Wow. So Conlin's plan to become mayor simply by persuading everyone to start treating him as if he was the mayor is working.
I'm a little worried, though, that in the bigger picture a showdown between McGinn and Gregoire is going to hurt the state, and also open the door for Republicans, who now have a pretty good case to make that the top Democrats in the state are children. This is getting ugly.
@5 As bad as she's been, I've never considered Dino Rossi to be an updgrade over anyone. Still, she's managed to become universally reviled across the state. It's probably the only thing that Puget Sound liberals and eastern Washington conservatives agree on. That's quite a feat of mediocrity right there.
Oh, honestly. As if a governor should be forced to call the executive when there are other options. Ooh, I have to call the mayor only, even though he told voters not to trust me.
She'd be a flaming idiot not to have found someone she can rely on for unbiased info when she needs it.
That she thinks that person is Conlin, well, whatever, but she's perfectly in the right to pick her own contacts around the state.
Good for you Chirs! Mayor McSlob gets into office and starts talking shit about anyone and everyone around. It's about time someone called him out on it publicly for the shameful way he conducts business. He makes me embarrassed to live in Seattle. I can't believe the mayor of our city acts like such a spoiled little brat. I shouldn't be surprised though coming from a two-faced, flip-flopping, obstructionist lawyer though.
Well, you can't automatically take criticism of Gregoire as an endorsement for McGinn. I don't Mayor McActivist has acted in a particularly dignified manner at all. It's in our best interest as Seattleites and Washingtonians for the mayor, council and governor to work together toward good, expedient outcomes, but they're all seemingly too committed to this pissing match.
It's one thing for the Mayor to say he doesn't trust the State; it's another to make it personal. And Gregoire is hardly "universally reviled". This isn't high school where you either run with one crowd or the other. Most adults make up their minds based on issues, not who's against whom.
Well McGinn lost the trust of some voters by saying he wouldnt block the tunnel, only to attempt to block it. Then went on to call the Governor a liar. Way to burn those bridges Mr McGinn. It basically tells others that your way of leadership is highly ineffective as you cannot even get along with the city council.
Gregoire is terribly dishonest about her own maturity level. Remember her tantrum when she got angry at Seattle voters shooting down the replacements? Remember her famous "watch me" tear it down speech? Remember how she flip-flopped? Remember her vetoes of transit for this project (her only veto in this matter), her vetoes of TOD, her attacks on Sound Transit and her attempt to sway the mayoral election?
And she's pouting after de-funding every progressive measure the state won in the past 5 years because she's too weak to fight for revenue? McGinn may have been an asshole but sometimes it takes an asshole to get things set right.
Anyone who fails to understand that the duty and responsibility of the Mayor of Seattle is to Seattle first, the rest of the state second: please refrain from voting in the next mayoral election and do us all a favor.
I just sent Gregoire a letter telling her she lost my vote. I have to talk to people I don't like all the time in my job. That's why it's called a JOB and not HAPPY FUN TIME.
I'm fed up with Democrats consistently assuming that their loyal liberal base will always vote for them no matter what. If Gregoire is going to dump on Seattle, try to screw us on the tunnel deal, and punt on every major liberal issue, she can start counting on all those Eastern Washington voters to keep her in office...
Anyone who assumes we "need" statewide Dems like Gregoire in office ignores that the state is becoming more socially liberal as time goes on. We won R-71, death with dignity and the state is reliably pro-choice. It's their job to give the people what they want, no need for bragging and boasting that they passed legislation with vast popular support. If legislators like Murray or the Governor think we need them, they're mistaken. With the current budget, they've knocked their gains to zero.
Now they are fighting their base. The Stranger and McGinn voters represent the sort of progressives they need to stay in power, but they're flushing it all down the drain.
How long have progressives, most of them in Seattle, been pushing Gregoire and the legislature to fix the tax system in this state, Muffin? She campaigned on reform and she never followed throu
gh. She's had almost 6 years to do it and now WA is screwed. There is no Dubya to blame in Olympia, the dems have been in charge this whole time.
McGinn is right not to trust Gregoire. She has been disingenuous at best.
Gregoire is right to be pissed at McGinn. He's acted like a stubborn bully.
In other words, they're both acting like little kids, refusing to talk to each other if they don't get their way. But they're not little kids. We elected them. They work for us. I expect them both to grow the fuck up and act like adults. They need to have at least a basic level of interoffice communication on this, or nothing will ever get resolved.
How is this NOT PERSONAL when she's refusing to talk to the Mayor's office after he "demeaned" her office? It sounds like the very (embarrassing) definition of personal to me. Grow up governor. His comment doesn't qualify as an insult.
@31: She's gotten personal with McGinn since before he was in office:
She said: "Seattle's next mayor needs to be someone who understands that rebuilding Seattle's economy and creating family-wage jobs must be the top priority of their administration. To do that, the mayor must be someone with proven experience and a willingness to work closely with Seattle's diverse citizens, businesses, unions and state and local elected officials. The candidate in this race who has those qualifications is Joe Mallahan."
Gregoire spokeswoman Kelly Evans said the governor has also endorsed Dow Constantine for King County executive. Evans said the governor often will endorse in local elections if the outcome is of particular importance, if someone seeks her endorsement or if the person running is a friend.…
Come to think of it, a Republican governor probably would be willing to sit a a table with Seattle and give a little, take a little, and make a deal. Gregoire takes the city for granted.
whether or not she wants to speak with McGinn, it would be great if she submitted an executive request bill to the 2011 session enacting the one percent MVET for transit that she agreed to with Executive Sims and Mayor Nickels in January 2009 in the deep bore hail mary. the three execs cut that deal. now two of them are gone. the three legislative branches have to follow through. the Seattle Council seems willing to raise its share: $900m. the Council Council has not yet been authorized to seek the one percent MVET. it needs help from the Governor and the Legislature.
@16 and @25: Tax reform? Progressive tax reform? In this state? You're kidding, right? The Legislature voted to tax candy and the voters overturned it! (And let's not mention the income tax initiative that went down by a 2-1 margin.) Are you delusional? You blame the state's tax structure on the Governor ? Uh, look in the mirror. Our state's tax structure is exactly what the state's voters want.
@42 The candy tax is not tax reform. It is just another revenue stream to keep the state afloat. Fix our tax system and we won't have to deal with pie in the sky bullshit like candy taxes and state income taxes.
She's "too weak to fight for revenue," Baconcat? Are you actually serious? How exactly does one man up and "fight for revenue" during a recession, when, as another poster pointed out, voters aren't willing to pay for basic services...? Perhaps the governor should introduce an income tax here. Voters would support that, right?
It’s going to be an interesting primary season. Lots of discontent in the bases.
If the republican get their act together and nominate someone is not
a scary religious social conservative nutcase,
a teabagger fanatic or
a 3 time corporate loser,
republicans would sweep the election.
But if the conservatives who comment are any indication, that’s not going to happen.
Hmmmm... No where does it say Gregoir WON'T talk to him, it says she HASN'T talked to him. Why didn't they follow up and see what specific actions are going on?
Is McGinn refusing her calls?
Is Gregoir not calling him?
The Stranger seems to be taking liberties with the facts here....
You can't demean someone when they are listening to the voters and you aren't, Chris.
Got Budget? Last time I checked 520 still ain't funded.
I'm a little worried, though, that in the bigger picture a showdown between McGinn and Gregoire is going to hurt the state, and also open the door for Republicans, who now have a pretty good case to make that the top Democrats in the state are children. This is getting ugly.
On the other hand, screw you, Gregoire.
She'd be a flaming idiot not to have found someone she can rely on for unbiased info when she needs it.
That she thinks that person is Conlin, well, whatever, but she's perfectly in the right to pick her own contacts around the state.
The last time someone said “I cant trust you” was the last time I ever spoke that person! And I bet about 90% of everyone else would do the same.
I agree with her 100%
3 more years of this moron.
And she's pouting after de-funding every progressive measure the state won in the past 5 years because she's too weak to fight for revenue? McGinn may have been an asshole but sometimes it takes an asshole to get things set right.
You know, the one that showed every statewide office, like US Senator, depends on Seattle.
You mess with Seattle voters and you'd best be thinking about moving to another state.
That's all I'm sayin'.
I'm fed up with Democrats consistently assuming that their loyal liberal base will always vote for them no matter what. If Gregoire is going to dump on Seattle, try to screw us on the tunnel deal, and punt on every major liberal issue, she can start counting on all those Eastern Washington voters to keep her in office...
Bear wins every time.
Now they are fighting their base. The Stranger and McGinn voters represent the sort of progressives they need to stay in power, but they're flushing it all down the drain.
Uh, why would the Mayor want to talk to the Gov anyway? He doensn't trust her, right? Better to talk to the Council and have an actual conversation.
gh. She's had almost 6 years to do it and now WA is screwed. There is no Dubya to blame in Olympia, the dems have been in charge this whole time.
Gregoire is right to be pissed at McGinn. He's acted like a stubborn bully.
In other words, they're both acting like little kids, refusing to talk to each other if they don't get their way. But they're not little kids. We elected them. They work for us. I expect them both to grow the fuck up and act like adults. They need to have at least a basic level of interoffice communication on this, or nothing will ever get resolved.
Get over it.
Most of the time these "councils" are like honorary positions, paying nominal fees and acting as advisers to the Mayor.
It's unthinkable that they would ever take power, or make decisions on their own or shortcut the elected power of the Major with the Governor.
Gregoire is clearly out of her mind.
Voters disagreed with her.
I keep working with them, though, because that's what you're supposed to do.
Do what you're supposed to do, Governor.
Shouldn't you just come out and admit you're a Republican, Gregoire?
If the republican get their act together and nominate someone is not
a scary religious social conservative nutcase,
a teabagger fanatic or
a 3 time corporate loser,
republicans would sweep the election.
But if the conservatives who comment are any indication, that’s not going to happen.
Is McGinn refusing her calls?
Is Gregoir not calling him?
The Stranger seems to be taking liberties with the facts here....