Sometimes I think Vivian McPeak was right, maybe MMJ is a waste of time. We should stop acting like it's only medicine and instead acknowlege it for what it is, a viable alternative to alcohol that promotes wellness. The longer this debate goes on with no one protecting providers, the more oomph Big Pharma will have to finally get Marinol or Sativex over regular plants/processed materials.
I kind of hit the sauce hard when I don't have enough money to spend 40+ dollars on weed.
Before my parents had children a 6 pack could last them all week. After my mom got preg they stopped smoking weed. Alcoholism + alcoholism caused bankruptcy broke my home.
I just sent the follow letter to Governor Gregoire. I strongly urge other Slog readers to consider a similar boycott, and if you do decide to join me, I urge you to send a similar letter to Christine Gregoire at
"Governor Gregoire,
Based on currently breaking news reports, I understand that you have vetoed almost all useful portions of SB 5073, leaving behind a bill that is more or less meaningless fluff. I understand that you have done so under the cover of a legal position that has been discredited by multiple legal scholars. Although clearly the wishes of your constituents are irrelevant to you, I wished to inform you of the cost of your veto.
Based upon your consistent pattern of capitulation to conservative and Republican positions, combined with a startling lack of progressive leadership and a willingness to ignore the desires of those demographics that secured your re-election, I will never vote for Christine Gregoire again, for any office or position. In addition, if your veto was intended to ease your transition into an appointed role in the Obama administration, I will not vote for any politician that would appoint you to a position of authority. You have lost my vote, and your presence in an Obama administration would cost Barack Obama my vote.
My issue is not specifically with your vote on SB 5073; it is merely the last straw in a long line of weak-willed capitulation from your office. I will not vote for such weakness again, and I will use whatever social influence I have among my network of friends and coworkers to persuade them to not support you in the future. My sincere hope is that in another very close Washington election, I can personally sway enough voters to lead to your defeat.
I regret that you started into the office of governor with such promise and motivation, only to collapse into disappointing waffling as soon as you were faced with adversity. I wish I could believe that you could change back into the progressive candidate you once claimed to be, but you have used up all my willingness to believe in you. Much like the Seattle Mariners, you are a good idea whose reality is a string of inevitable disappointments, and I'm not renewing my season tickets again.
I guess one could make the case that a recall is warranted because she failed to enforce the law that we instituted by initiative. For me the best response is to come out in 2012 for a decriminalization or legalization law and forget about Chris. She's worthless. Time to move on.
So basically the Governor choose to protect the government first over the citizens. Fuck, maybe the right wingers are a bit correct when they talk about big liberal government.
It's part of a pattern that some of you are very lovingly supporting on one side while rejecting here. I love hypocrisy and clumsy outrage.
@19: Can she be recalled if found in violation of public disclosure laws? She's being sued by the Freedom Foundation, you know. She basically withheld reams of documents citing "executive privilege" a few hundred times from what the suit says.
Best way to combat back and send a clear message to Olympia is to GO SIGN I-1149 so we can get the legalization for persons over 18 on the November ballot! Contact
I hope the Dems will forgive me if I'm just not motivated to vote for whatever lying sack of shit runs for governor next year. Scratch that--I don't care if they don't forgive me. F*ck 'em.
I just wish they would make a decision to allow a decent bill into action. Sooo many people need this medication and it isn't fair for the people over 21 not to have their OWN decision on being able to smoke or whatever, or not. I think it should be treated as alcohol. I've never known ANYONE to crash their car while stoned but MANY while on alcohol. Not to mention the money they could make by taxing it the same as alcohol.
I don't smoke pot and the one time I tried it a couple decades ago I became quite dizzy. That said the anectdotal evidence that it serves a very useful purpose for some people is overwhelming. It is also true that pot can be abused just as alcohol can (though the scientific literature has yet to identify a death due to marijuana overdosing...unfortunately the same is not true for aspirin, alcohol and a whole host of other "legal" drugs). But then most of you on this forum know that already.
Some thoughts as a former prosecutor and current defense attorney (11 years on both sides of the aisle): The only process that realistically stands a chance of achieving you goals is the initiative process. If you can't get a democratic governor to sign off but you think someone like Rossi would help your cause you're smoking more than just pot!
The law enforcement community needs to be taken head on ... cops in particular; most prosecutors and
senior law enforcement "get it" that what we're doing doesn't work. They may not admit it publicly but it's
a mistake to assume they are all true believers, most are not.
To have any meaningful protection pot must be completely decriminalized in Washington State, both as to possession (regardless of quantity - if it's tons it's going federal anyway and those folks are screwed) and as to delivery (with an exception for delivery to minors). If you don't take the initiative this far all the narcotics enforcement teams will continue to harass pot smokers and growers. You also need to eliminate the financial incentives for cops to go after growers (civil forfeitures). Out here on the Olympic Peninsula it is common knowledge one of the local narcotics enforcement teams focuses on pot grows because let's face it a meth head's scummy trailer just isn't worth seizing.
In short, my advice is to forget about the medical marijuana component and just decriminalize the entire statutory scheme related to pot including asset forfeiture (though you need to have some language to keep it out if the hands of minors and not permit delivery to minors just as we do with booze).
Good luck!
Mike Haas
@24 Hell, I don't know really. I am fine with recalling her, but my opinion is that energy should be spent on reform in 2012 and getting as many fucking socialists elected...i know, "pie in the sky" but yeah.
I just want to remind people who are crying over this: this is the same governor who cried crocodile tears, saying, "I hate this budget." An austerity budget she proposed and then proceeds to force on Washington taxpayers one of the most expensive, inefficient, shortsighted uses of taxpayer money in the history of the state e.g. Tunnel.
Wait, how is anyone here surprised? Doesn't anyone remember the threats in 2008 with SB 5615.
Yeah, Washington just got screwed. I can't believe anyone came out in favor of SB 5073, in ANY format. From the beginning Section 301 set out to destroy doctor protections. That is enough for me to boo it.
Every hearing the legislature held they all (even the seemingly supportive dems) talked about gutting the current dispensary market.
ahahahahahhahahah oh god this is too funny, you all actually thought kohl-welles' bill had some kind of chance ahahahahaha, you really thought the other side was going to play fair, and then gregoire pulls the rug out from under you like, well, a bunch of dumb stoners ahahahah
kohl-welles has been such a stellar useful idiot that she not only fooled herself but an entire boatload of dim dopers including the manchildren at the stranger. good job there handing a huge victory to law and order, thank you! who would have ever thought a group of people so fundamentally useless to society would have done that very same society such a favor?
go ahead, sign that initiative, hand the state and feds a big fat list of future suspects!
Dow Constantine v Rob Mekenna? What an amazing race that will be. Rob has no hope. I think the commenter calling for Gregoire's recall is a bit extreme, but I admire the thought. I think we should start counting down the seconds until she's no longer our governor, and do massive bong rips just outside her home, but recall? I can still say in the end she's been better than Rossi ever could have been, but on this issue? I feel like we should have given Rossi a try, at least he was honest about being an asshole, I'm genuinely surprised Gregoire would do this, given what me and my friends did to get her elected. It's better than nothing but, we could have done so much better, it's frustrating, we have no allies. I do believe at this rate I'll be dead before they tax marijuana, what stupid politicians.
Go ahead, send all the e-mails and letters you least e-mails can be dumped without wasting paper. She won't see them. She doesn't give a shit...not about you, not about me, not about kids, not about the poor, not about the seriously ill. As ANY politican, Repub or Demo, she only cares about HERSELF. She threatened, on live TV, that if we didn't pass all her little taxes, she'd cut programmes to the poor, and pretty much eliminate those to middle class...and the bucking fitch made good on her threats. I, too, would like to see that cunt suffer horrific pain that she can find NO relief from, except PERHAPS MMJ.
Due to CFS and Fibromyalgia, I qualify for MMJ, but I tried it and got horribly, horribly sick...but that is ME, it is not *this guy over here*, etc, and I don't think it should be denied to people for whom it does give relief. Hell, I don't think it should be withheld from people who just wanna get their mellow on! Likely they won't be smoking and driving...they can't find their fucking KEYS! And, it would stimulate the economy in so many ways...taxes from the sales, the sales themselves benefit the vendors, and the sales of delivery orders would skyrocket!
It is a sad day when the good that could have been achieved by SB5073 is gutted from the bill and only the bad is left.
This is the message I feel that Gregoire is sending us:
"Take your WEED underground folks. We want to keep that black market rolling our weed so grandma can ask her grandchild to get the medicine for her. We apparently want Washington State's Dirty little secret to remain just that... MMJ is Washington's dirty little secret. MMJ patients are to be kept a dirty little secret. Don't ask, Don't tell. Keep it behind closed doors and be afraid that you will be the next one arrested"
I could live with the restrictions to our doctors offices as long as we had dispensaries and access to medication for the patients. I could handle a patient registry as long as we would get arrest protection. Now it appears that Gregoire has gutted this bill and leaves nearly nothing except for maybe a clarification that a patient can also be a designated provider and some really scary restrictions. Section 301 must be re-written to remove the restrictions to the doctors. If doctors can't advertise their services then patients can't access those services.
Sadly if Gregoire is so worried about the State employees facing arrest for the job they do then she should be more worried about the doctors that play a part. Will she allow the feds to arrest the doctors or clinics also? Would the designated provider face arrest for playing a part? Would the co-op groups face arrest? Does the patient face arrest? If the State employee faces arrest then so does everyone else.
Folks, we need to do more. Make your voices heard.
@16 - its weird cuz me and my wife can legally grow 30 (15 for each of us). we already legally grow for an old friend and a family member. tahts 60 plants. why would i wish to call it a collective and limit my number of plants to 45? seems stupid to me.
This is simply a victory for the same police/fascist/incarceration-industrial-complex that is telling Obama what to do. War on Everything: It's a dozens-of-billion-dollar business. Same reason our "progressive" US Senator Maria voted FOR the Iraq War, FOR the PATRIOT Act, and for the extension and expansion of both. Representative government, my ass. Unless you are part of the entitled corporations or the War-on-Everything consortium that actually runs the so-called government.
Gregoire is the most spineless, do-nothing Governor we've ever had. I am sorry I voted for her, a situation which will never happen again. In my opinion, a governor is supposed to be the last line of defense against Federal bullies. She is a FAILURE.
"I am accutely aware of how important this is for medical patients." this seems like a huge politician's bullsh*t....just words in vain. Now I'll have to rethink my cannabutter business expansion...I thought they were gettin' somewhere, but it seems they just served us with the usual bullsh*t.
MMJ is not a waste of time and is known to help citizen everyday. Also implementing ways to tax the medical drug will proved large revenues for all states allowing medical marijuana use.
Please wait...
and remember to be decent to everyone all of the time.
Before my parents had children a 6 pack could last them all week. After my mom got preg they stopped smoking weed. Alcoholism + alcoholism caused bankruptcy broke my home.
Is the Stranger going to send out initiative sheets again this year? Hopefully NOT at the last minute like last time?
"Governor Gregoire,
Based on currently breaking news reports, I understand that you have vetoed almost all useful portions of SB 5073, leaving behind a bill that is more or less meaningless fluff. I understand that you have done so under the cover of a legal position that has been discredited by multiple legal scholars. Although clearly the wishes of your constituents are irrelevant to you, I wished to inform you of the cost of your veto.
Based upon your consistent pattern of capitulation to conservative and Republican positions, combined with a startling lack of progressive leadership and a willingness to ignore the desires of those demographics that secured your re-election, I will never vote for Christine Gregoire again, for any office or position. In addition, if your veto was intended to ease your transition into an appointed role in the Obama administration, I will not vote for any politician that would appoint you to a position of authority. You have lost my vote, and your presence in an Obama administration would cost Barack Obama my vote.
My issue is not specifically with your vote on SB 5073; it is merely the last straw in a long line of weak-willed capitulation from your office. I will not vote for such weakness again, and I will use whatever social influence I have among my network of friends and coworkers to persuade them to not support you in the future. My sincere hope is that in another very close Washington election, I can personally sway enough voters to lead to your defeat.
I regret that you started into the office of governor with such promise and motivation, only to collapse into disappointing waffling as soon as you were faced with adversity. I wish I could believe that you could change back into the progressive candidate you once claimed to be, but you have used up all my willingness to believe in you. Much like the Seattle Mariners, you are a good idea whose reality is a string of inevitable disappointments, and I'm not renewing my season tickets again.
This reeks of future career protection. She can deny it all she wants but there is no other good reason. All her stated reasons are bullshit.
I certainly have voters remorse (not that Dino Rossi was an option).
Dudes...what are you waiting for ?!
@19: Can she be recalled if found in violation of public disclosure laws? She's being sued by the Freedom Foundation, you know. She basically withheld reams of documents citing "executive privilege" a few hundred times from what the suit says.
@22: Applauding a non-answer is so... you.
I hope the Dems will forgive me if I'm just not motivated to vote for whatever lying sack of shit runs for governor next year. Scratch that--I don't care if they don't forgive me. F*ck 'em.
Some thoughts as a former prosecutor and current defense attorney (11 years on both sides of the aisle): The only process that realistically stands a chance of achieving you goals is the initiative process. If you can't get a democratic governor to sign off but you think someone like Rossi would help your cause you're smoking more than just pot!
The law enforcement community needs to be taken head on ... cops in particular; most prosecutors and
senior law enforcement "get it" that what we're doing doesn't work. They may not admit it publicly but it's
a mistake to assume they are all true believers, most are not.
To have any meaningful protection pot must be completely decriminalized in Washington State, both as to possession (regardless of quantity - if it's tons it's going federal anyway and those folks are screwed) and as to delivery (with an exception for delivery to minors). If you don't take the initiative this far all the narcotics enforcement teams will continue to harass pot smokers and growers. You also need to eliminate the financial incentives for cops to go after growers (civil forfeitures). Out here on the Olympic Peninsula it is common knowledge one of the local narcotics enforcement teams focuses on pot grows because let's face it a meth head's scummy trailer just isn't worth seizing.
In short, my advice is to forget about the medical marijuana component and just decriminalize the entire statutory scheme related to pot including asset forfeiture (though you need to have some language to keep it out if the hands of minors and not permit delivery to minors just as we do with booze).
Good luck!
Mike Haas
I just want to remind people who are crying over this: this is the same governor who cried crocodile tears, saying, "I hate this budget." An austerity budget she proposed and then proceeds to force on Washington taxpayers one of the most expensive, inefficient, shortsighted uses of taxpayer money in the history of the state e.g. Tunnel.
Yeah, Washington just got screwed. I can't believe anyone came out in favor of SB 5073, in ANY format. From the beginning Section 301 set out to destroy doctor protections. That is enough for me to boo it.
Every hearing the legislature held they all (even the seemingly supportive dems) talked about gutting the current dispensary market.
Is everyone blind?…
kohl-welles has been such a stellar useful idiot that she not only fooled herself but an entire boatload of dim dopers including the manchildren at the stranger. good job there handing a huge victory to law and order, thank you! who would have ever thought a group of people so fundamentally useless to society would have done that very same society such a favor?
go ahead, sign that initiative, hand the state and feds a big fat list of future suspects!
Due to CFS and Fibromyalgia, I qualify for MMJ, but I tried it and got horribly, horribly sick...but that is ME, it is not *this guy over here*, etc, and I don't think it should be denied to people for whom it does give relief. Hell, I don't think it should be withheld from people who just wanna get their mellow on! Likely they won't be smoking and driving...they can't find their fucking KEYS! And, it would stimulate the economy in so many ways...taxes from the sales, the sales themselves benefit the vendors, and the sales of delivery orders would skyrocket!
This is the message I feel that Gregoire is sending us:
"Take your WEED underground folks. We want to keep that black market rolling our weed so grandma can ask her grandchild to get the medicine for her. We apparently want Washington State's Dirty little secret to remain just that... MMJ is Washington's dirty little secret. MMJ patients are to be kept a dirty little secret. Don't ask, Don't tell. Keep it behind closed doors and be afraid that you will be the next one arrested"
I could live with the restrictions to our doctors offices as long as we had dispensaries and access to medication for the patients. I could handle a patient registry as long as we would get arrest protection. Now it appears that Gregoire has gutted this bill and leaves nearly nothing except for maybe a clarification that a patient can also be a designated provider and some really scary restrictions. Section 301 must be re-written to remove the restrictions to the doctors. If doctors can't advertise their services then patients can't access those services.
Sadly if Gregoire is so worried about the State employees facing arrest for the job they do then she should be more worried about the doctors that play a part. Will she allow the feds to arrest the doctors or clinics also? Would the designated provider face arrest for playing a part? Would the co-op groups face arrest? Does the patient face arrest? If the State employee faces arrest then so does everyone else.
Folks, we need to do more. Make your voices heard.
Hope it was worth it, Chris.