
The kid is so stoic throughout it all. "Ain't no thang".
How he kept it from jetting out his nose I'll never know. Very impressive side-eye as well.
He should have saved it for the finale.
Wait a minute-- I saw this in Stand By Me.

I want to see the rest of this, where everyone is so grossed out they start puking as well.
That kid just started stone, cold puking on his mates. Well played, sir.
I didn't like that when I saw it on G4 the first time, either.

But Vince is right.
What's awesome is how proud the kid is of how far he was able to throw his puke.

Like every guy, he can't resist stopping to admire his handiwork after voiding any liquid, solid or gas...
...hmmm... why was he being filmed to begin with though?
@8, you obviously don't have kids, and that's obviously a school concert.
Kid don't give no fuck.
kids are so fucking dorky. but he doesnt really give a fuck

man,i never saw the girl in second grade again after she peed in her chair in class. i would love to meet her again, no doubt she has a pee fetish now.
Due to some sort of glitch, the tourette's minister video appeared in this post, and i watched the whole thing waiting for puke to spew out of his face during one of his spazz attacks.
And not a single fuck was given that day

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