
Her ignorance astounds me.
What a shit job that would be. I can only stomach 4 or 5 comments in a stretch. Then I need to go have a drink.
Awesome, I just went on her facebook and you can easily do this yourself. Of course you can also refresh constantly and see comments appear and disappear. So far as I could tell when I checked, almost no negative comments were up for more than 30 seconds.
Someone needs to ask her parents why they didn't use a rubber the night she was conceived.
@1 After learning she didn't believe in evolution back in 08, none of her ceaseless examples of stupidity have surprised me. It's a pretty great litmus test for the "is this person a fucking moron who's entire worldview is built upon lovingly crafted blocks of cognitive dissonance?" question.
Dan, there's no denying that Sarah Palin's victimization complex is the size of a continent, but it's misleading to invoke the First Amendment here. The Constitution protects your right and mine to say whatever we want about Sarah Palin -- short of "fighting words" and a few other proscribed forms of speech -- but it doesn't protect our right to do it on her Facebook page. (Similarly, if Ms. Palin came onto your property and started spouting hate speech, you'd be within your rights to order her to shut up or get out.) You know how Jon Stewart asks us to distinguish our opponents from our enemies, and talk with civility about public figures even when we disagree strenuously with them? He's talking to you too, Dan.
But #6, She's not a "public figure" anymore--just a Fox employed mouthpiece-moron spouting her bullsh**t.
Can someone make a blog that contains only deleted comments from Sarah Palin's Facebook page? That would be a fun read.
Every site with comments ends up deleting some percentage. (Even Slog, OMG!) I'm not sure what the comments she's deleting are, and I know she's left some pretty bat-shit-crazy comments up, but let's not compare deleting comments on facebook to censoring speech.
No, I can't think of one nice thing to say about this dumb twit. Boo hoo, cry me a river. How up in arms would she be if her or her family had been the target?

I'm on my last nerve with Palin. I don't want to see her face or hear her voice for quite awhile. I would like to read some of the snarkier deleted comments though.
@9 - Oooooh, now that's a fantastic idea. I wonder if there's a feed...
You can go to her page and do this in real life. No need for the video.
Sarah who?

Oh, her. Stick a fork in her ass and turn her over, she's done.
Is she what's known as a supercilious twat?
Loughner's prof rejected his claim that half-credit for late homework violates t…. She called the cops.

Will somebody alert the Blogosphere Police to Savage's claim that comment moderation violates the First Amendment?
If I had hundreds of people saying nasty things about me on my facebook page, and the budget to hire someone to delete that stuff, I'd delete it, too. (and if I had the haters and not the budget, I'd kill the page completely.)

I hate Palin, but I can't hold this against her.
Dan did not say that you have a 1st Amendment right to post on Sarah's FB page. He said that you have a right to voice your criticism--period. Her argument is that ANY criticism of her ANYWHERE (especially in public) is a violation of her rights. She's "special."

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