Blogs Mar 1, 2011 at 3:06 pm


He's a Republican. Of COURSE he's a vile piece of jerk.
I hear Huckabee was born in Panama too, just like McCain and the others.
Schmuckabee, born in Dumbjerkistan and raised on Stupidicus.
How the hell can he be informed enough to know about Mau Mau and so ill-informed about where Obama grew up?
Damn, he sure dove in with that. i looked to find what article you quoted from, and it has a link to the whole nasty wingnut-radio audio clip:…
Also: Maurice Clemmons.

I know Huckabee has forgiven himself for that one, but I haven't.
What a fucking scumbag piece of shit you are, Mike Huckabee.
Yeah! Its not like we ever fought a war with the British because they were imperialist SOBs, or another war 40 years latter because they'd press our sailors and make them fight. Those darn Mau Maus! They should have stayed in the empire like we did.
More importantly.

A) The British were a bunch of imperialists and

B) They probably did persecute his grandfather.

So hey gj huckabee, you did get some parts of it right.
i wonder how huck(ster) disciplined his fat ass kid who got caught strangling and torturing a dog while having snuck out from his duties as a counselor at summer camp? i wonder where the investigation went into the animal cruelty charges against the son, but also the corruption the elder Huckabee was accused of for interfering in the investigation.

I may not agree with 5280 on guns, but I do *so* like his "Fuckabee."
According to the bitmap of the Hawaiian birth certificate I saw, BHO is actually listed as Barack Hussein Obama II...since his father has the same name.

That makes him a Junior.
Even the British will acknowledge they were imperialists and persecuted a whole bunch of people. I don't think she's the sharpest tool in the shed.
Where's the text from? I like the "according to his official biography" qualifier, which seems to add to the idea that there's room for doubt about where he grew up. It's not like this was in the 1600s - he's 49. Aren't there lots of living people who grew up with him and know for damn sure where he was?

In any case, Huckabee is definitely a jerk, according to his official biography.
He's a Christian. They lie with impunity because they're alway's right. You'll never hear them admit they were just plain ignorant, either.
"Huckabee" is almost onomatopoeic for throwing up while giving a BJ, don't you think?
Huckabee is begging to be slangified.

The sound someone makes when gagging while giving a blowjob?
It has never been the goal of the right-wing to educate. They value unified, established attitudes and concepts. Allowing people to make up their own mind, once given all the facts, is anathema to their conceptual foundations.
Mr. Huckabee wants to be in the minds of the people. It seems he'll say whatever he feels is necessary to appeal to the audience he seeks. And, his actions give support to my theory that most people who wish to be perceived as devout, are only devout when they are sitting in their place of worship. The rest of the week they are humans with an impressive ability to retain beliefs dear to them, despite contravening facts, and justify their actions as benign. No wonder the devout can be confused for the secular, and the secular for the devout, there is little 'real life' difference between the two. "Light of the world" fail, Mr. Huckabee. But, that is just my $0.02.
I prefer despicable me's choice of shmuckabee.
Dan... what @17 and @18 said.
Maybe, Huckabee: To gag during oral sex.
As in, "baby, I'm sorry i put it in so deep, I didn't mean to make you huckabee"

C'mon Dan, make it happen, your minions are ready
"their view of the Mau Mau Revolution in Kenya is very different than ours because he probably grew up hearing that the British were a bunch of imperialists who persecuted his grandfather"

OK, I'll admit that the history of the American Revolution that I learned in school here in Canada was probably somewhat different than that taught in the States, but still - didn't the Americans fight a revolution against the British, partly due to British imperialism, and persecution of your (great) grandfathers? I mean, WTF?
I know that Jamaica has a homophobia problem, but is it necessary to insult an element of their distinctive cuisine by comparing it to this nogoodnik?
Mike Huckabee is Satan's ass-baby.
@12: Yes, he's named after his father, which would make him Junior if he chose to go employ that. Everyone has known this for years. Why do you bring it up?
"electric shock was widely used, as well as cigarettes and fire. The screening teams whipped, shot, burned and mutilated Mau Mau suspects, ostensibly to gather intelligence for military operations and as court evidence."
-Caroline Elkins

"I stuck my revolver right in his grinning mouth and I said something, I don’t remember what, and I pulled the trigger. His brains went all over the side of the police station. The other two Mickeys [Mau Mau] were standing there looking blank. I said to them that if they didn’t tell me where to find the rest of the gang I’d kill them too. They didn’t say a word so I shot them both. One wasn’t dead so I shot him in the ear. When the sub-inspector drove up, I told him that the Mickeys tried to escape. He didn’t believe me but all he said was 'bury them and see the wall is cleared up."
-British officer.
Come on, Dan! You asked people a few years back to come up with a meaning for Huckabee (verb or noun) - maybe it's time to put some of the suggestions out there.
People will believe him. Many people. Even if there IS a retraction out there.

@17: I like the way you spell.

"huckabee" for a type of gagging? Sounds about right.
24, but then it makes even less sense. No British or Mau Mau in Indonesia....

Anyway, why is he talking about this? If I understand correctly, he is seriously considered as a possibility for the Republican slate next year. Surely this between-elections time should be used for discussion of policy? What's with the personal attacks now, at the calmest possible time in the cycle? I used to think I sorta understood American politics, but the last few years, it's stopped making much sense to me at all.
@11, firstly, i think you're awesome, and look forward to seeing your comments. Secondly, I have a cat that I named Huckleberry Finn (just go with me for a sec), Huck for short. In the course of talking to the cat (the way that one does) he became "Huckabee" to myself and my friends. Then one night, after much booze, he became "the Fuckabee." Yes, I am coming off as a completely insane completely insane cat lady. So now whenever the ridiculous man of Arkansas comes up, I think of my pudgy cat. In a suit. It works well, although I do think he may be more intelligent than Mike Huckabee.
Q: How can you tell when a conservative Republican is lying?

A: Their lips are moving.

I think it is hilarious when people assume that just because someone is a republican that they are a jerk. Democrats are just as likely to be jerks, and calling yourself libertarian or tea party does not make you less likely to be jerky.

With that said, Huckabee is a clear and present danger to the future of democracy in the United States. He is as owned by big business as Biden, as dirty as Gingrich and as clueless to reality as Hillary.
@34: While democrats may well be just as likely as Republicans to be jerks, I would suggest that a self-affirming libertarian or teabagger are even more likely to be jerks.
Just for the record, Huckabee has NEVER made a mistake while speaking, all of his talks are carefully crafted.

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