royal Grounds, on Geary and 17th Ave, in SF
I mis-read your last line and clicked to watch the video, waiting for the guy (or maybe one of the women) to take his shirt off since you had dubbed it something for "Muscle Theatre Queens".

Oh wait. Nevermind.
I'm reading Slog from my living room in Astoria, Queens.
Plllllleaaaaase wait until tomorrow morning, er, this evening. The only camera I have the capabilities to upload from right now is my phone, and it doesn't have the sentivity for night photos. I have a doozy for ya!

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