Well said. It sounds like his friends comment gave him permission to dream. I suggest he take his wife off for a couples weekend. And, talk with her (the wife) about it. Odds are she's hearing about it or observing.
Of course, I'm the type who tells her husband that she finds someone "crush" worthy. And, I listen when he tells me he has seen or met someone "crush" worthy. Maybe, we are at peace that being happy, committed, and married does not equal either blinders or sudden demise of our sexual beings. But, what do I know, except that guitars are lovely to play, whisky is lovely to sip, and Huckabee said something dishonest, in my opinion, again.
Maybe, the LW could unlease some of that "crush" desire on his wife? It would sound good to me, anyway.
WTF with this URoEC? Is this a Seattle thing? When I talk to a person, I look them in the eye. Now I need to worry that they all think I'm hitting on them? How did I make it to age 45 without knowing this?
Maybe she's just one of those people who was taught that you look into people's eyes when you talk to them because it shows confidence, it's polite, and it means you are honest. That a refusal to look someone in the eyes means that you aren't telling the truth.
That isn't true, of course. Lots of people don't like to make eye contact for all sorts of reasons, including cultures that consider it rude to make extended eye contact. But enough people have been taught that one ought to make and keep eye contact that it might be nothing more than that, and she might be seriously creeped out by you viewing it in a sexual manner.
SMHYL, seriously read Dan's advice multiple times...... don't think with the "little" head. Then, if you decide you want a hot young piece of ass, go seek an upper tier escort plying her trade and have at it. To do otherwise will, guaranteed, lead to a bad outcome. Even that may but at least you will have the chance to be discrete with a professional. Your chance of being discreet with this young woman is null.
Jesus! As a young attractive female who was unaware of this weird eye contact rule, and thought making eye contact was polite, I'm now worried that all the men I've ever talked to think I want to fuck them!
I guess it's sunglasses or no eye contact from now on. Gross.
As for the URoEC - try being a deafie who lipreads. Ppl have always thought I was hitting on them. But I don't know about a specific 3 second rule or anything like that. Just that unwavering attention to someone's face in conversation is frequently taken the wrong way.
As a man in SMHYL's demographic let me offer this: SMHYL, DO NOTHING! Appreciate what you have for what it is and don't move on it, lest you wreck everything forever... unless of course she makes an unequivocal move herself. I think it's bloody unlikely, but if it actually happens, well, I'm outta advice.
Exquisite tension just doesn't get its due and it's hard to come by, too.
Oh, dear God, there is no fool like an old fool! That was quoted to me by an old fool who was confessing he had fallen in love with me in the course of the dancing classes we took at the same time and some subsequent hanging out with the whole group. I was 27. He was fifty-something. He also shared with me *in that same conversation* how much Viagra had changed things for him and he'd love to show me. I liked him well enough, and I was dating a lot at the time and knew that older men could be sexually skilled, but the intensity in this conversation was like whoa! so I backed slowly away from the friendship. Oh, and he wasn't married.
Dude, this happens! Crushes happens and crushes are awesome! Heck, I wish I had someone to massively crush on right now for some inspiration.
How does someone make it to 50 and not learn the difference between love and lust?
I lust after girls every day. I work downtown, there are a lot of young women in tight little business suits, and not a day goes by that I don't imagine fucking one of them. That's lust.
I would never actually fuck one of these girls. I just picture my girlfriend's face after she found out: the hurt, the betrayal, the complete shattering of what she thought was our happy life. I would rather chop my own leg off than do that to her. That's love.
@13: I would bet you are making "polite" eye contact for a full three seconds. Next time you make direct eye contact with someone you are not attracted to -- staring continuously, right at their eyes, not a general face scan -- count out the three seconds. One of you will probably look away before that time is up.
This guy is leading himself on. I've been the much-younger girl a guy was convinced was coming on to him (for all sorts of ridiculous reasons that basically amounted to, he felt entitled to what he wanted and would interpret all sorts of mundane behaviors as sexual to justify himself), and let me tell you, IT'S CREEPY AS FUCK. He also decided he was "allowed" to hit on me when his friend who barely knows me, thought I was into him. Ugh.
Really. The odds are a million to one he's never crossed her mind. She probably looks at people when she speaks to them because it's polite, and/or he's selectively ignoring all the times she looks away.
Does he really think he's that much different than every other 50-year-old who has unsuccessfully tried to hit on someone two+ decades his junior?!
Wreck-o-rama. That's what's on the horizon, buddy, if you continue to act like an eighth grader smacked late by puberty.
URoEC? WTF? My rule is that if they stare into your eyes long enough to say "let's fuck", they are probably sexually into you. Otherwise, who knows and who cares.
You got a perfect life, don't muck it up.
Spot on advice, Dan. Don't drink yourself out of it.
People looking for a victim will look for women who refuse to make eye contact. My guess is if you're a woman conducting yourself where considering rules for not looking as you please is against common sense to you, you have nothing to learn in that regard.
@18, @21: I'm a dude, and when I was in my early 20s I took a bunch of dance classes. I too was hit on by women in their 40s and 50s-- and it was super fucking creepy. At that age, you don't even want to think about "old" people having or wanting sex, let alone old people wanting to have sex with you.
Unless there is unmistakable evidence of intent-- I'm talking hand on your thigh, "why don't you come over," etc.-- then you should stay the fuck away from kids more than two decades your junior.
@27: Definitely. Also, what might flummox old people includes:
1) Young people may just be socially freer in general, so what qualified as "totally flirting" in your day might be just "talking" now.
2) Young people might be totally not monitoring their own behavior about signals AT ALL because you're so totally not on their radar as a prospective partner (and yeah, as far as we're concerned, people old enough to be our parents are considered, for our purposes, functionally asexual) that it would never occur to them to be mindful of inadvertent "signals."
@17 ftw. I thought you just meant he risked wrecking his marriage, but your other point about wrecking the beautiful flirtation they have going ... that's brilliant and true.
Exactly. This is a truly pathetic situation. @18, the 50-something dude dropping Viagra hints to the 20-something chick had me wincing. Are you kidding me??
What is it about you sad, middle-aged, paunchy dudes that actually think you have a shot with attractive younger women? You think we secretly fantasize about stroking your graying man boobs, as you talk about your kids & your mortgage payments?? *barf* Let it go, old man, let it go. Save yourself the embarrassment.
Everyone who is saying they can't believe this guy doesn't realize this is just a big old crush is spot on...my question: How did he reach the age of 50 without having one before?
And although this has nothing to do with the LW's predicament (heh), I had a bit of an epiphany in Vancouver, which might be applicable to any other middle aged female sloggers out there who love the fun of flirting, but not the consequences, and apologies if I'm the last person on Earth to figure this out: Gay bar. Spend the whole night dancing with gorgeous young men who tell you they love your hair and your jacket, think your boobs are "fun", but confine the make-out sessions to the other cute boys. Total ego-boosting evening with no guilt whatsoever. Sigh.
vomit!! I wonder how this woman sees the friendship. I'm in my early 20s and I have definitely connected with and spent time with middle-aged professors and people I've worked with, but never in a way that I would say I've been "friends for a while" with them. I don't know anyone my age who feels like they have a good friendship with someone twice their age. maybe she's different, but my guess is that she's nice to him and maybe feels like she can learn from him or advance her career by hanging around him, and is just being polite by making a lot of eye contact. she's almost definitely not into him, regardless of what his pervy friends say.
"Eye fuck"!? This brings back very bad memories for me, since my slightly older brother returned slightly bent from Viet Nam with a favorite expression for the proper retribution for some perceived slight: "I'll rip out his eye and skull fuck 'em!"
If the only time you see her is "in mixed company, with other mutual friends and family," then you aren't friends. You're acquaintances, and you've mentally elevated your interactions to "friendship" because you want to get into her pants.
Think about the people who are your actual friends. I bet you call them on the phone from time to time, hang out, meet for lunch or dinner, maybe plan vacations together, etc. Do you have that level of interaction with this young women? Nope.
Now think about the other people you only see in mixed company. There are lots and lots of them, and I bet the overwhelming majority are not your "friends." They're just people you may like and interact with from time to time.
So why is the 25-year-old the one shining exception?
Staring into someone's eyes is pretty intense. You should try it with your wife. I was at a buddhist retreat and we did that practice; it was called the White Tara practice.
The only thing I've got to chime in is that I'm a 21 year old straight female and I really am into older guys. I don't know why, but I have a thing for them, although I also enjoy guys my age. So to all the other young ones out there--- some of us might really be into the fifty-something you're looking at in disgust.
While I know he's probably an exception rather than a rule, I'm just gonna throw Alan Rickman's name out there.
Trust me, old-timer, as unbelievable as it may seem to you, she is into you. Younger women definitely do sometimes become attracted to older men who are cool and don't look like trolls. What you do with this information is entirely up to you, but I think you should fuck her and tell us how it goes.
@32: Sorry, sister, but you do not speak for all women. As someone who's spent some time in academia, I know more than a few 20-something women who have fucked their middle-aged professors, and one who ended up marrying him. Anyway, this guy isn't even her professor.
BTW, if you are making goo goo eyes at men just to be nice, you should probably stop. None of my female friends (who aren't interested in me) do that.
It's exceptions like you that make the rest of us have to put up with dirty old men hitting on us. And your existence also puts false hopes into the hearts (*ahem* let's be honest, the *cocks*) of saggy-balled grandpas everywhere.
Attention: MAJORITY of old dudes, the thought of fucking you makes MOST of us want to wretch out our intestines. Don't flatter yourselves. Go fuck your saggy wives & leave us alone.
She might very well want you so much that she can't look away. Or she might be hard of hearing or have a language processing disorder, and have to focus more on visual cues to have a conversation. Or she might have Asperger's, and struggle with social norms, including eye contact. Or she might be some closeted hippy or new ager that thinks the eyes are the window to the soul, like, literally, you know?
Or she might be totally fucking with you just because she can.
@31 I must have gone to the wrong gay bar. My gay friend took me to one, but it was half full of women, so there was a lot more girls flirting with me than boys. I started talking with one very cute redheaded girl, and then it turned out she was married (to a boy) and just out looking for attention like I was :-)
I think I should try again. But maybe I need to find the old person gay bar; all the young people puking on old folks has me kinda depressed. Saggy wives indeed :-(
The point of my little anecdote was that it is really fucking disturbing when people you see as essentially asexual and harmless suddenly express a desire to fuck you. Hot cougars come off as neither asexual nor harmless.
Yeah, EricaP, this comment thread isn't quite the ego-boost the other night was... :(
This bar had a nice age-range, from 20s to 40s, I'd say. Danced my ancient, saggy, 46 year old ass off, I even managed a few without my walker, and my orthopedic Fluevogs had a good grip on the floor...the best part was being able to keep my dentures in all night--SeaBond rocks!
Dan's advice was good but wow, these some of these comments are pretty nasty and ageist. Some women really like older men. It's not unlikely that she's attracted to him; sexy eye contact is usually a great indication! There's probably a little spark there. He should just relax and enjoy the flirtation.
Anyone who isn't constantly gazing at their belly button knows that no-one escapes time. The beauty that lasts a lifetime is internal, it does not lie within the human body's biggest organ. I personally find that time can make people more beautiful, because it can make us more humble and more compassionate. I also think that fine lines can reveal if you are a joyful person with the ability to laugh at yourself and life. We earn the face we have in the autumn of our lives as my 90 something grandmother would tell you. We also earn the perception that others have of us through our actions. Integrity and compassion are far more beautiful attributes than a flawless complexion or perfectly pert tits or rounded bundas. In my opinion a great beauty isn't born, she (or he) is made over the course of their life. And, your transparency, EricaP shows you to be lovely, in my opinion.
And, a virtual hug to you, darling Canuck. Attitude and knowing what to do with what you have is everything. You, my dear, have both going for you. So lovely.
Aw, Kim, you would have been fine company on my girls' weekend, perhaps introducing us to the mysteries of whiskey? We must remind ourselves at times like these that we have both wisdom *and* 4" heels...life is sweet! (And so are you!)
@54--maybe we deserve to go about our lives like complete human beings? Maybe our existence doesn't give the world at large permission to lust after us (and, CERTAINLY not to imagine that we're actually available to any of those people!)? Maybe we deserve to have friends and acquaintances who want to talk to us to hear our thoughts & enjoy our company--platonically--without having to go through our lives thinking "This person thinks of me as a sex object first and a conversationalist second."
I'll bet you (I'm assuming you're male?) have a number of friends--just friends--that you expect consider you an interesting & worthwhile person, and you enjoy that. Now, think about existing where roughly half of the population acts like their basically incapable of holding you in that esteem, because in their calculation you're "interesting & worthwhile insofar as you might potentially be fuckable." It's kinda limiting.
A public service message for the disgusted young women:
Every single straight or bisexual man that they know well, with the possible exception of family members, has masturbated while thinking of you. Also, lots of men you don't know well.
Even if you are homely, even if you are missing a limb, the guy will one day ponder "I wonder what she does in bed... does the artificial limb come off? does the wall-eye stare off into space while she has an orgasm?"
Just ponder how many times a man you know has ejaculated into his hand while thinking of you, and try to estimate how many total gallons of semen have been squirted in your honor.
The old guy is no more creepy than the rest of them.
Get over it, and get over yourself. You're both a person and a sex object, and being one does not diminish the other.
@30 oh, yeah, there was a whole thing about how with the Viagra he could stay rock hard forever, etc.
We did know each other, so it wasn't as horrifying as it could have been. And on top of that, I actually did have a torrid fling with a man in his 50's sometime before that. With a man who looked his age, even, and wasn't rich (since that's the usual assumption) but hey, we sparked for some reason. It happens, clearly. This other guy, well, worried me a bit with the one-sided outpouring of love. I probably would've gone on a date if he'd just asked me out. (Those were the days!)
@Confluence - Jesus, what's your problem? It's really not yours to say what other women should be attracted to. If you are actually as conceited as you are coming across on this thread, it's not surprising that you get hit on by creeps. No one worth a shit would bother with you. I know I wouldn't.
FWIW, I'm a middle-aged guy who goes out dancing quite a bit. I don't hit on anyone - I'm married, and I'm kind of shy. Yet younger women hit on me (very hard in a few instances) all the time, more so even than when I was in my 20s. And I'm not surprised - I actually have way more going for me at this age - emotionally, intellectually, financially, and sexually - than back when I was the insecure fool that basically every 25 year old boy is. Too bad for them I'm not available.
@57: Knowing that something is true doesn't mean you should be forced to think about it.
Our parents all had sex. Most of us don't ever want to think about it. And if someone tried to make us think about it, we'd be within our rights to tell them to knock it the fuck off.
It's the same with masturbatory fantasies. You don't have a right to force other people to become participants in your sex games, even if those games are single-player.
News flash: most older guys ARE gross. Most do not take care of themselves, don't exercise, don't eat right, and smell like old-person breath. A lot of older women, too, but they tend to take care of themselves more, since it's pounded into the female skull that we must in order to be worthwhile.
Those who aren't are the exception rather than the rule, and yes, can be VERY hot. But take your average 50 year old, odds are, no. Not fuckable. Not anyone you would even want to think about fucking, or wanting to fuck you.
And I have been asked out by 2 such men at my job, one because I''m cute and had to be in an office with this person to go over his accounts, the other because I was just chatting since there was no one else to chat with while I waited for my boss to finish a meeting and he did some phone stuff. The first-then and now--gave off creepy vibes, so I refuse to be alone with this person. The other couldn't take a fucking "No, not interested" and proceeded to ask me out twice the following day.
Sure, some cute young thing might be one of those interested in fucking older guys (or any potential money an older guy might have), and you'll never know unless you ask, but for God's Sake, have some respect! A woman isn't a fuck object first. Second, maybe third, sure. But she's a person first. And no means "Seriously, I do not want to date, touch, or fuck you, or even interact with you without at least 5 witnesses in the same room".
And by the way, even if, as some have testified, every man we ever came in the slightest social contact with who is not related to us and a few who distantly are has wanked to us, we sure as FUCK are not obligated to play into their fantasies, or even acknowledge them. I think the majority of older guys are gross, and I am COMPLETELY ENTITLED to feel that way, same as gay guys are COMPLETELY ENTITLED to not liking vulvas, or guys who like a certain body type are COMPLETELY ENTITLED to liking that certain body type. I don't have to fuck someone just cause he wants to fuck me. I am under no obligation to consider a person a potential fuckmate just because they think of me that way. So he's charming, not hideous, successful, and into me. Great. DON"T STARE AT MY TITS.
Gee, speaking as a recently divorced (and curvy) 50-ish woman, I seem to have no shortage of guys (oldest: 67; youngest: 34) who have come out of the woodwork to hang out with me. If someone finds me "gross," well, fine. I won't fuck him.
@Kim, @EricaP, and @Canuck:
Screw the haters, you three are the sexiest ladies on SLOG. Good god, what I would do to get in bed with the three of you, in whatever combination (assuming our relationships were all open, of course). You amaze me. The fact that women like you exist assures me the universe is good.
On the one hand I'm a moderately attractive 23 year old woman who has had a LOT of "nasty old men" (and nasty young men too) hit on me. I hate it! Because I see the spark in their eye and I know they're thinking about sexual scenarios with me in them and it gives me major heebie jeebies.
On the other hand, I look at hot guys all the time and occasionally imagine them naked and/or in bed with me.
Plus I know I'm going to be old one day (at least, I prefer that to the alternative) and I imagine I'll still look at hot 20-somethings and think, "Oh, hot guy."
But still, much older men (or women) need to expect that pretty young things won't accept (or appreciate) their advances. I refuse to date anyone 30 or over at this point in my life because I want someone who's going through the same (graduate school) things that I am.
@64 -- Against my better judgement, I'd like to point out that most of the younger guys these days don't take care of themselves, exercise, or eat right, either. Instead of smelling like old people, they smell like Axe and cheap shitty weed.
@69: Where I come down on this is: 1) It's OK to think whatever you want, and 2) It's not OK to tell anyone what you're thinking. Yeah yeah, freedom of speech and all that, but you shouldn't let your fantasies make other people uncomfortable.
I can't help thinking that all of the folks saying "getting hit on ain't no big deal" are men who have never experienced just how inappropriate this can be. When I was 16, my best friend's mom came on to me in a big way. This woman had known me since I was 8. It's very unsettling when you have to be around someone you previously felt "safe" with, and whom you know is picturing you in a variety of scenarios. Among other things, you have to be on your guard all the time, and make sure you're never in a room alone with them.
I imagine that girls who are even moderately attractive have to put up with this kind of shit on a regular basis.
Well, you get hit on twice at work, you tend to be VERY careful around all male clients, watching your behavior, trying to avoid anything akin to flirtation, even with the clients who have never shown the slightest inkling of interest.
Trying to be professionally polite and friendly without doing anything that could possibly be interpreted as flirtation is nearly impossible, and very stressful, no matter how seriously your boss takes employee safety.
I'm always worried about making eye contact with guys because they perceive it as flirtatious behavior. When I'm just being friendly, and making eye contact because I'm, you know, talking to them.
I only get hit on by creeps, or perhaps it's just that they're so blatantly obvious and creepy about it that even I can pick up on it. It doesn't happen very often, though. What's it like to get hit on all the time?
If you want an easy way out, I think I scare people away by whipping out my DS and playing Pokemon. It's worth a shot.
@ 39, 40 -- I am 25 and have had three serious relationships with guys at least 15 years my senior (oe even became my common law partner for a while). They were all poorer or as poor as I was, and none of them were really conventionally attractive. That was back when I was seriously underconfident and had daddy issues. Now that I've worked through all that, and have finished my degree and gotten a 'real job', I refuse to date anyone over a decade older because a) I want someone who is in a similar life stage, b) I have no use for the drama and baggage that these older guys tend to hoard, and c) I need someone who can keep up in bed. It's pretty hard to satisfy your gf twice a day when you're battling erectile dysfunction and a beer belly.
Can we split the difference between the sides, here?
Old people, you will be looking at youth and thinking dirty thoughts, but try your damnedest to not get caught. Whatever you do, don't ask them out. If they're interested, let them ask you out.
Young people, accept that your youth and beauty are attractive to people, even and especially old people. If old people are fairly discreet in their glances, and don't actually hit on you, please don't "hate it" and get "major heebie jeebies" if you occasionally catch them looking. If you're out of high school, you're old enough to accept that most people think about sex a lot. Even your parents.
Fuck her. That way your wife will see you for the total shithead you are & leave you - hopefully taking most of the marital assets. Your wife will then be free to find a man deserving of her love & affection. I hope the 25 year old gives you herpes. It won't kill you but you'll be reminded for the rest of your life what a total worthless prick you are.
Okay, gramps. I'll give you what Dan wouldn't, and I don't have a couple of pints in me, either. Assuming this girl is really trying to seduce you, go ahead. Listen to your dick. Fuck the shit out of this girl who's young enough to be your daughter. Then, when your indiscretion is revealed your wife will kick you out and take half of everything you have. Your kids will turn on you. Your friends will think you're a POS and desert you. Then, assuming the girl is not a gold digger, she'll dump you when some one better, or richer or younger comes along. Then you'll be a high-mileage loser that no self-respecting woman will touch, and you'll spend the rest of your life alone, unloved.
Or, you could keep your dick in your pants and continue to enjoy the great marriage and loving family you have right now.
LW, if you're reading this, scroll back up and read post #21. Then read it again. Just because you and your random friend think this girl has flirtatious body language doesn't mean you should try and take your "friendship" (and yeah, she sounds more like an acquaintance of yours than an actual friend) to the next level.
If you ask me, your friend who asked how long you've been fucking the younger woman was probably just trying to pay you a sleazy, jokey compliment. And you're acting like that plus some eye contact somehow equals an invitation from her? You may be in your 50s but please grow up! The eye contact rules don't exist, they sound like something my friends and I would have made up when we were 13 so that we could convince ourselves all the cute boys had crushes on us.
And even if she is genuinely being flirty with you - how do you know why? News flash, sometimes we young women flirt with older men because to us you're "safe" to flirt with. If you're happily married maybe she figures each of you are getting a little something out of your little connection... she gets to flirt with someone who she figures won't take it seriously enough to press the issue or get too emotionally involved, and you get some reassurance that you still got it goin' on, and some sexual energy to take home to wifey.
Why ruin a good thing by making it all complicated? Just sayin'.
Assume young women who stare at you this way are just teasing you. Guilty until proven innocent. She doesn't want sex with this guy. There are lots of these women around. LW is having a mid-life crisis so he's finding it hard to deal with this particular crush who is clearly flirting with him.
Oh, and young ladies? I'm 47, BMI 17.4, I look 35, my balls are not saggy, and I have absolutely no interest in fucking you. You must be at least 40 years old to go on this ride.
Seandr.....best wake-up present EVER!! Thank you, darling...parallel universes, and all that (accompanied by that cinnamon liquor you once mentioned, of course... :)
I'm surprised that people just assume that younger = hotter for everyone. I'm 39 and wouldn't go near anyone under 30. Not enough experience or character to be interesting.
I'm 53. On New Year's Eve, my partner and I were were with a group of friends having a delightful dinner in a private dining room in a famous old New Orleans restaurant.
At one point, I had to excuse myself for a nature call. Leaving the private dining room and crossing the main dining room, I saw an attractive man in his early thirties following me with his eyes. "He must be interested in me," I thought, my ego swelling. Then I realized that, because I was wearing a tuxedo, he probably thought I was one of the waiters, and the only interest he had in me was that he was interested in me filling his water glass.
Moral: Some men in their fifties are genuinely hot. But even when they are, people in their 20's and 30's usually want somebody their own age.
I don't dislike older guys. Some of them are very, very sexy. I dislike older creeps- especially because I got boobs when I was 11 and was a D cup by junior high. I've have had to deal with creeps like that for way longer than average. And while I don't take it personally anymore and at times it's even flattering (it may be true that every man wanks it to every half-way attractive acquaintance he has), I can't help it if someone gives me hair-palm vibes and I feel like kicking him in the nuts. If it's ok for him to fantasize about fucking me, then it's ok for me to think about kicking him in the balls. As long as neither one of us acts on those feelings, everything is fine.
In the hopes of lending myself some credibility here, I've had a crush for almost 2 years now on a married man twice my age. So, it can happen and it can be very real. Thankfully, I'm too sensible to act on it, mostly because I like him so much that I wouldn't want to bring that kind of chaos into his life. So, he's become a breath of fresh air in my daily routine, but nothing more. As it must be.
Having said that. This letter reminded me of two particular men in their mid-50s from my dance community, both of whom I regularly see trying to pick up every 20-ish woman in the room. One, who's never been married or had children, dubs himself a "life coach" who offers very pricey seminars on "finding your soul mate." He will not be seen dancing with anyone over 25 or any woman with more than 15 extra pounds on her (this is 4 years experience dancing 1 to 3 times per week in the same room with him).
The other dude approaches young women in the dance community with this speech about wanting a "real" "spiritual" connection. Just yesterday, I kid you not, some female dancers were complaining about being grinded up on by perfect strangers on a dance floor, and he chimed in to request that we, to use his words, have a "dialogue" so that we "can all get our needs met." His "need" was that it was just too hard to resist watching a hot woman dance.
So, it seems to me that a distinction should be made between a genuine mutual attraction between two specific individuals and an entitled middle-aged man who "trolls" for young women. I've seen the latter, and they are indeed creepy. And, in the case of the ones I've described here, laughably self-deluded about their own motives.
The first thing I thought while reading the response? There's another option, and it's one I do all the time: she can tell you find her attractive, and she keeps making eye contact with your ass because she likes elliciting that attracted reaction from you. I ain't gonna lie. I love it when a man gives me the signal that he thinks I'm hot by staring at me. I'll look back and eye flirt JUST TO FEEL THAT ATTRACTION COMING FROM HIM. It generally has nothing to do with me being attracted to him. In that moment, I'm attracted to the feeling of being shown that I am attractive. Women (at least this woman) will milk that shit for all it's worth. It can be a nice feeling, especially when it's confined to sharing eye contact. Also, I've been told by more than one person that I hold eye contact way more than most people. I feel like it conveys listening. It has nothing to do with attraction.
Other than leaving out that option, GREAT RESPONSE, DAN.
I'm going to add something to this argument that a few have touched on but not said professionally.
She is your coworker. Repeat: She. Is. Your. Coworker. If that doesn't get through your skull, let me try again:
Do you want to be the target of office gossip? Or the reason everybody feels vaguely uncomfortable when you walk in? Want to mess with somebody's professional reputation--like yours? Want to saddle a sweet young thing with the reputation of the office bicycle, which you can do even if you never see her with her clothes off?
Say you make a pass at her, and she complains to her (your) supervisor. Do you like this woman enough to lose your job over her?
@84: "Oh, and young ladies? I'm 47, BMI 17.4, I look 35, my balls are not saggy, and I have absolutely no interest in fucking you. You must be at least 40 years old to go on this ride."
A salute to Ms Erica (or Ms P, whichever is preferred) for 78.
When I dated someone young enough to be my son (entirely unexpectedly) who'd had almost no experience, my instinctive reaction was long-term-glad for him when he had an outside encounter. It was a little surprising at the time, but it seemed important for him to develop a sense of how and why to guard his heart. And here we see what happens to people who never learn.
Did anyone else feel that Iris Murdoch must have written this book? It seems like a cross between *The Sacred and Profane Love Machine* and *The Black Prince*. A course of reading Dame Iris might be just the cure - or then again it could be the cause.
It's almost astounding how easy it was to go from, "So, for fun, I would do it, too," to, "...holds an attraction for me like no other woman ever has." Perhaps the answer would have been to have been following the example of Ms Kim and telling his wife about the eye contact all along. But it's a bit late for that now.
It didn't really strike me at first, but the really bizarre part of the letter is what he decides to ask. His inner life is in turmoil and he doesn't ask either for permission to stray or for tips on How to Remain Faithful, but about Eye Contact. The present isn't enough; he's preparing for the future.
There must be a compassionate answer, but I'll just tell him, before he does anything else, to tell his wife. Maybe if the marriage can be preserved she'll laugh so hard he'll wake up.
Maybe she's keeping an eye on him cause he's creepy and she doesn't want to get cornered?
If only 20-something women had the self-confidence of 50-something men. We could take on the world. 50-something men have a special brand of self-delusion a la Charlie Sheen. Shalalalala - you may well be the exception, but I've heard dozens of men refer to themselves as looking much younger than their age - 12 years, really? - and be totally and completely wrong. Just as I'm sure you've heard women say they're just a smidge overweight - and a smidge turns out to be 50 pounds.
There are many reasons a woman could be attracted to an older man, and Seandr nailed the major one - disinterest in US. Nothing gets a slightly crazy female going better than being ignored or dismissed. There's also money and power - especially if it's power over her or her circle, like a professor, who combines power with intellect (usually) which is also attractive. The point is that most younger women who want older men aren't into ALL older men or even most. Just the ones who are in specific positions that appeal to the security seeking side of us, or, and it's rare, the devastatingly handsome, witty older man. The problem is that they all think that one rare exception is them.
It *does* suck to get hit on inappropriately, but I wouldn't reserve it to old guys. Anyone who doesn't take no for an answer, doesn't realize your total lack of interest, or leers at you is gross. I'm annoyed by them too, but I do appreciate that in 20 years time I may be missing the days when I got hollered at on the street several times a week. The point is: older isn't creepy when it's not trying to ooze it's lust all over you.
@98 "I do appreciate that in 20 years time I may be missing the days when I got hollered at on the street several times a week."
Not only will that happen, but should you decide to have kids, you will find those gazes directed at your daughter (or if you are hanging out in Vancouver's West End, your son...) Gravity is a cruel master ;)
Thank you, Seandr. You are too kind. I gave myself permission to only be responsible for what I offer to the world. In my case it is compassion, kindness, encouragement, affirmation, grace, not fitting every person's definition of physical beauty. (Well, it is what I strive for. I'm not always successful.) Some may find the wrapping attractive, others will likely not. But, I hope they feel I treated them as their humanity deserves.
As usual, late to the party. I must chime in with my praise of Canuck, Kim and EricaP. Always a joy to read, and, I would imagine, to know. (lets go dancing!)
It makes me laugh when the young display such distaste for their elders. As if by some miracle they will escape our fate. I'll be 48 next Wednesday, and personally, almost every man I've ever dated has been younger, some, such as my current primary beau, significantly so. I have no idea why that is, but for the most part men my own age rarely hit on me. And I can count on one hand the number of times I've been hollered at on the street in my entire life. That just never happens to me. Even from construction workers, so it's not like I'm super hot or anything. I guess I'm here to mess up the curve or something.
I'm at a bar, one pint down. I say go for it! If you're 50, your kids aren't little anymore.
Just don't bitch when you get rejected or caught.
When my dad was 50, I was 5. The better indicator of age of the kids is the length of the marriage.
(That's my excuse & it works very well :D )
Of course, I'm the type who tells her husband that she finds someone "crush" worthy. And, I listen when he tells me he has seen or met someone "crush" worthy. Maybe, we are at peace that being happy, committed, and married does not equal either blinders or sudden demise of our sexual beings. But, what do I know, except that guitars are lovely to play, whisky is lovely to sip, and Huckabee said something dishonest, in my opinion, again.
Maybe, the LW could unlease some of that "crush" desire on his wife? It would sound good to me, anyway.
That isn't true, of course. Lots of people don't like to make eye contact for all sorts of reasons, including cultures that consider it rude to make extended eye contact. But enough people have been taught that one ought to make and keep eye contact that it might be nothing more than that, and she might be seriously creeped out by you viewing it in a sexual manner.
I guess it's sunglasses or no eye contact from now on. Gross.
Exquisite tension just doesn't get its due and it's hard to come by, too.
Dude, this happens! Crushes happens and crushes are awesome! Heck, I wish I had someone to massively crush on right now for some inspiration.
I lust after girls every day. I work downtown, there are a lot of young women in tight little business suits, and not a day goes by that I don't imagine fucking one of them. That's lust.
I would never actually fuck one of these girls. I just picture my girlfriend's face after she found out: the hurt, the betrayal, the complete shattering of what she thought was our happy life. I would rather chop my own leg off than do that to her. That's love.
Really. The odds are a million to one he's never crossed her mind. She probably looks at people when she speaks to them because it's polite, and/or he's selectively ignoring all the times she looks away.
Does he really think he's that much different than every other 50-year-old who has unsuccessfully tried to hit on someone two+ decades his junior?!
URoEC? WTF? My rule is that if they stare into your eyes long enough to say "let's fuck", they are probably sexually into you. Otherwise, who knows and who cares.
You got a perfect life, don't muck it up.
Spot on advice, Dan. Don't drink yourself out of it.
I can't wait until people start calling Dan "Gramps"
Otherwise, the advice is spot on.
That said, if he's been married to his wife for 25 years, she's probably had enough experience with his idiocy to forgive him.
Unless there is unmistakable evidence of intent-- I'm talking hand on your thigh, "why don't you come over," etc.-- then you should stay the fuck away from kids more than two decades your junior.
1) Young people may just be socially freer in general, so what qualified as "totally flirting" in your day might be just "talking" now.
2) Young people might be totally not monitoring their own behavior about signals AT ALL because you're so totally not on their radar as a prospective partner (and yeah, as far as we're concerned, people old enough to be our parents are considered, for our purposes, functionally asexual) that it would never occur to them to be mindful of inadvertent "signals."
Exactly. This is a truly pathetic situation. @18, the 50-something dude dropping Viagra hints to the 20-something chick had me wincing. Are you kidding me??
What is it about you sad, middle-aged, paunchy dudes that actually think you have a shot with attractive younger women? You think we secretly fantasize about stroking your graying man boobs, as you talk about your kids & your mortgage payments?? *barf* Let it go, old man, let it go. Save yourself the embarrassment.
And although this has nothing to do with the LW's predicament (heh), I had a bit of an epiphany in Vancouver, which might be applicable to any other middle aged female sloggers out there who love the fun of flirting, but not the consequences, and apologies if I'm the last person on Earth to figure this out: Gay bar. Spend the whole night dancing with gorgeous young men who tell you they love your hair and your jacket, think your boobs are "fun", but confine the make-out sessions to the other cute boys. Total ego-boosting evening with no guilt whatsoever. Sigh.
If the only time you see her is "in mixed company, with other mutual friends and family," then you aren't friends. You're acquaintances, and you've mentally elevated your interactions to "friendship" because you want to get into her pants.
Think about the people who are your actual friends. I bet you call them on the phone from time to time, hang out, meet for lunch or dinner, maybe plan vacations together, etc. Do you have that level of interaction with this young women? Nope.
Now think about the other people you only see in mixed company. There are lots and lots of them, and I bet the overwhelming majority are not your "friends." They're just people you may like and interact with from time to time.
So why is the 25-year-old the one shining exception?
While I know he's probably an exception rather than a rule, I'm just gonna throw Alan Rickman's name out there.
@32: Sorry, sister, but you do not speak for all women. As someone who's spent some time in academia, I know more than a few 20-something women who have fucked their middle-aged professors, and one who ended up marrying him. Anyway, this guy isn't even her professor.
BTW, if you are making goo goo eyes at men just to be nice, you should probably stop. None of my female friends (who aren't interested in me) do that.
It's exceptions like you that make the rest of us have to put up with dirty old men hitting on us. And your existence also puts false hopes into the hearts (*ahem* let's be honest, the *cocks*) of saggy-balled grandpas everywhere.
Attention: MAJORITY of old dudes, the thought of fucking you makes MOST of us want to wretch out our intestines. Don't flatter yourselves. Go fuck your saggy wives & leave us alone.
Or she might be totally fucking with you just because she can.
I think I should try again. But maybe I need to find the old person gay bar; all the young people puking on old folks has me kinda depressed. Saggy wives indeed :-(
The point of my little anecdote was that it is really fucking disturbing when people you see as essentially asexual and harmless suddenly express a desire to fuck you. Hot cougars come off as neither asexual nor harmless.
This bar had a nice age-range, from 20s to 40s, I'd say. Danced my ancient, saggy, 46 year old ass off, I even managed a few without my walker, and my orthopedic Fluevogs had a good grip on the floor...the best part was being able to keep my dentures in all night--SeaBond rocks!
NEVER underestimate the predilection of young, hot women to entertain themselves by mindfucking older men.
Anyone who isn't constantly gazing at their belly button knows that no-one escapes time. The beauty that lasts a lifetime is internal, it does not lie within the human body's biggest organ. I personally find that time can make people more beautiful, because it can make us more humble and more compassionate. I also think that fine lines can reveal if you are a joyful person with the ability to laugh at yourself and life. We earn the face we have in the autumn of our lives as my 90 something grandmother would tell you. We also earn the perception that others have of us through our actions. Integrity and compassion are far more beautiful attributes than a flawless complexion or perfectly pert tits or rounded bundas. In my opinion a great beauty isn't born, she (or he) is made over the course of their life. And, your transparency, EricaP shows you to be lovely, in my opinion.
I'll bet you (I'm assuming you're male?) have a number of friends--just friends--that you expect consider you an interesting & worthwhile person, and you enjoy that. Now, think about existing where roughly half of the population acts like their basically incapable of holding you in that esteem, because in their calculation you're "interesting & worthwhile insofar as you might potentially be fuckable." It's kinda limiting.
Completely wasted on the youth.
I cannot say that enough.
Every single straight or bisexual man that they know well, with the possible exception of family members, has masturbated while thinking of you. Also, lots of men you don't know well.
Even if you are homely, even if you are missing a limb, the guy will one day ponder "I wonder what she does in bed... does the artificial limb come off? does the wall-eye stare off into space while she has an orgasm?"
Just ponder how many times a man you know has ejaculated into his hand while thinking of you, and try to estimate how many total gallons of semen have been squirted in your honor.
The old guy is no more creepy than the rest of them.
Get over it, and get over yourself. You're both a person and a sex object, and being one does not diminish the other.
We did know each other, so it wasn't as horrifying as it could have been. And on top of that, I actually did have a torrid fling with a man in his 50's sometime before that. With a man who looked his age, even, and wasn't rich (since that's the usual assumption) but hey, we sparked for some reason. It happens, clearly. This other guy, well, worried me a bit with the one-sided outpouring of love. I probably would've gone on a date if he'd just asked me out. (Those were the days!)
FWIW, I'm a middle-aged guy who goes out dancing quite a bit. I don't hit on anyone - I'm married, and I'm kind of shy. Yet younger women hit on me (very hard in a few instances) all the time, more so even than when I was in my 20s. And I'm not surprised - I actually have way more going for me at this age - emotionally, intellectually, financially, and sexually - than back when I was the insecure fool that basically every 25 year old boy is. Too bad for them I'm not available.
Our parents all had sex. Most of us don't ever want to think about it. And if someone tried to make us think about it, we'd be within our rights to tell them to knock it the fuck off.
It's the same with masturbatory fantasies. You don't have a right to force other people to become participants in your sex games, even if those games are single-player.
Brains, integrity, and compassion is always an irresistible combination, in my opinion.
Best wishes to you and your's.
Thank you.
Those who aren't are the exception rather than the rule, and yes, can be VERY hot. But take your average 50 year old, odds are, no. Not fuckable. Not anyone you would even want to think about fucking, or wanting to fuck you.
And I have been asked out by 2 such men at my job, one because I''m cute and had to be in an office with this person to go over his accounts, the other because I was just chatting since there was no one else to chat with while I waited for my boss to finish a meeting and he did some phone stuff. The first-then and now--gave off creepy vibes, so I refuse to be alone with this person. The other couldn't take a fucking "No, not interested" and proceeded to ask me out twice the following day.
Sure, some cute young thing might be one of those interested in fucking older guys (or any potential money an older guy might have), and you'll never know unless you ask, but for God's Sake, have some respect! A woman isn't a fuck object first. Second, maybe third, sure. But she's a person first. And no means "Seriously, I do not want to date, touch, or fuck you, or even interact with you without at least 5 witnesses in the same room".
Screw the haters, you three are the sexiest ladies on SLOG. Good god, what I would do to get in bed with the three of you, in whatever combination (assuming our relationships were all open, of course). You amaze me. The fact that women like you exist assures me the universe is good.
On the one hand I'm a moderately attractive 23 year old woman who has had a LOT of "nasty old men" (and nasty young men too) hit on me. I hate it! Because I see the spark in their eye and I know they're thinking about sexual scenarios with me in them and it gives me major heebie jeebies.
On the other hand, I look at hot guys all the time and occasionally imagine them naked and/or in bed with me.
Plus I know I'm going to be old one day (at least, I prefer that to the alternative) and I imagine I'll still look at hot 20-somethings and think, "Oh, hot guy."
But still, much older men (or women) need to expect that pretty young things won't accept (or appreciate) their advances. I refuse to date anyone 30 or over at this point in my life because I want someone who's going through the same (graduate school) things that I am.
I was going to point that out myself, but was trying to stay balanced on my soapbox.
Though it was nice to realize I'm not picky, I just have standards.
I can't help thinking that all of the folks saying "getting hit on ain't no big deal" are men who have never experienced just how inappropriate this can be. When I was 16, my best friend's mom came on to me in a big way. This woman had known me since I was 8. It's very unsettling when you have to be around someone you previously felt "safe" with, and whom you know is picturing you in a variety of scenarios. Among other things, you have to be on your guard all the time, and make sure you're never in a room alone with them.
I imagine that girls who are even moderately attractive have to put up with this kind of shit on a regular basis.
Well, you get hit on twice at work, you tend to be VERY careful around all male clients, watching your behavior, trying to avoid anything akin to flirtation, even with the clients who have never shown the slightest inkling of interest.
Trying to be professionally polite and friendly without doing anything that could possibly be interpreted as flirtation is nearly impossible, and very stressful, no matter how seriously your boss takes employee safety.
If you want an easy way out, I think I scare people away by whipping out my DS and playing Pokemon. It's worth a shot.
Old people, you will be looking at youth and thinking dirty thoughts, but try your damnedest to not get caught. Whatever you do, don't ask them out. If they're interested, let them ask you out.
Young people, accept that your youth and beauty are attractive to people, even and especially old people. If old people are fairly discreet in their glances, and don't actually hit on you, please don't "hate it" and get "major heebie jeebies" if you occasionally catch them looking. If you're out of high school, you're old enough to accept that most people think about sex a lot. Even your parents.
It's has the URoEC changed and the answer is yes. On June 8, 2010 one URoEC was worth 1.19 DoLLaRUS but now it's worth 1.37 DoLLaRUS.
Or, you could keep your dick in your pants and continue to enjoy the great marriage and loving family you have right now.
If you ask me, your friend who asked how long you've been fucking the younger woman was probably just trying to pay you a sleazy, jokey compliment. And you're acting like that plus some eye contact somehow equals an invitation from her? You may be in your 50s but please grow up! The eye contact rules don't exist, they sound like something my friends and I would have made up when we were 13 so that we could convince ourselves all the cute boys had crushes on us.
And even if she is genuinely being flirty with you - how do you know why? News flash, sometimes we young women flirt with older men because to us you're "safe" to flirt with. If you're happily married maybe she figures each of you are getting a little something out of your little connection... she gets to flirt with someone who she figures won't take it seriously enough to press the issue or get too emotionally involved, and you get some reassurance that you still got it goin' on, and some sexual energy to take home to wifey.
Why ruin a good thing by making it all complicated? Just sayin'.
Dude is in trouble.
Assume young women who stare at you this way are just teasing you. Guilty until proven innocent. She doesn't want sex with this guy. There are lots of these women around. LW is having a mid-life crisis so he's finding it hard to deal with this particular crush who is clearly flirting with him.
Oh, and young ladies? I'm 47, BMI 17.4, I look 35, my balls are not saggy, and I have absolutely no interest in fucking you. You must be at least 40 years old to go on this ride.
I'm surprised that people just assume that younger = hotter for everyone. I'm 39 and wouldn't go near anyone under 30. Not enough experience or character to be interesting.
At one point, I had to excuse myself for a nature call. Leaving the private dining room and crossing the main dining room, I saw an attractive man in his early thirties following me with his eyes. "He must be interested in me," I thought, my ego swelling. Then I realized that, because I was wearing a tuxedo, he probably thought I was one of the waiters, and the only interest he had in me was that he was interested in me filling his water glass.
Moral: Some men in their fifties are genuinely hot. But even when they are, people in their 20's and 30's usually want somebody their own age.
Having said that. This letter reminded me of two particular men in their mid-50s from my dance community, both of whom I regularly see trying to pick up every 20-ish woman in the room. One, who's never been married or had children, dubs himself a "life coach" who offers very pricey seminars on "finding your soul mate." He will not be seen dancing with anyone over 25 or any woman with more than 15 extra pounds on her (this is 4 years experience dancing 1 to 3 times per week in the same room with him).
The other dude approaches young women in the dance community with this speech about wanting a "real" "spiritual" connection. Just yesterday, I kid you not, some female dancers were complaining about being grinded up on by perfect strangers on a dance floor, and he chimed in to request that we, to use his words, have a "dialogue" so that we "can all get our needs met." His "need" was that it was just too hard to resist watching a hot woman dance.
So, it seems to me that a distinction should be made between a genuine mutual attraction between two specific individuals and an entitled middle-aged man who "trolls" for young women. I've seen the latter, and they are indeed creepy. And, in the case of the ones I've described here, laughably self-deluded about their own motives.
Other than leaving out that option, GREAT RESPONSE, DAN.
She is your coworker. Repeat: She. Is. Your. Coworker. If that doesn't get through your skull, let me try again:
Do you want to be the target of office gossip? Or the reason everybody feels vaguely uncomfortable when you walk in? Want to mess with somebody's professional reputation--like yours? Want to saddle a sweet young thing with the reputation of the office bicycle, which you can do even if you never see her with her clothes off?
Say you make a pass at her, and she complains to her (your) supervisor. Do you like this woman enough to lose your job over her?
That was amazing.
1. She's 25.
2. He's been married for over 25 years.
Is this young lady a friend of his eldest child? For gods sake, stay away.
When I dated someone young enough to be my son (entirely unexpectedly) who'd had almost no experience, my instinctive reaction was long-term-glad for him when he had an outside encounter. It was a little surprising at the time, but it seemed important for him to develop a sense of how and why to guard his heart. And here we see what happens to people who never learn.
Did anyone else feel that Iris Murdoch must have written this book? It seems like a cross between *The Sacred and Profane Love Machine* and *The Black Prince*. A course of reading Dame Iris might be just the cure - or then again it could be the cause.
It's almost astounding how easy it was to go from, "So, for fun, I would do it, too," to, "...holds an attraction for me like no other woman ever has." Perhaps the answer would have been to have been following the example of Ms Kim and telling his wife about the eye contact all along. But it's a bit late for that now.
It didn't really strike me at first, but the really bizarre part of the letter is what he decides to ask. His inner life is in turmoil and he doesn't ask either for permission to stray or for tips on How to Remain Faithful, but about Eye Contact. The present isn't enough; he's preparing for the future.
There must be a compassionate answer, but I'll just tell him, before he does anything else, to tell his wife. Maybe if the marriage can be preserved she'll laugh so hard he'll wake up.
If only 20-something women had the self-confidence of 50-something men. We could take on the world. 50-something men have a special brand of self-delusion a la Charlie Sheen. Shalalalala - you may well be the exception, but I've heard dozens of men refer to themselves as looking much younger than their age - 12 years, really? - and be totally and completely wrong. Just as I'm sure you've heard women say they're just a smidge overweight - and a smidge turns out to be 50 pounds.
There are many reasons a woman could be attracted to an older man, and Seandr nailed the major one - disinterest in US. Nothing gets a slightly crazy female going better than being ignored or dismissed. There's also money and power - especially if it's power over her or her circle, like a professor, who combines power with intellect (usually) which is also attractive. The point is that most younger women who want older men aren't into ALL older men or even most. Just the ones who are in specific positions that appeal to the security seeking side of us, or, and it's rare, the devastatingly handsome, witty older man. The problem is that they all think that one rare exception is them.
It *does* suck to get hit on inappropriately, but I wouldn't reserve it to old guys. Anyone who doesn't take no for an answer, doesn't realize your total lack of interest, or leers at you is gross. I'm annoyed by them too, but I do appreciate that in 20 years time I may be missing the days when I got hollered at on the street several times a week. The point is: older isn't creepy when it's not trying to ooze it's lust all over you.
Not only will that happen, but should you decide to have kids, you will find those gazes directed at your daughter (or if you are hanging out in Vancouver's West End, your son...) Gravity is a cruel master ;)
Thank you for the smile. You made me feel lovely.
I'll happily drink whisky with you anytime. It is the elixer of youth.
Uisge Beatha: Scots Gaelic for aqua vitae, 'water of life', from the first part of which the word 'whisky' derives.
It makes me laugh when the young display such distaste for their elders. As if by some miracle they will escape our fate. I'll be 48 next Wednesday, and personally, almost every man I've ever dated has been younger, some, such as my current primary beau, significantly so. I have no idea why that is, but for the most part men my own age rarely hit on me. And I can count on one hand the number of times I've been hollered at on the street in my entire life. That just never happens to me. Even from construction workers, so it's not like I'm super hot or anything. I guess I'm here to mess up the curve or something.