and, i'm first it sounded like she wanted him to knock her out, so she wouldn't feel guilty about cheating, to which i say, "what's the point?" but later it sounded like HE wanted her unconscious so that HE wouldn't feel guilty...which makes even less sense than HER wanting to be knocked out.
I'm still stuck on WHAT THE FUCK here, myself. She wanted it that way? This must be in Ezekiel or one of those bible books I never got around to reading.
Wow, I mean going back to that original article (which, btw, looks like one of those UK tabloids that utterly butcher the facts in a given story, so I'd be slightly wary) I can't even follow the plot of who killed who, when, who knew what, and who married who... o.O
Her 'christian gulit ' mustn't have kicked in when she was crushing up tablets to render her husband unconscious in order for her locker to gas him!!!!!!
@13: loopholes are funny like that. apparently, it's not that it's wrong to cheat (or steal or murder or lie), as long as you can justify it. rationalization instead of rationality FTW!
There was a Law and Order episode about a group of doctors(?) who did this (for kinky rather than Christian reasons) with similar results. I don't know how allowing yourself to be drugged is supposed to excuse you from responsibility, but that's the religious mind for you.
The strange thing is that she only seems to have wanted to BELIEVE that she cheated, since she didn't want to actually experience it, and if she was drugged, she couldn't even be sure that she did. So how does BELIEVING that she cheated removes her guilt? Maybe if she didn't enjoy it, it was ok for her... but why do it then?
Then again, I think they're making this up. The Christian guilt part, I mean.
HA HA HA: "Santorum Suggests He Might Participate In Fox's Presidential Debate As A Fox Employee"
Makes perfect sense, since Fox is a s***-smeared corporation to begin with!
I swear to god, if I am ever stuck in a contract that I DESPERATLY need to find a way out of, I am going to call the most Chritian-y person I know so they can find me a loophole. Those folks are fucking loophole masters.
This is why I overdose on Roofies and then take a little nap on on a bus terminal bench. I have no way of knowing, but I think I am nearing Wilt Chambelain territory in number of sexual encounters.
and, i'm first it sounded like she wanted him to knock her out, so she wouldn't feel guilty about cheating, to which i say, "what's the point?" but later it sounded like HE wanted her unconscious so that HE wouldn't feel guilty...which makes even less sense than HER wanting to be knocked out.
so, i'm back to: WHAT THE FUCK.
Then again, I think they're making this up. The Christian guilt part, I mean.
Yeah, those two are much better parents and role models than gays and atheists.
Makes perfect sense, since Fox is a s***-smeared corporation to begin with!
That is all.