Open the floodgates! But just a little bit! West Seattle Blog links to a SDOT survey calling for feedback on our public transport system. It “takes less than ten minutes” to complete. That’s because there’s no “additional comments” section for you to lodge your complaints (or glowing praise?). The results of the survey will be used to help shape the city's Transit Master Plan update next year, so if you're a regular rider or a compulsive survey-taker, here's your chance to make a difference.

According to the Seattle Times movie blog: Queen Anne’s Uptown Theater, which has been around since 1926, is closing its doors on November 28th. I only went there once, to see The Social Network a few days ago, but it was a comfy, timeworn place. Me liked it. Damn you, Netflix! No word yet about what will come of the property.

In strangely courteous robbery news, Central District News reports on a November 9 robbery involving two men who allegedly stole a student’s backpack, which housed his wallet and phone. However, upon the victim's request, the suspects reportedly returned the victim's organic chemistry and music theory books. Good thing he wasn't studying investment banking - everyone hates investment bankers. Much luck he would have had then.

Orcas! Or, more evocatively, KILLER WHALES! SWIM FOR YOUR LIVES! Or snap some pics! According to the West Seattle Blog, some of these yin-and-yang symbol-ly looking creatures have been spotted swimming in the areas of West Seattle and Vashon Island. Coolness.