Huffington Post says that Newt Gingrich's atrocious campaign rollout week is paying off. Or, rather, it's not paying off:
"The last 48 hours have called into question if Newt can even make it to July 4, because his fundraising is going to dry up," said one veteran Republican strategist. "No serious finance bundler is now going to step forward in such an organized campaign and take a leadership role."
Another Republican operative said he had spoken with an old friend of Gingrich's in the South who had been planning a fundraiser for the campaign. There were 18 co-chairs for the event until Gingrich's appearance on "Meet the Press" Sunday, where he labeled Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-Wisc.) proposed budget "radical" and "right-wing social engineering."
"He said like 13 of them dropped off within 24 hours of 'Meet the Press,'" the GOP source told The Huffington Post.
He was clearly never going to win the nomination—it's funny that his primary sin is mocking a budget that deserves to be mocked, but those are the rules for Republicans—but Newt's campaign is already on death watch. How long do you think he has before he drops out?