Blogs Apr 15, 2011 at 2:07 pm


I voted "poop thing" but the pizza oven was a close second.
I can't handle the grossness of fleshy things (like human bodies) being physically connected to non-fleshy things (like IV lines, or feeding tubes, or freaky cylon technology in battlestar galactica).



@4 go eat a bowl of gazpacho, Gwynnie.
Internet Tree Root man. Don't. I warned you.
Today I learned the word mirepoix. Going to head to the bar now...
I'm with mom
phlegm, sputum, etc are awful.

I chalenge anyone to suction out a mucky tracheostomy tube without gagging a little.
@8 anyone who is old enough to frequent taverns should know what mirepoix is. I suspect you have a fake ID.
Other = Mothers of small children.

Because they talk about the most disgusting of bodily fluid shit constantly. Before breakfast. Over lunch. Like they're having a contest about who has the most iron stomach. Like it makes them a wonder mom because they had to clean vomit from the van. Like the most awesome thing in the world is to bond with other moms about the consistency/smell/color of the baby poo. Ugh, stop it mommies.

Disclaimer #1: some of these mommies are very dear friends of mine. But I don't eat lunch with them.

Disclaimer #2: daddies may do this, too, but I've never personally witnessed it.
Anything that involves breaking the integrity of the skin bothers me: cuts, needles, sub-dermal parasites... Abrasions don't bother me because seeping though the skin hasn't opened up the inside of the body (the bloody parts, other parts are fine to stick things in) to the outside world.
For me, it's gotta be a perfect storm type thing: poop + worms + gwynneth paltrow or something like that.
I was gonna say "anything cloacal", but then I remembered: The Hitcher singing Eels, more scary than even the Crack Fox.…
Teeth. Loose teeth, teeth falling out, rotting teeth, teeth getting pulled, broken teeth, etc. Teeth.
Does bug stuff in bloody poop count as "other"?
Limbs bent in the wrong direction. Think skateboarding accident.
I'm with @11, although old people can be the same way. Old ladies, please stop discussing the distinction between "runny" and "soupy" where other people can hear you. It is not OK. Old men, please do not discuss the size, shape, recent changes, or palpations of your prostates at the top of your lungs in the sauna at the gym. It is not OK, OK? Kthxbye.
I could talk about some of the things I've seen as a cop, but believe me, you don't even want to think about them. I know I try not to.
Rotting things.
I voted for poop, but then realized I had somehow missed the "cavernous abscesses/dangling eyeballs" option. I'd sort of forgotten how much other people's blood horrifies me.

Poop is gross, don't get me wrong -- but at least it's supposed to happen, and can be hilarious in the abstract.
Lady bits things. My favourite game is telling people what a mooncup is and watching their face. Me and my boss spent today sending each other 72-point font gross words in the colour they are. E.g. 'PROLAPSED WOMB' in pink. I am a lady, by the way. I just don't do womb-chat.
Thyme: Agreed. You'll never ever look at an oyster the same way again, ever.
gus, that's terrifying. But not as terrifying as mucus. Big, gooby boogers make me want to vomit. Probably because when I went to a hippie school for grades 3 and 4, my teacher used to bring his little boy to school, and one day the kid had a runny nose. And this teacher, he pinched off the big, snotty pile of snot off his kid's face, and he ATE it. Pardon me while I throw up in my mouth now.
Germ things, snake things, clown that order.
awgh Canuck, you win, you win, make it stop!
yourmom, if I ever want to get my gag reflex going, I just take a trip down memory lane....gaaah.
Canuck, you just made me glad I went to a crazy, conservative Catholic school for elementary school.

I voted Phlegm, too. I still have nightmares about horrible, green tubes of snot hanging out of little kids noses when I taught elementary school. ugh.
I'm going to go with knife things. I handle knives a lot, and have cut myself quite a few times, and the reality is never as bad as the dread. The dread is severe. I get chills just thinking about a nice clean knife cut through flesh. It's nothing to do with blood; I have no problem with blood (yum, yum). It's the cut.
Rusty knives covered in slimy bloody pus-y poopy bits. With bugs on it.
Fnarf, about a couple months ago I cut my forefinger with a bread knife (I know, real smart). Point being, I can still feel the rhythm of those big serrations going through my finger...
You don't have pus listed. I once asked a doctor friend what the grossest thing she'd ever seen was and she told me about a crack ho with so much pus on her lady bits that she had to feel her way through the pus (really, not jizz, stinking infected pus) to find the opening to do the pelvic exam. Not to mention the smell. Did you really want to know that?
2) tumors that grow eyes, teeth and hair just that idea. maybe that's a dermatological thing?
Vomit things, brochacho. Vomit things are def the grossest.
Also, rotten food things. I can think of gross things all day!
Wearing a leather work glove I managed to put a full round-head framing nail through 3 of my fingers. I had a wrestling match in the ER where I kid you not the doc put her foot on my chest while we pulled against each other to get it out.

Me: "Oooh look how you can see the pulsing of the artery in the blood flow! Cool!" (now splashing on the floor).

My wife: "Uuuuuuuh" (eyes starting to roll up followed by being put to bed in the room next door).

Me: "You might want to pace yourself, sugar."

No, no wait! This one's better:
Wood splinter in my cornea is so soggy from the long delay in the waiting room that the ER doc uses a drill to remove it. "Now hold still..."
Is no one concerned about Ms. Graves' finger?
@39, oh that? That's just a flesh wound.
i totally have the knife thing, but more as it pertains to slicing than stabbing. and it's really apples and oranges for me between that and bugs in food.
i can't even watch shaving commercials. as if anyone's gonna bleed in an ad for razors. i'm ridiculous that way.
A lot of these give me the willies or gags, but I've never gotten the dry heaves and nightmarish flashbacks the way I did after watching a youtube video of a giant boil being lanced on someone's back in a third-world country. One word: spoon.

On the other side of things, I'm a woodcarver and handle knives for pleasure every Saturday. I've cut myself a few times. Never bothers me.
I vote babies. Babies are miraculously gross.
AND BOYS! Can't forget about boys. Boys are the grossest of them all.
My nurse-mom said the same thing!
Human poop and pee. Especially when it starts looking like this… and it continues to get worse.
jenesasquatch, how..through three fingers??? That is just WRONG. Ow.
rape-y/non-consent/manipulation things. grossest, most awful, etc.
Gwyneth Paltrow shitting phlegm. Which is not only the grossest thing, but also a kick-ass prom theme.
Dogs eating shit. Vomited after typing.
@15 I kind of love you for making a Boosh reference on Slog.
Rot and decomp. I love crime dramas but they always show bodies all soupy and discolored and full of mush. I can't even stand when peaches turn brown and mushy. Rot and decomp are the grossest.
Pus, vomit, the smell of decomposition...
@51: dogs eating catshit.

Only thing grosser: dogs eating 144 pieces of catshit.
I voted "other gross things."

Trickle down economics, for example.

And corporate tax rates as they currently are.

Stuff like that.

I'm grossed out constantly, to tell you the truth.

Big vat of decomposing liquified meat?

Flesh-eating fungi?…

OMIGOD I almost forgot! I was on a bus once in Tucson when a homeless man got on the bus and sat down in the bank of seats across from me (so we were facing each other). He then proceeded to remove his glass eye and clean it off on his filthy flannel shirt. Sad and gross, but I could sort of handle it. Then I caught a glimpse of green pus in his eye socket and I could suddenly even smell it (THAT was pretty horrible). I started crying a little bit because I knew I was going to puke in public. But I pulled the ringer and got off at the next stop and didn't puke (but I did sort of faint), yeah!
decomposing vermin
Other gross things: people who like what they've got, and do what they can to keep other people from having it, and like to destroy things without being bothered by it ... and seem to enjoy being like that.

Gimmee your pig guts and blubber and oozy white slimey insect bubble thingie anytime instead.
Poop is funny. Eye things are gross. Touching eyes. Gouging eyes. Watching people put in contacts. Blech.
Contacts are easy, but I can't stand the idea of creepy crawlies under the skin. Saw Creepshow when I was 13 and never recovered. Or, honestly, even seeing them crawling around my house is gross. They're okay outside, or if they are spiders (which eat creepy crawlies so we're good). My life is apparently very clean and easy compared to most of yours. I have dealt with heaps of poop/pee/blood/vomit from my two children over the years. Not gross in context, because of having to project calm and deal with their emotions.
I'm with @61. I've dealt with maggots, vomit, fecal and urinary incontinence, blood, puss coming from just about anywhere and the only thing that reliably makes my stomach turn is stuff related to eyes.
You eye people - here's a word to the wise: don't watch Betty Blue (French movie, from 1986, original title 37°2 le matin). Awful eye scene. My favorite.
smell of burning flesh.
I love you L. West for putting the pizza oven on there. Completely cracked up my shit. For me the grossest things are a tie between maggots, pus, phlegm, and poo. *shudder*
I may have to change my vote from rot to broken people. I dated a guy once who liked to rotate pictures from as his screen saver. Missing chunks of heads, knees bent backward, compound fractures, it makes me shudder and gag now to type it. Rotten is bad but broken people is worse. Broken children must be the worstEST though. They show everything horrible in horror movies but they don't kill off kids. Does that qualify as gross, though, or just morally repugnant?
Dislocated joints and spines. eeeeeuuuuuuhhhhh.....
Definitely bug things: Botfly. The fact that it is better to leave it in for the weeks it takes to come to term and eat its way back out and fly off than to try to kill it because of the likelihood of extreme sepsis... gleagh!

Or leeches. I saw a predatory leech the size of a bratwurst once in the lake I was swimming in. For work. So I had to stay in the water.

Also, I knew a guy who got a leech on his eyeball. If that's not bad enough, he tried the "salt the leech" method by way of dipping it in salt water. The leech didn't like that so it crawled around to the back of his eyeball instead. Yes, inside the guy's head. He could feel it back there for hours until it finally got full and slimed its way out of his eyesocket, bringing with it a trickle of blood that kept running and running because of the anticoagulants.

Disease things. Sores, pus, vomit and being in close sniffing distance of sick-smelling people. Although bug things come a very close second - and @69 has made amply sure I'm not going to sleep well tonight.
Blood. Blood always gets to me. I don't think it's gross when I consider it abstractly, but I react very strongly to it. It's sort of an instinctual recoil. Like when I see carnies.

...Can carnies be an option?
Jane Curtin: . . . And so, with a name like Fluckers, it’s got to be good

Chevy Chase: Hey, hold on a second, I have a jam here called Nose Hair. Now with a name like Nose Hair, you can imagine how good it must be. MMM MMM!!

Dan Aykroyd: Hold it a minute folks, but are you familiar with a jam called Death Camp? That’s Death Camp! Just look for the barbed wire on the label. With a name like Death Camp it must be so good it’s incredible! Just amazingly good jam!

John Belushi: Wait a minute . . . Dog Vomit, Monkey Pus. We offer you a choice of two of the most repulsive brand names of jams you’ve ever heard of. With names like these, this stuff has got to be terrific. We’re talking fabulous jam here!

Chevy Chase: Save your breath fella! Here’s a new jam we’ve just put out. It’s called Painful Rectal Itch. You’d have to go a long way to find a worse name for a jam. And good? MMM WAH! With a name like Painful Rectal Itch you gotta bet that it’s great . . .

Dan Aykroyd: Mangled Baby Ducks. That’s right, Mangled Baby Ducks! Picture a jam so good that you’d dare to call it Mangled Baby Ducks! Great Jam! It’s beautiful jam!

John Belushi: Wait a minute, wait a minute, this is it - 10,000 Nuns and Orphans.

Jane Curtin: 10,000 Nuns and Orphans? What’s so bad about that?

John Belushi: They were all eaten by rats! Oh, it’s so good! MMM!

Garrett Morris: Hold it, hold it everyone, your attention please, I have here a jam called, Oh God, [mumbles] Ick! Yecch!

Dan Aykroyd: It’s so good it’s sick making!

Chevy Chase: Oh, that’s gotta be great jam!

Jane Curtin: So if it’s great jam you’re after, try this one, the brand so disgusting you can’t say it on television. Ask for it by name!

(--"Fluckers", Saturday Night Live-The Album)…
I once met a handsome and friendly young man on a clothing-optional beach. Perfect body, except for a nasty (but healed) scar right over one kneecap. I had to ask. He was working as a roofer, and it was a nail gun accident. I'm sure my tan turned white as a sheet upon hearing that.
I've seen some pretty awful things in my life. From corpses to terrible injuries.

But the things that make your brain hiccup and stomach flip are the things that at first are presented as contrasting with the banal until your cortex has a moment to contextualize what your eye is seeing. Like:

On the Bus to Redmond. Bad start already. Guy gets on. He has an eye patch. Not the pirate kind. The kind that's more like a bandage. He is dressed and has the demeanor of your average granola REI type. He meanders down the isle. Sits next to me. He's talking about going to work. I'm not looking at him. We talk back and forth. I say something witty he laughs. So I look at at him. He has, in the mean time, peeled back his bandage. His eye, purple, dripping with puss, and inflamed, is sewn shut. SEWN FRIGG'N SHUT. And I don't think by a professional. Like. Maybe by him since it was all zig-zaggy. Oh. And what is he doing? Why, he is picking out the stitches with the little metal tweezery thing from his Swiss Army knife. One. At. A. Time. Right there on the bus while he talks to me.

Try getting that shit out of your head.

There are others but I cannot bring them back into being by describing them. I'd like to be able to sleep this week.

Of anything that comes out of your body, poop is definitely the grossest.

@ 2 -- Totally agree. The thought of anything passing in or out of the human body via a needle is horrifying to me. The idea of IVs or giving blood makes my body want to fold in on itself and disappear.

My husband is most grossed about by those tumors you occasionally hear about that have teeth and hair inside them.

Ugghhhhh ..... I have to go watch videos of cats on treadmills or something to distract myself now.

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