
Holy crap... just... wow.
Ouch. That made my soul hurt.
So, did the Mormon church every change it's mind about "dark" people having souls, or did I miss that?
Can I just answer Grady's question real quick? Yes. Yes sir, you are a racist.

"All other races, no matter how they got here have succeeded." Let's not forget that the African Americans got here on FUCKING SLAVE SHIPS.
"procreating" at 1:33 (!!!)

Is that what Grady thinks sex looks like?
@6, "Sarah Palin is our fantasy wife" suggests to me that our pal Grady here may not have a real good idea what sex looks like.
Aaaaahhh, can't watch this, because he seems to be calling me by name
Ah shit. I missed the Teahad. Sounds like a dating site for racist psychos.
good charlie rose episode with oxford historian tomothy garton ash - - in the last 10 min or so they talk about the perversion of the term liberal. teaperverts!
Where's the "Black People Murder Everyone" troll? I'da thought he'd be on this like white on rice.
"Is it racist for me to want to pay a woman to dress as Sarah Palin and just hold me to her buxom while I'm dressed as an infant?"
Well, it certainly appears that huckleberry is racist.

@11, He's dicking around on the thread on the trans woman that was assaulted, claiming the assault occurred because everyone in the McDonalds was black.
Ah, it's moments like this I'm glad I'm not a pacifist anymore. I don't have to feel guilty for wanting to grind this oppressive fucktard's face into a fine paste.
I really don't understand why native americans are totally ignored in the US. Doesn't he have something to say about how shitty we are??
You know, when he said "Sarah Palin is our fantasy wife" I thought "OK, this is clearly a RepubliPoe" but it would appear that no, he's for real, and running for president!

Color me as totally unsurprised that his favorite activity is butchering defenseless animals.
Male - Check
White - Check
Middle Aged - Check
Southerner - Check
Racist - check
ignorant - check
probably jobless - check
Angry over the diminishing power of white authority in society - check

All of these things make him the perfect Tea Bagger.

25 years ago he would be saying these things on video with a white hood on his head. It's nice to see that these fuckers don't need to hide behind those white hoods anymore.

As a black man originally from South Carolina, I'm happy to see that these fuckers aren't going to be dying out by 2012. Let them remind white Republicans outside the South why they'll most likely vote Democrat again when these racist fuckers openly and loudly endorse the Republican ticket.
I should have known the last 4 minutes was going to be a racist rant when the first minute was spent on a very protracted version of "I'm not racist, but..."

Yes, Huckleberry, you are a racist.

Can someone please post a cute kitty video or something, just to serve as an antidote? Thanks.
geez..i hate to ask, but i 'm confused and curious so here goes..what's the difference between blacks and nigras ?
their uppityness, riz.
miss scary
are blacks are more uppity than nigras ?..which is which ?
Me, too, Lindy. I feel that way about a whole host... Westboro Baptist Church... the "Newtie and the Beauty, Gingrich and Palin in 2012" bumper sticker owners... Maggie... Pat... Rush...
Nigra? Wow. That is sooo 1960s. If someone called me that to my face I think I'd probably have to laugh at them.
I like how he advocates for only educated voters being allowed to vote. I guess he wants to take his own rights away!! Ha ha!
i think it goes from colored people to nigras to blacks to afro-americans to african americans. but don't take my word for it--i'm a honky.
His hair is nice and he's sure got a purty mouth. I wonder if he can squeal like a pig?
There is so much wrong is this man's thinking it hurts my heart and head. But while I'm at it,this ignorant mofo, who loves his country and flag so dearly, is selling an American flag t-shirt with only 41 stars on it. (What up, Montana?) Ignorant, I tell you! Only an uppity Black would notice this.

STM - as for the which came first debate: I think they called my grandparents Nigras and my parents colored.
This should be a Democrat campaign commercial.
I'm pretty sure using the word "Nigras" qualifies you as a racist.
Trillions of dollars in reparations? If only!
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
I was sure he was going to end with "Does it make me a racist if I think all non-white people are inferior to whites?"
Frankly, I'm embarrassed to share the same air as this douche.

@31 - Agreed. Certainly worth gaining a few votes.
This guy has nothing on my grandma. She could so out-racist him any day.
@16 I wouldn't even jack off and throw it at Sarah Palin. Her voice is like a rusty nail across the chalk board.
oh god I had to stop here, when he brings up Palin. "Are we racist because we like Sarah Palin? millions of men, she is their fantasy wife"


I wish all teabaggers had a wife as crazy and dysfunctional as Palin. That'd keep them so busy they couldn't find the time to propagate and rage as they've been doing
I want guys like this to completely take over the GOP, overwhelming all the Romneys and Powells so that any candidate who wants to run under the label of their demon beast elephant has to pander to them. Anyone who won't will have to be with us.
I don't want the Tea Party to shut up... I just want impressionable people to stop listening.
These Teabagger people are scared shitless. That's what it comes down to.

Their brief hegemonic American moment in the sun is nearly over, the moment when all you had to be was: born white, male, in North America, in the latter half of the 20th Century— and you could live like a king with almost no effort or brains— is nearly over.

So I kinda sympathize with that. In that for most of us are in the same uncertain boat. However the reaction to entrench oneself in the mythical ideology of Rugged Individualism as Foe to Socialism (which essentially results in handing their wealth and power over to a narrow set of corporate interests) rather than moving forward and embracing change is a terrible mistake. It's only going to hasten their cultural demise and irrelevancy.

The problem is they're gonna drag the rest of us down with them.

And that was the sound of my head exploding.
This is just too much. But at the same time, I love how this guy is just digging his own grave (at least to anyone with a brain).

Also, @ 19... I know it's not a baby animal, but it's still a baby. Enjoy!…
This needs a techno remix more desperately than any other video on Youtube.
Are we sure this isn't a parody? Sure seems like one.

I know it's bad in the States but if this is real, yikes.

Gotta be a parody.
Also, Venomlash rules.

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