Amazing! Wonderful! Awesome! And in other news...
Actual Republican elected officials move to ban gay marriage in Washington D.C.
Actual Republican elected officials move to ban gay marriage in Iowa.
Actual Republican elected officials move to ban gay marriage in New Mexico.
Actual Republican elected officials move to ban gay marriage in Wyoming.
Actual Republican elected officials move to ban gay marriage in New Hampshire.
Actual Republican elected officials in Florida plot to enforce ban on adoptions by gay couples despite the law having been declared unconstitutional by the courts.
Actual Republican elected officials will block gay marriage in New York State despite polls showing solid majority of New Yorkers favor marriage equality.
Actual Republican elected officials seek to block repeal of DADT.
Actual Republican elected officials pulling out of CPAC to presence of gays.
Those useful, pole-smoking idiots at GOProud will point to Barbara Bush's position on marriage equality as proof that today's GOP is whole lot less anti-gay than yesterday's GOP. Don't fall for it. What Cindy McCain, Megan McCain, and the Bush twins think of gay marriage—what all the relatives of GOP elected officials think of gay marriage—is pretty close to irrelevant. If you want to know where the GOP is at on gay rights, pay attention to what actual Republican elected officials are doing.
Can we stop falling for this shit, please?