I think this is better Fat Loss tips... When it comes to losing weight, snacking is where most of us end up getting it all wrong. We either completely ignore health when it comes to our favorite between meal snacks or we simply eat too much of an otherwise healthy snack. Either way the result is that we eat more calories, fat and sodium than is necessary to lose weight and end up with the exact opposite outcome. What we need are healthy snacks for weight loss because eliminating snacks altogether is unrealistic. The key is finding healthy snacks that are both easy and tasty so we can enjoy weight loss without starvation. Keep reading to learn more! Thanks
How do you feel about midgets? I almost bust out laughing when I see one. I bet there are midgets who hate fat people. Everyone is hated by somebody. Fat people aren't special.
You are my new shero <3
Thank you for existing and speaking about your existence.
It helps me to easier communicate my right to peacefully exist.
To my mother.
You are my new shero <3
Thank you for existing and speaking about your existence.
It helps me to easier communicate my right to peacefully exist.
To my mother.
I know this post is over a year old but someone just linked it to me, and as I said when I posted a link to it on Facebook, I kinda wanna tattoo this post in its entirety on my ("fat") body so I can never, ever forget it. This is wonderful in 892745389728914798 ways. I don't even have enough numbers on the keyboard to let you know how wonderful it is.
thank you for posting this. you are beautiful. i'm a mental health therapist and i've bookmarked this in case i ever need it for showing a client they are beautiful no matter what size they are! i'm 42 and i've been fat, i've been skinny, and i've been inbetween. i've felt sexiest inbetween but only because i've had time to work on my insides. '
Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
If it wasn't in your control you wouldn't have started losing weight once you "fell in love" with your body. It's obviously something you're doing, all in your head.
Hey keep defending bad habits and nutrition-related ignorance, that's fantastic. Fat people are fat (barring the highly rare glandular disorder) because they lack the willpower to learn about proper nutrition, practice impulse control, or refuse to curb bad behaviors.
My parents (in their 60's) were overweight and on hypertension and blood pressure medication. My mother was a borderline diabetic. They switched to a vegan diet and have trimmed down to a healthy weight in NINE MONTHS and their respective doctors informed them they could stop taking all of their associated medications as their blood tests indicated they were in the safe zone.
Lindy you rock!
Love all the guys in the comments who feel the need to tell her how attractive she is (or would be if she lost weight). Do you not understand that it doesn't matter at all what you think of her body at all? At fucking all. Do you understand that getting your dick hard is not at the top of most women's priorities? When you write things like "you would be attractive if you lost 100 pounds" you are part of the fucking problem, further reinforcing the idea that a women's worth depends on if a man thinks she's pretty. That shit is tired.
I am a grad student in public health and I am finding a strong argument that it's yoyo dieting that causes diseases and poor health. Fluctuating weight is more harmful than staying at a high stable weight. And since the vast majority of dieters end up regaining all the weight plus more 5 years after weight loss....your encouragement for her to try harder to change her weight is pretty misguided.
Why are you not directing the anger you have toward fat women to the weight loss industry? 40 million dollars a year for profiting off of people's insecurities. Plus the owner of many diet companies also profit when the diet fails and you binge on the foods you said were off limits. They own those companies too.
Lindy you rock!
Love all the guys in the comments who feel the need to tell her how attractive she is (or would be if she lost weight). Do you not understand that it doesn't matter at all what you think of her body at all? At fucking all. Do you understand that getting your dick hard is not at the top of most women's priorities? When you write things like "you would be attractive if you lost 100 pounds" you are part of the fucking problem, further reinforcing the idea that a women's worth depends on if a man thinks she's pretty. That shit is tired.
I am a grad student in public health and I am finding a strong argument that it's yoyo dieting that causes diseases and poor health. Fluctuating weight is more harmful than staying at a high stable weight. And since the vast majority of dieters end up regaining all the weight plus more 5 years after weight loss....your encouragement for her to try harder to change her weight is pretty misguided.
Why are you not directing the anger you have toward fat women to the weight loss industry? 40 million dollars a year for profiting off of people's insecurities. Plus the owner of many diet companies also profit when the diet fails and you binge on the foods you said were off limits. They own those companies too.
Thanks for the gigantic, wobbling, stretch marked, joyous, belly laugh! That is one of the best posts I've read in...well...FOREVER. I use to look to 'thinspiration', now I am happy to just be me, and I am the happiest I have ever been about this bod of mine.
This is a wonderful article! I am proud of you for re-defining beauty and showing everyone in this world what true beauty is! It doesnt matter what you weight or what you look like, beauty comes from within and I am so happy you have found it! Keep being beautiful!
people care about their weight too much. Just because you are fat doesn't mean you are ugly. I'm chubby and love my body and eat whatever i want. why would i want to be skinny?
Well said ! or well written, I think is best. I live in France, Paris, where everyone is supposed to look like supermodels and have legs the size of my forearm. If you don't look like this, you're not "normal". Well reading your article just made my day.
I never understood why people who are obese (for lack of a better word) couldn't simply eat less food. Like why keep being fat when you could lose weight? Then I developed an eating disorder. For a year I restricted my food intake severely. Now I'm yoyoing in the opposite direction; I've begun binging on all the foods I restricted myself from eating. It's a huge struggle every day. Please respect people who are overweight, they may not be able to help it, and beneath our outside differences we're all human beings. We should treat each other as such.
Since I topped out at 6'0" I've been; 16 thin 175 lbs, 17 fat 210 lbs, 18 fit 187 lbs, 19 fat again 220 lbs, 22 a proper athlete 160 lbs (boxing), 23 a workout anorexic 145 lbs (also boxing), 23-27 proper athlete again 170-220 lbs (rugby), 29-30 just under morbidly obese 275 lbs (University Student) and am currently getting back to fit 31 235 lbs. . The thing that changed before each of these stages was always my lifestyle. It not enough to WANT a change you have to MAKE changeS (plural). You don't have to kill yourself at a gym or starve if you just want to be healthier. Any top athlete who knows their stuff will tell you it's 80% nutrition. My successful attempts to lose weight all start and grow the same way.
1. Get a good sleep pattern. (consistent wake and rest times even on the weekends) To the point that you wake up naturally before your alarm. This also translates to less "screen" time. Then go on to step 2.
2. Prepare your breakfast. My favourite is oatmeal. But I have egg wraps most weekends. When you've found consistency at the start of your day move on the rest of it.
3. Prepare all of your food. Make time. Nothing is more important than healthy intake. No more take out, eat out less than once a week, no pre-made foods in the fridge. This is the portion that if you're too lazy you will fail. Food is something you can immediately identify as a specific piece of a specific animal or vegetation. This third step usually takes the longest. If you want some help with it there is a great book out called "The Body Reset Diet" written by a Harley Pasternak. http://www.harleypasternak.com/index.php… It was the easiest weight loss I've done. But it only took me so far.
4. Get active. This doesn't mean take up running. Running for fun is for the mentally ill. Simple stretches are a good place to start. Learn how to work with your body. Some people go for yoga. I advise against starting with bullshit flow yoga, or any of that temperature extreme stuff it's not for beginners and is sub-optimal for increasing flexibility. If you're not stretching/holding a pose for 30 seconds or more you're doing it wrong. 2-3 minutes before your stretch is lengthening your connective tissue.
5. Now that you're eating well and should have reduced your pain level while increasing your range of motion, it's time to move. Find something you enjoy that involves moving around. And make it part of your week at first and then part of your day.
6. Fine tuning. This is the portion where you could start setting goals for your body. Everything up to this was just getting acquainted with your body and what it can do for you. You've built the roots of health to branch out to what you would like to do.
"Discontent is the first necessity of progress." - Thomas Edison
Acceptance is the same as giving up. People with greater disadvantages than you have done more with less.
On the subject of shaming. Someone won't change until they want to and start doing something about it. No one's ever made me make a change. It's internal. That cuts both ways. If you want to stay fat, then stay fat. Just have the good decency to not enable or encourage other people to be fat too. For no other reason than to feel better about doing nothing for yourself.
Last sound bite.
If you've tried everything and achieved nothing. You haven't tried anything.
Since I topped out at 6'0" I've been; 16 thin 175 lbs, 17 fat 210 lbs, 18 fit 187 lbs, 19 fat again 220 lbs, 22 a proper athlete 160 lbs (boxing), 23 a workout anorexic 145 lbs (also boxing), 23-27 proper athlete again 170-220 lbs (rugby), 29-30 just under morbidly obese 275 lbs (University Student) and am currently getting back to fit 31 235 lbs. . The thing that changed before each of these stages was always my lifestyle. It not enough to WANT a change you have to MAKE changeS (plural). You don't have to kill yourself at a gym or starve if you just want to be healthier. Any top athlete who knows their stuff will tell you it's 80% nutrition. My successful attempts to lose weight all start and grow the same way.
1. Get a good sleep pattern. (consistent wake and rest times even on the weekends) To the point that you wake up naturally before your alarm. This also translates to less "screen" time. Then go on to step 2.
2. Prepare your breakfast. My favourite is oatmeal. But I have egg wraps most weekends. When you've found consistency at the start of your day move on the rest of it.
3. Prepare all of your food. Make time. Nothing is more important than healthy intake. No more take out, eat out less than once a week, no pre-made foods in the fridge. This is the portion that if you're too lazy you will fail. Food is something you can immediately identify as a specific piece of a specific animal or vegetation. This third step usually takes the longest. If you want some help with it there is a great book out called "The Body Reset Diet" written by a Harley Pasternak. http://www.harleypasternak.com/index.php… It was the easiest weight loss I've done. But it only took me so far.
4. Get active. This doesn't mean take up running. Running for fun is for the mentally ill. Simple stretches are a good place to start. Learn how to work with your body. Some people go for yoga. I advise against starting with bullshit flow yoga, or any of that temperature extreme stuff it's not for beginners and is sub-optimal for increasing flexibility. If you're not stretching/holding a pose for 30 seconds or more you're doing it wrong. 2-3 minutes before your stretch is lengthening your connective tissue.
5. Now that you're eating well and should have reduced your pain level while increasing your range of motion, it's time to move. Find something you enjoy that involves moving around. And make it part of your week at first and then part of your day.
6. Fine tuning. This is the portion where you could start setting goals for your body. Everything up to this was just getting acquainted with your body and what it can do for you. You've built the roots of health to branch out to what you would like to do.
"Discontent is the first necessity of progress." - Thomas Edison
Acceptance is the same as giving up. People with greater disadvantages than you have done more with less.
On the subject of shaming. Someone won't change until they want to and start doing something about it. No one's ever made me make a change. It's internal. That cuts both ways. If you want to stay fat, then stay fat. Just have the good decency to not enable or encourage other people to be fat too. For no other reason than to feel better about doing nothing for yourself.
Last sound bite.
If you've tried everything and achieved nothing. You haven't tried anything.
Thank you for existing and speaking about your existence.
It helps me to easier communicate my right to peacefully exist.
To my mother.
Thank you for existing and speaking about your existence.
It helps me to easier communicate my right to peacefully exist.
To my mother.
I miss being fat.
You go girl.
girl, you rock.
Not that I've noticed.
My parents (in their 60's) were overweight and on hypertension and blood pressure medication. My mother was a borderline diabetic. They switched to a vegan diet and have trimmed down to a healthy weight in NINE MONTHS and their respective doctors informed them they could stop taking all of their associated medications as their blood tests indicated they were in the safe zone.
Love all the guys in the comments who feel the need to tell her how attractive she is (or would be if she lost weight). Do you not understand that it doesn't matter at all what you think of her body at all? At fucking all. Do you understand that getting your dick hard is not at the top of most women's priorities? When you write things like "you would be attractive if you lost 100 pounds" you are part of the fucking problem, further reinforcing the idea that a women's worth depends on if a man thinks she's pretty. That shit is tired.
I am a grad student in public health and I am finding a strong argument that it's yoyo dieting that causes diseases and poor health. Fluctuating weight is more harmful than staying at a high stable weight. And since the vast majority of dieters end up regaining all the weight plus more 5 years after weight loss....your encouragement for her to try harder to change her weight is pretty misguided.
Why are you not directing the anger you have toward fat women to the weight loss industry? 40 million dollars a year for profiting off of people's insecurities. Plus the owner of many diet companies also profit when the diet fails and you binge on the foods you said were off limits. They own those companies too.
Love all the guys in the comments who feel the need to tell her how attractive she is (or would be if she lost weight). Do you not understand that it doesn't matter at all what you think of her body at all? At fucking all. Do you understand that getting your dick hard is not at the top of most women's priorities? When you write things like "you would be attractive if you lost 100 pounds" you are part of the fucking problem, further reinforcing the idea that a women's worth depends on if a man thinks she's pretty. That shit is tired.
I am a grad student in public health and I am finding a strong argument that it's yoyo dieting that causes diseases and poor health. Fluctuating weight is more harmful than staying at a high stable weight. And since the vast majority of dieters end up regaining all the weight plus more 5 years after weight loss....your encouragement for her to try harder to change her weight is pretty misguided.
Why are you not directing the anger you have toward fat women to the weight loss industry? 40 million dollars a year for profiting off of people's insecurities. Plus the owner of many diet companies also profit when the diet fails and you binge on the foods you said were off limits. They own those companies too.
1. Get a good sleep pattern. (consistent wake and rest times even on the weekends) To the point that you wake up naturally before your alarm. This also translates to less "screen" time. Then go on to step 2.
2. Prepare your breakfast. My favourite is oatmeal. But I have egg wraps most weekends. When you've found consistency at the start of your day move on the rest of it.
3. Prepare all of your food. Make time. Nothing is more important than healthy intake. No more take out, eat out less than once a week, no pre-made foods in the fridge. This is the portion that if you're too lazy you will fail. Food is something you can immediately identify as a specific piece of a specific animal or vegetation. This third step usually takes the longest. If you want some help with it there is a great book out called "The Body Reset Diet" written by a Harley Pasternak. http://www.harleypasternak.com/index.php… It was the easiest weight loss I've done. But it only took me so far.
4. Get active. This doesn't mean take up running. Running for fun is for the mentally ill. Simple stretches are a good place to start. Learn how to work with your body. Some people go for yoga. I advise against starting with bullshit flow yoga, or any of that temperature extreme stuff it's not for beginners and is sub-optimal for increasing flexibility. If you're not stretching/holding a pose for 30 seconds or more you're doing it wrong. 2-3 minutes before your stretch is lengthening your connective tissue.
5. Now that you're eating well and should have reduced your pain level while increasing your range of motion, it's time to move. Find something you enjoy that involves moving around. And make it part of your week at first and then part of your day.
6. Fine tuning. This is the portion where you could start setting goals for your body. Everything up to this was just getting acquainted with your body and what it can do for you. You've built the roots of health to branch out to what you would like to do.
"Discontent is the first necessity of progress." - Thomas Edison
Acceptance is the same as giving up. People with greater disadvantages than you have done more with less.
On the subject of shaming. Someone won't change until they want to and start doing something about it. No one's ever made me make a change. It's internal. That cuts both ways. If you want to stay fat, then stay fat. Just have the good decency to not enable or encourage other people to be fat too. For no other reason than to feel better about doing nothing for yourself.
Last sound bite.
If you've tried everything and achieved nothing. You haven't tried anything.
1. Get a good sleep pattern. (consistent wake and rest times even on the weekends) To the point that you wake up naturally before your alarm. This also translates to less "screen" time. Then go on to step 2.
2. Prepare your breakfast. My favourite is oatmeal. But I have egg wraps most weekends. When you've found consistency at the start of your day move on the rest of it.
3. Prepare all of your food. Make time. Nothing is more important than healthy intake. No more take out, eat out less than once a week, no pre-made foods in the fridge. This is the portion that if you're too lazy you will fail. Food is something you can immediately identify as a specific piece of a specific animal or vegetation. This third step usually takes the longest. If you want some help with it there is a great book out called "The Body Reset Diet" written by a Harley Pasternak. http://www.harleypasternak.com/index.php… It was the easiest weight loss I've done. But it only took me so far.
4. Get active. This doesn't mean take up running. Running for fun is for the mentally ill. Simple stretches are a good place to start. Learn how to work with your body. Some people go for yoga. I advise against starting with bullshit flow yoga, or any of that temperature extreme stuff it's not for beginners and is sub-optimal for increasing flexibility. If you're not stretching/holding a pose for 30 seconds or more you're doing it wrong. 2-3 minutes before your stretch is lengthening your connective tissue.
5. Now that you're eating well and should have reduced your pain level while increasing your range of motion, it's time to move. Find something you enjoy that involves moving around. And make it part of your week at first and then part of your day.
6. Fine tuning. This is the portion where you could start setting goals for your body. Everything up to this was just getting acquainted with your body and what it can do for you. You've built the roots of health to branch out to what you would like to do.
"Discontent is the first necessity of progress." - Thomas Edison
Acceptance is the same as giving up. People with greater disadvantages than you have done more with less.
On the subject of shaming. Someone won't change until they want to and start doing something about it. No one's ever made me make a change. It's internal. That cuts both ways. If you want to stay fat, then stay fat. Just have the good decency to not enable or encourage other people to be fat too. For no other reason than to feel better about doing nothing for yourself.
Last sound bite.
If you've tried everything and achieved nothing. You haven't tried anything.