Having a life dedicated to hating someone who holds a different view on the what role government plays must be a very sad life. I feel bad that your daughter is being raised in such a hate filled environment.
For all you wannabe why don't you send out a email to the local college republicans from your work emails. stand in solidarity with this old cunt. instead of just commenting anonymously on an overweight and bald fagots blog.
It's our own fault for treating these repulsive assholes respectfully as if they have legitimate viewpoints instead of sadistic, hate-crazed personality disorders.
Seriously, if the RepubliKKKans had the governor's office and supermajorities in the state house and senate, they'd be going whole hog in repealing all environmental laws, eliminating all building codes, pouring toxic waste directly into Puget Sound, installing corporate kleptomaniacs to run state agencies and setting up extermination camps for the hummuhsssekshals. Hello, New Somalia.
Fuck them and fuck our "leaders" who are too corrupt and incompetent to stand up to them.
Wholly agreed; alligator tears are proof of nothing but fey, feigned fragility. Pointing out their crap to them gets defensive bullshit; I'm tired of it. The assholes can dish it out, but can't take it; they're a bunch of stupid children. I say, fuck them too.
Personally, I think "fuck off" is far too nice for these horrible people. This is in response to a pathetic-ass "conservative coming out" day mocking gays, how about we give these motherfuckers a taste of what life is like for people who actually do have to come out in a hostile society. Maybe we should have a political party dedicated to ensuring second class citizenship to rightwing bigots, maybe thugs should beat republicans with baseball bats, maybe parents should kick children out of the house the instant they express a conservative view.
And a special fuck you to #2 who pretends conservatism is about economics rather than hate. You know goddamned well what vile idiocy you leap to defend.
...and that is that these Republicans don't rate even expending this level of negative energy ...which ends up costing us our own good vibes.
Let's just say that these slimy, slithery reptiles -some of which are called 'Newt' etc - deserve to wither away of their own accord. Said another way, Begone, you weird Republicans ...you don't even deserve to take up breathing space with civilized people on this Earth!
The first comment on this page starts out: "Hey Ellen; I support your constitutional right for ugly, ignorant, mentally ill humans (I’d call you a female, but I’m not certain) to speak their emotions. I state ‘speak your emotions’ because you don’t have any rational thoughts."
I like how the article evades the question of the appropriateness of their mass email by saying it was approved by the VP of student services. While that might explain their *authorization* to send the email, it doesn't explain the *appropriateness*.
Republicans are all about personable reaponsibilty, as long you're not talking about their person.
Goldy, when it comes to PR, form matters about as much as substance. Hence, it is not merely childish, but also foolish for anyone in a prominent position within a community to be seen to demean oneself while opposing less-patently-offensive (though potentially hurtful) BS from Republicans. This is so despite the actual lack of harm caused by someone like Emily Lewin (particularly in comparison to, say, Reagan's cuts to social services, G. W. Bush's deregulations, or recent governors' moves to strip employees of their rights). To pretend otherwise is to render your message ineffective-at-best or harmful-at-worst, no matter how good it might feel.
...Though I wonder if it should feel nice for a professional writer to gleefully help his own side lose its battles in the war of words.
Funny. Putting aside the word "faggot" for a moment, Kobe screamed the word "fucking" at a league official while essentially at work. Very few people, Republicans included, have suggested that Kobe be fined for his use of a vulgarity. Interesting.
Additionally, perhaps the professor in question felt the use of the word "fuck" was acceptable given that a former Republican VP told a certain Senator to "go fuck himself".
So, really, to anyone whining about this professor, go cry me a fucking river, build a fucking bridge, and get the fuck over it. And if you need some emotional comfort food, you might try a Whitman's marshmallow creme filled chocolate cross because nothing says "Easter" like eating the symbol of an instrument to which people were nailed.
In finding instances of violence, hate, or idiocy among famous people, have we found cause or excuse for more of the same among others? Or is that some kind of obvious fallacy?
I'd say we've discovered that use of the word "fuck" does not represent violence, hate, or idiocy. It's a word that has become part of everyday speech. Or it could just be that we're learning that Americans are really a fucked up bunch of people.
In the long run, if people treated themselves to a marshmallow creme filled chocolate cross, I think they'd be happier and less argumentative.
Nice Iowa reference, igub. Hermione Gingold would be proud ;-)
As for Republicans, they are odious. They project their thoughts onto everyone else, and are constantly looking to blame others for their own inadequacies. That's why they carp on "personal responsibility", because they don't practice it themselves. It's like a closet case going on about how much he hates gays so no one will think he's gay.
They love to play the victim, though, and to manufacture outrage. Almost every week now, we are subject to some silly non-issue that they have decided to turn into a big drama to get the mouth breathers all worked up. Someone should start tracking the GOP drama of the week.
Wow. I'm absolutely liberal, but I think this goes too far. In order to move forward, we have to start working to foster conversation between parties, and this sort of talk completely cuts off that dialogue. Cut and dry statements about a huge and multi-identity party don't help them want to work with us, and honestly, you're making an ass out of yourself and unfairly representing a group I would want to be in. This post is so childish and vindictive (as Goldy often is). We know about the problems that are out there. Find constructive ways of tackling them instead of this crap.
It's what's at stake with the Supreme Court that we need to focus on. If the party of no gets the presidency again, we'll be pushed back centuries. They must be stopped and the reasonable, white, straight men in the middle should be where we concentrate some effort. We must appeal to the rational, thinking Americans who want a reasonable approach to fixing what is wrong and who see the Repugnants as too extreme.
@29: hilarious! you were cracking wise about obama-stlye bipartisanship, right?
the GOP and their supporters exist in an information bubble. nothing gets through that would engender compromise. empathy and tolerance are emotions to be distained. fear is the only valid emotion, and in their fear, they worship only mammon.
Oh, no, no, no. This was a poorly-thought-out, emotional response that only confirms stereotypes about feminists and women's studies professors. I've never actually met one, but if I were one (a women's studies prof), I'd want to tell her off for making us all look bad. She put herself in the position of having to apologize to these bastards -- what a mistake.
Worse, it was a lost opportunity. If she'd thought strategically, she could have written a restrained but absolutely cutting blast-email counter-response calling them out on their hypocrisy and their appropriation of the "coming out" concept. She could have included some facts, some actual information (she's a professor!). She could have made them look bad, and instead she blew all her leverage on an F-bomb. What a waste.
@26, 'Fuck' does not itself denote hateful, idiotic, or violent rhetoric, but 'FUCK YOU' may perhaps be a little different, particularly in context.
Considering that your initial examples (@24) were of widely criticized behavior, I took your original point to be something along the lines of, Other people have done improper or foolish things like this, so it isn't *so* improper or foolish. That is fallacious reasoning. There are, for example, a lot of rapists, but their acts do not excuse eachother.
--And, no, I am not equating an angrily shouted, "FUCK YOU," to rape. I just chose something we would agree is wrong, and used the form Igub was trying to use to dismiss the impropriety of Lewin's outburst.--
But more important than the question of whether or not Lewin was morally or ethically wrong in shouting her epithet, is the question of whether it was a smart tactic or a foolish one. IMO, it doesn't matter whether or not Republicans deserve to be told to fuck off. It doesn't matter if a professor should feel free to do so while using her official e-mail. What matters is whether this helps her cause or hinders it.
More liberals need to take a stand as simple as "Fuck You, Republicans!" because attempting respectful debate DOES NOT WORK, as, most unfortunately, has been proven time and time again. More power to her. I sent her an email of support, cc'ing the college republicans, their faculty advisor, and the university pres, suggesting she move the the PNW where she would be among friends.
If "respectful debate does not work", does that leave us with the sole option of inarticulate epithets? Do these themselves 'work'? What is the track record for positive change with 'FUCK YOU, REPUBLICANS'?
Nothing sadder like reading the laments of ugly women and effeminate men.
Hate to break it to you all but no one cares. Nothing said here has made your side stronger, or has given your side the decisive edge in the culture wars.
but that is what I have come to expect from "progressives" just a self righteous circle jerk lubricated by their own tears.
@38 - I'd still say "Fuck You" even in the context of this situation shows little more than exasperation. The word "fuck" and its use in any form has become so common place that equating any meaning, value, or definition to it is nearly impossible.
I really don't see it as a help or a hinderance. Or, perhaps it's both as each side has used the story to stir up its base.
Now, had she said, "I'll cut your fucking tongue out," that would have been different. But, the issue there is not with the word "fucking" but with a threat of cutting her tongue. And, I suspect nobody would have cared about her use of "fucking", much as nobody cared about Kobe's use of the word "fucking". My point about Kobe & our former VP is that nobody really cared about their use of the word "fuck" because we no longer assign any importance, weight, or value to the word.
With your example of rape, society still defines each and every instance of rape as a crime. However, it's clear that we no longer define each and every use of the word "fuck" as a problem. It only becomes a problem when it's used by someone with whom we disagree on some point. I would certainly hope that our society never degrades to the point that rape is ever perceived as acceptable in certain situations.
Indignation over the use of the word "fuck" is, at this point in our culture, silly. Had we seriously protested other uses of the word "fuck", then we could stand on a moral high ground regarding her usage. But, that train has left the station.
Although I still say that Wells Fargo should stop making wagon stops in Iowa. And more importantly, does anyone in the story have a lump of lead as cold as steel where a woman's heart should be? I have it on good authority that some women from Iowa suffer from that affliction.
And that's precisely why all we liberals ever see are the treads on the tires right before both parties throw us under the bus. The RepubliKKKans always win. Look at the horrific clusterfux in DC and Olympia--even when those sumbitches lose, they win! They control the debate, even if it means shrieking lies and self-contradictory, insane nonsense.
About 80% of this country's seemingly endless, self-induced problems are caused by the fact that psychopathic, neo-fascist, gawt-dam morons aren't told repeatedly that they are, in fact, gawt-dam, psychopathic, neo-fascist morons. Fuck them.
@43 "I'd still say 'Fuck You' even in the context of this situation shows little more than exasperation. The word 'fuck' and its use in any form has become so common place that equating any meaning, value, or definition to it is nearly impossible."
So, basically, you're admitting her e-mail was an inarticulate, emotional outburst. One might wonder whether that is becoming of a professor (particularly in her field, and especially when she seeks to maintain the respect of her position as by demanding she be formally addressed), but it clearly isn't the sort of thing that is going to change minds, positively influence 'independents', or further liberal causes.
Not that it matters, now that you're claiming Lewin's yelling was without meaning or value, but there are definitely times and places where saying 'fuck' is considered inappropriate and worthy of public censure. Dick Cheney's statement *was* such an instance, and a lot of people complained about it. Had they not, we almost surely wouldn't have found out about it.
If you find this arbitrary and unevenly applied, such are the natures of ethics and etiquette. Generally, people who can't navigate these twisted halls have trouble in social situations.
Anyway, does steel tend to be colder than lead for some reason?
@ 44 despite all that you will still vote for Obama, whomever the TPTB decide who should be the next democratic governor of Washington, Jim McDermot and so on. So take your nonsense elsewhere
I did learn something of minimal value from this story, or more specifically from the comments to this story, "Goldy" is a male?
Apparently, my sexist personality led me to equate the name "Goldy" with a woman.
My anti social personality causes me to rarely pay attention to which Stranger staff member has written a particular post because I really don't give a shit. So, I guess I've never noticed a specific gender reference by "Goldy". In the long run, though, I don't really care if "Goldy" is a male, female, or cocker spaniel. Read the posts. If you like 'em, enjoy them. If you hate 'em, move on.
But, what do I know? I mean look at my avatar. I skied into a fucking tree for Chrissake.
@45 - For some reason in Iowa steel apparently is. But, that information could be wrong as I heard it from several Iowan women and you know those Iowan women just love to pick-a-little, talk-a-little so you really never know if they're tellin' you the truth or just blowin' smoke up your shi-poo-pi.
This is a reminder (like I don't get reminders almost everyday) of why I am a liberal. Before I even understood most of the political issues, I understood that the conservative mentality involves a capacity for petty vengefulness.
I have grown to see that this attitude is not exclusive to political conservatives, yet it takes on a distinct ugliness from the side of people who like to shove completely backwards opinions down everyones throats.
FUCK YOU is all they deserve until they are able to speak rationally again (yes at one time there was reason). we can speak their language as well as a rational language. so until they can talk rationally, it's FUCK YOU repubs
I would like to point out something. From looking at Prof. Lewin's profile (and doing a bit of Googling), it seems that she is a lesbian, and an older woman.
I'm guessing that she came out when being gay was less socially acceptable than it is today, that it must have been very painful. So when these republicans sent out that email essentially trivializing the coming out experience of gays, I can imagine that would strike a chord.
I don't think that her response was due to a differing ideology, but rather a reaction to an email which mocked her own difficult experience.
@34: Well said. It's such a shame that Prof Lewin didn't take some time to cool off after reading that email. I'm sure she could have written a brilliant response to their event. However, even in the event that she DID cool off and write a great well-written response, the conservatives would likely have gone about business as usual and Prof Lewin's email would have probably only been distributed to other profs at the university, not the student body. Unfortunately, her language resulted in a "controversy" that conservatives can now use against liberals and feminists (not that THEY would ever use similar language!!!). It really is such a shame that it had to turn out this way.
Eric Lloyd-Carpenter-Superintendent-Husband-Father-Surfer-AMERICAN
I am a fucking republican, but first and foremost I am a fucking AMERICAN. Whether you are what ever the fuck you are, makes no difference to me. Americans-"We the fucking people" need to stand the fuck up and get rid of the people who have the money to persuade the dumbasses out there into thinking and then agreeing with these dumbass points of view. We need to start fucking learning to say the easiest 2 letter word out there FUCK "NO"
I am not denieing any thing or asking for anything. Keep your fucking opinions to your fucking self. AMERICA first. If you dont agree with this then tell us who you are and "WE THE FUCKING AMERICANS" will black list you, you wont exist and thats that. We need to stop allowing these fucking anti-american mother fuckers the right to persuade the public by "marketing" us their bullshit, because they have more money, better lawyers, bigger houses, higher educations, and so on.
I am an american, i excersice my rights that are Amended. That means FUCKYOU. So take everything away, or take their power objects away from them like the simple things that they try to take away from us everyday, because one of them fucked up with one of Americas Amendments and now want to deny us AMERICANS our RIGHTS. FUCKYOU. Speak the TRUTH backed by the FUCKING FACTs not a majority pole based on 10,000 people that subsrcibe to your magazine, news paper or what ever fucking marketing ,bullshit , lie that comes out of your mouth that fucks all of us AMERICANS.
AMERICANS FIRST, 2nd,3rd,4th,5th....FUCK THE UNIONS, FUCK THE GAYS, Fuck the jews, fuck the president fuck you and me. " WE THE PEOPLE (AMERICANS) IN GOD WE TRUST" need to stand by these words that made this country and take this fucking country back before GOD and WE THE FUCKING PEOPLE ONE FUCKING NATION UNDER GOD AND INDIVISIBLE remove the words LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, instead of the word GOD.
LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL are great words but until these dumbasses start enforceing, insteaded of changing, removeing and amendinding our AMERICAN RIGHTS, these words need to be dealt with in the order in which they come.
Just like we all should have learned in the first couple of years in school, 1 2 3: A B C; if you dont understand what comes first, or follows, then you do not pass go and sure as hell dont get to collect $200 dollars. You start at the top left-left to right-top to bottom. If you get stuck with a word you stop, grab a dictionary, WAIT NO, if you dont understand any of the words Mentioned above then you sure as hell wont be needing a dictionary. You will be needing to go find another fucking country to live in. Capeesh, comprendday, understand, fucking get it, (insert what ever fucking word you want, as long as you understand the word you are useing).
Remove the words that grant dumbasses the right to exist and corrupt this GREAT COUNTRY, NO. Remove the dumbasses or make them change. Things always need to change but it is time that they change too.
I disagree that all Rs are assholes--I've met a few nice ones. Most of them do seem to be concerned primarily with themselves, and by extension their families. They don't seem to give a shit about others in their community, country, or around the world, animals, the environment, the future of the planet, etc. They just want to get theirs. Most of all they seem to be afraid--even in their safe little neighborhoods they're bizarrely afraid of black people and so on, and that's why they all own handguns.
This is not a joke,,,,, our Country is suffering as a direct result of the Republican ego. I am a 32 y/o gay male with a husband and adopted child... my partner and I have been togerther for 8 years now and it's a shame that we cannot enjoy the same rights as my fellow Americans. I am a tax paying, hard working American who should enjoy rights! The Republican party enjoys hatred to all on a political scale and continiues to get away with it. It's time that we stand for our rights and tell washington who we are! We are powerful, we are in control, we are serious.... and WE are Americans! The constitution was written in an attempt to incude all people in our great USA, Not some or others who are thought to be better. EVERYONE! Where is our Freedom? We were founded on this principal, not a str8 Republican, religious based people. What is going on here? I vow to fight for my Family to the end,,,,,, PLEASE JOIN ME, we can win!!!
there was a study done on the minds of republicans in contrast with dems. the study revealed some interesting facts, dems were overall out in the lead when it comes to empathy. repubs seem to have limited complex emotions like sympathy , empathy, the higher functioning people take for granted. It's just bad genes, that's all.
The guy who said we we have to stop acting like their legit was spot on.. The care only about one thing cut everything so taxes will never have to raised on the filthy rich. FOX lies and talk radio prey on the ignorant white trash that only give a shit when it affects them.. they push getting rid of abortion for one reason.. (and its not the unborn child) those fuckers killed a million people in Iraq to snatch the oil) they push getting rid of abortion cause their bible beating god fearing morons can connect the dots. The dots? The reps who claim every birth is sacred are the same diks that will cut head start, food stamps, housing asst.. home heating, and health care that new sacred life needs now that you force the poor single women to give birth.. and the kid can count on that same party who got'em to pollute their world and make sure they serve big sentences when they go into crime to line the pockets of the prison profiteers... If their really is evil its the fucking gross ass republicans..
Fuck you.
Seriously, if the RepubliKKKans had the governor's office and supermajorities in the state house and senate, they'd be going whole hog in repealing all environmental laws, eliminating all building codes, pouring toxic waste directly into Puget Sound, installing corporate kleptomaniacs to run state agencies and setting up extermination camps for the hummuhsssekshals. Hello, New Somalia.
Fuck them and fuck our "leaders" who are too corrupt and incompetent to stand up to them.
And a special fuck you to #2 who pretends conservatism is about economics rather than hate. You know goddamned well what vile idiocy you leap to defend.
Also, fuck 2, 6 & 7 for anonymous trolling and being simple minded bigots. (Fuck me, also, for feeding the trolls.)
And @ 13? You FUCKING rule.
...and that is that these Republicans don't rate even expending this level of negative energy ...which ends up costing us our own good vibes.
Let's just say that these slimy, slithery reptiles -some of which are called 'Newt' etc - deserve to wither away of their own accord. Said another way, Begone, you weird Republicans ...you don't even deserve to take up breathing space with civilized people on this Earth!
Republicans are all about personable reaponsibilty, as long you're not talking about their person.
...Though I wonder if it should feel nice for a professional writer to gleefully help his own side lose its battles in the war of words.
Additionally, perhaps the professor in question felt the use of the word "fuck" was acceptable given that a former Republican VP told a certain Senator to "go fuck himself".
So, really, to anyone whining about this professor, go cry me a fucking river, build a fucking bridge, and get the fuck over it. And if you need some emotional comfort food, you might try a Whitman's marshmallow creme filled chocolate cross because nothing says "Easter" like eating the symbol of an instrument to which people were nailed.
In the long run, if people treated themselves to a marshmallow creme filled chocolate cross, I think they'd be happier and less argumentative.
As for Republicans, they are odious. They project their thoughts onto everyone else, and are constantly looking to blame others for their own inadequacies. That's why they carp on "personal responsibility", because they don't practice it themselves. It's like a closet case going on about how much he hates gays so no one will think he's gay.
They love to play the victim, though, and to manufacture outrage. Almost every week now, we are subject to some silly non-issue that they have decided to turn into a big drama to get the mouth breathers all worked up. Someone should start tracking the GOP drama of the week.
the GOP and their supporters exist in an information bubble. nothing gets through that would engender compromise. empathy and tolerance are emotions to be distained. fear is the only valid emotion, and in their fear, they worship only mammon.
fuck. them.
Worse, it was a lost opportunity. If she'd thought strategically, she could have written a restrained but absolutely cutting blast-email counter-response calling them out on their hypocrisy and their appropriation of the "coming out" concept. She could have included some facts, some actual information (she's a professor!). She could have made them look bad, and instead she blew all her leverage on an F-bomb. What a waste.
Considering that your initial examples (@24) were of widely criticized behavior, I took your original point to be something along the lines of, Other people have done improper or foolish things like this, so it isn't *so* improper or foolish. That is fallacious reasoning. There are, for example, a lot of rapists, but their acts do not excuse eachother.
--And, no, I am not equating an angrily shouted, "FUCK YOU," to rape. I just chose something we would agree is wrong, and used the form Igub was trying to use to dismiss the impropriety of Lewin's outburst.--
But more important than the question of whether or not Lewin was morally or ethically wrong in shouting her epithet, is the question of whether it was a smart tactic or a foolish one. IMO, it doesn't matter whether or not Republicans deserve to be told to fuck off. It doesn't matter if a professor should feel free to do so while using her official e-mail. What matters is whether this helps her cause or hinders it.
Hate to break it to you all but no one cares. Nothing said here has made your side stronger, or has given your side the decisive edge in the culture wars.
but that is what I have come to expect from "progressives" just a self righteous circle jerk lubricated by their own tears.
I really don't see it as a help or a hinderance. Or, perhaps it's both as each side has used the story to stir up its base.
Now, had she said, "I'll cut your fucking tongue out," that would have been different. But, the issue there is not with the word "fucking" but with a threat of cutting her tongue. And, I suspect nobody would have cared about her use of "fucking", much as nobody cared about Kobe's use of the word "fucking". My point about Kobe & our former VP is that nobody really cared about their use of the word "fuck" because we no longer assign any importance, weight, or value to the word.
With your example of rape, society still defines each and every instance of rape as a crime. However, it's clear that we no longer define each and every use of the word "fuck" as a problem. It only becomes a problem when it's used by someone with whom we disagree on some point. I would certainly hope that our society never degrades to the point that rape is ever perceived as acceptable in certain situations.
Indignation over the use of the word "fuck" is, at this point in our culture, silly. Had we seriously protested other uses of the word "fuck", then we could stand on a moral high ground regarding her usage. But, that train has left the station.
Although I still say that Wells Fargo should stop making wagon stops in Iowa. And more importantly, does anyone in the story have a lump of lead as cold as steel where a woman's heart should be? I have it on good authority that some women from Iowa suffer from that affliction.
And that's precisely why all we liberals ever see are the treads on the tires right before both parties throw us under the bus. The RepubliKKKans always win. Look at the horrific clusterfux in DC and Olympia--even when those sumbitches lose, they win! They control the debate, even if it means shrieking lies and self-contradictory, insane nonsense.
About 80% of this country's seemingly endless, self-induced problems are caused by the fact that psychopathic, neo-fascist, gawt-dam morons aren't told repeatedly that they are, in fact, gawt-dam, psychopathic, neo-fascist morons. Fuck them.
So, basically, you're admitting her e-mail was an inarticulate, emotional outburst. One might wonder whether that is becoming of a professor (particularly in her field, and especially when she seeks to maintain the respect of her position as by demanding she be formally addressed), but it clearly isn't the sort of thing that is going to change minds, positively influence 'independents', or further liberal causes.
Not that it matters, now that you're claiming Lewin's yelling was without meaning or value, but there are definitely times and places where saying 'fuck' is considered inappropriate and worthy of public censure. Dick Cheney's statement *was* such an instance, and a lot of people complained about it. Had they not, we almost surely wouldn't have found out about it.
If you find this arbitrary and unevenly applied, such are the natures of ethics and etiquette. Generally, people who can't navigate these twisted halls have trouble in social situations.
Anyway, does steel tend to be colder than lead for some reason?
Apparently, my sexist personality led me to equate the name "Goldy" with a woman.
My anti social personality causes me to rarely pay attention to which Stranger staff member has written a particular post because I really don't give a shit. So, I guess I've never noticed a specific gender reference by "Goldy". In the long run, though, I don't really care if "Goldy" is a male, female, or cocker spaniel. Read the posts. If you like 'em, enjoy them. If you hate 'em, move on.
But, what do I know? I mean look at my avatar. I skied into a fucking tree for Chrissake.
Fuck yeah; and FUCK YOU, Republicans!
"Let's create an event tailor made to make people angry, then use that anger to victimize ourselves in the media!"...Bitches!
I have grown to see that this attitude is not exclusive to political conservatives, yet it takes on a distinct ugliness from the side of people who like to shove completely backwards opinions down everyones throats.
I'm guessing that she came out when being gay was less socially acceptable than it is today, that it must have been very painful. So when these republicans sent out that email essentially trivializing the coming out experience of gays, I can imagine that would strike a chord.
I don't think that her response was due to a differing ideology, but rather a reaction to an email which mocked her own difficult experience.
"Goldy" with a "y" is the masculine spelling. "Goldie" with an "ie' would be feminine, as in Goldie Hawn.
I am a fucking republican, but first and foremost I am a fucking AMERICAN. Whether you are what ever the fuck you are, makes no difference to me. Americans-"We the fucking people" need to stand the fuck up and get rid of the people who have the money to persuade the dumbasses out there into thinking and then agreeing with these dumbass points of view. We need to start fucking learning to say the easiest 2 letter word out there FUCK "NO"
I am not denieing any thing or asking for anything. Keep your fucking opinions to your fucking self. AMERICA first. If you dont agree with this then tell us who you are and "WE THE FUCKING AMERICANS" will black list you, you wont exist and thats that. We need to stop allowing these fucking anti-american mother fuckers the right to persuade the public by "marketing" us their bullshit, because they have more money, better lawyers, bigger houses, higher educations, and so on.
I am an american, i excersice my rights that are Amended. That means FUCKYOU. So take everything away, or take their power objects away from them like the simple things that they try to take away from us everyday, because one of them fucked up with one of Americas Amendments and now want to deny us AMERICANS our RIGHTS. FUCKYOU. Speak the TRUTH backed by the FUCKING FACTs not a majority pole based on 10,000 people that subsrcibe to your magazine, news paper or what ever fucking marketing ,bullshit , lie that comes out of your mouth that fucks all of us AMERICANS.
AMERICANS FIRST, 2nd,3rd,4th,5th....FUCK THE UNIONS, FUCK THE GAYS, Fuck the jews, fuck the president fuck you and me. " WE THE PEOPLE (AMERICANS) IN GOD WE TRUST" need to stand by these words that made this country and take this fucking country back before GOD and WE THE FUCKING PEOPLE ONE FUCKING NATION UNDER GOD AND INDIVISIBLE remove the words LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, instead of the word GOD.
LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL are great words but until these dumbasses start enforceing, insteaded of changing, removeing and amendinding our AMERICAN RIGHTS, these words need to be dealt with in the order in which they come.
Just like we all should have learned in the first couple of years in school, 1 2 3: A B C; if you dont understand what comes first, or follows, then you do not pass go and sure as hell dont get to collect $200 dollars. You start at the top left-left to right-top to bottom. If you get stuck with a word you stop, grab a dictionary, WAIT NO, if you dont understand any of the words Mentioned above then you sure as hell wont be needing a dictionary. You will be needing to go find another fucking country to live in. Capeesh, comprendday, understand, fucking get it, (insert what ever fucking word you want, as long as you understand the word you are useing).
Remove the words that grant dumbasses the right to exist and corrupt this GREAT COUNTRY, NO. Remove the dumbasses or make them change. Things always need to change but it is time that they change too.
So yeah, fuck you.