
If anyone's interested in getting some of their tax dollars returned to them in the form of company shareholder profits, to be rerouted to more generally beneficial use, I can recommend some undervalued publicly traded companies in defense and biological warfare products that get 100% of their income from government contracts with projected 10+% annualized returns.
holy shit. holy Shit. man i got respect for most military people. its the fucking military industrialists that fucking kill these kids.
Although both the suicides and the combat deaths of our military men and women are terrible and tragic, one bit of silver lining I see in this is that at least it appears that the troops in combat areas are probably getting better and better protection, training, and intelligence. That's a good thing.
@2, you're half-right. But military industrialists are much less able to decrease military and civilian deaths than Obama. With just a few courageous decisions, he could ensure dramatic decreases in these rates of death. But he won't do that. And I guess that's okay with a lot of people, since pointless slaughter overseas should only be condemned when it's being guided by Republicans.
I'm amazed this is being blasted in ten foot headlines from every news source. It's a breathtakingly tragic statistic. What the fuck is wrong with us that we tolerate this insanity?

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