
Goo-goo-ga-joob. What will be their first big platform point? Forced labor for gays? Mandatory gun ownership? Jesus tattoos on everybody? Dramatic readings of the Constitution before sporting events? All taxes to be paid in farm produce? Come on, Republicans, let's party like it's 1000 BC! Who's this year's Craswell?
On a side note, as someone who only ever heard Wilbur when he was on former right wing AM station KVI (now an oldies station), I was slightly shocked to see how old he was in the photo from the Times story. Are there no young Republicans left in WA?
I am sure there is some way Seattle can fuck with the top two primary system on this one. Let's hope the Rs have a tough primary. What was the name of the cowboy football farmer from Spokane that ran against Rossi last year?
@3 ha ha ha how could you forget a name like Clit Diddler?
i heartily encourage the WA State GOP to emulate the strategy and success of Ellen Craswell.

Spanking was the appropriate term to describe Luke Esser's loss, because he was actually crying like a baby when the vote count was read and had to be consoled by Don Brady, State Executive Director. Attorney General Rob McKenna was so angry that he stormed out of the hotel.
@5, or the strategery of Rossi.

It is lose-lose.

Do the R's roll out Didier part deux, yes. Do they get the same primary result? Pretty much. The "energized" base may have taken over the machine but their actual voters did not live down to the party's 12 to 14%.
This is party they have constructed, where the "Rossi" R's avoid contradicting the statements of that base during the primary, and then run to the R's that call themselves Independents.

They are firming up their position as the 45% party.
McKenna is Rossi.

For the pure entertainment value I am interested in knowing who the Craswell/Didier party boat anchor will be.

Your last sentence was precisely the same thought that popped into my head after reading this.
Looks like Kirby "[shot] him in the head." Nice job. And by him, I mean mainstream Republicans, obviously.
A dork is a dork is a narrow minded dork. Apologies to GS.
Publicola's story yesterday about Jim Brunner's scoop attracted this comment from Trevor (Griffey), who suggests we may be in for some journalistic fun:
Also, I'll almost feel sorry for Ken Wilbur once Jim Brunner does a profile of him. Brunner actually investigates the validity of politicians' claims instead of just letting them say whatever they want. His profile of Didier last year, including analysis of the way that the Didier family has benefited from federal farm subsidies and subsidized water from the BPA, was truly devastating.…
Kirby was the same way in YAF, in my bad old days. It amazes me when someone thinks the same as +30 years ago. Must have lived in a closed box, eaten unflavored jello and drank distilled water.
as a participant in king county republican politics, i can only attest that kw is a workhorse who can not only carry a party, but a whole state. congratulations.
oh, and we should have done to the bears what gb is doing now!
@11, it doesn't get better in Snohomish County (Koster refused to debate because Jerry Cornfield reported facts about Koster, those pesky facts).
I would love to see the republicans field another 2012 version of Ellen Craswell. Scary to contemplate, but easy to beat.

The key to any victory is swing and independent voters. McKenna can be very competitive for those voters. The Ellen Craswells of the republican party do nothing but scare the independent voters over to the democrats.

So... go Kriby!
Referring to people you dont agree with by using crude sexual terms isn't very civil, is it? Within 30 minutes of the shooting you guys were politicizing it, and then at the Obama pep rally, er, I mean Memorial after the shooting, they handed out shirts that had a message approved by the president that towed the party line, which is so civil, it's what the brownshirts and blackshirts did. You guys have been so civil since the shooting - I'm shocked that you're still saying teabagger - which is about as funny and original at this point as a Sarah Palin joke.
Basehead, you're spot-on in calling BS on the insulting tone. However... remember one thing, that the Teabaggers originally called themselves... teabaggers.

Proof: The Famous Old Lady Teabagger and her sign:…
Bailo @13: Your avatar is perfect. 24-3 at halftime.
@1 Hilarious.

The GOP has ceded moderation to the Dems, so the only way McKenna gets elected is by switching parties.
Nice to see the R's whack themselves in the head, but remember that ballot lines don't belong to political parties in WA any more, and that organized parties and official campaigns are on the road to becoming the most restricted entities when it comes to raising, reporting, and spending campaign $$$.
Esser and Wilbur are essentially indistinguishable on the issues, and the criticism of Esser is 100% correct (that WA Republicans significantly underperformed compared to just about every other state.) Kirby is a better organizer and a hell of a nice guy. The celebration here will be short-lived.
@ 18 & 19, civil doesn't mean never telling another joke. Civil means toning down the violent rhetoric. When I tell a joke at Ellen Craswell's expense, nobody ends up dead.
@18: its TOED the line. imagine a line, and you make sure your TOE doesn't cross it, like in football. hence the phrase. you cannot TOW a line.

yes, grammar trolling is dickish.
@25 There's a Transformer named Tow-Line.

Maybe Basehead is just caught up in 80s era bad cartoons. Or maybe he's just a huge Meghan Fox fan.

Did Basehead get to the part of the Internet that disproved the "approved by Obama" meme?…

Did the Nazis hand out free t-shirts? No wonder they were so popular. I also heard they were fans of eating dinner every night at home with their mothers around the dinner table. Fucking Nazis ruin everything.

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