Sad old Ireland sold its soul...

Ireland has finally been forced to take an economic bail-out from the European Union in a deal designed to save the euro.

After a humiliating week of denying it needed help, the Dublin government succumbed to pressure from other euro zone countries and asked for a “very big” loan.

The Germans bought that soul...

‎Germany seems to be willing to keep struggling peripheral countries afloat so long as they suffer and become more German in the process, and so far those struggling peripheral countries have proven surprisingly willing to suffer and become more German.

The Germans, the super human beings...

A note from my cousin Tendyai Chiro, who is a civil engineer in South Africa:

On the subject, I heard a German friend say that if it was not for the Germans, the lazy Italians and Greeks would be starving to death by now. He went further to say that they all should be like Gemans in culture and so on.
My cousin calls this German a friend? If he thinks that about Mediterranean Europeans, I do not want to hear what he has to say about Arabs and Africans.