
Dan gets extra brownie points by getting Stephen Colbert to break character, or crack up with his joke about “Saddlebacking”...
Wow, I think SiSF really nailed that to the wall. Hadn't thought of it in quite those terms, but I'm pretty sure he's absolutely correct.
Dude, get it right 'kay!
Well put.
Huzzah! I'm vindicated, kinda sorta...naw.

This is one of the dumbest premises of the religious right/antigay crowd I've ever come across. To even think about it hurts mah brain! It's not even an argument; just a false proposition. The prescientific ancient belief that it corresponds is to identify sexual orientation with sex acts-- entailing that a lesbian who was raped by man is heterosexual. It is too stupid to take seriously save for its widespread acceptance among bigots and use in opinion pieces by fourth rate newspapers and other so-called news orgs who want to be "fair and balanced" by giving hate groups and bigots equal time in the civil rights discussion. It's flat earther, evolution denialism stupid...but these are the issues of the of the mob/day.
Geez, am I the only person in WA that knew Dan was talking about the character Stephen Colbert portrays on his show, and not the actual actor? I sure hope not...

If you're a thinking person who isn't stymied by superficial contradictions, raise your hand!
@6 I love Stephen Colbert, but the fact that he plays a character is such old news that I can't believe anyone would email Dan demanding a correction. That's not novel information, seriously.
Well said SISF
Succinct analysis by SiSF. It explains a lot. I have no doubt he is correct. In fact, it's the only logical explanation.

I happen to be straight. I can't even really make myself imagine not being straight, without hitting a reflexive rejection of the very thought. Unlike the homophobes, though, I have no trouble separating my own sex life from other people's. Nor do I understand why my gay friends and colleagues can't be afforded the same rights and respect in society as I have. After all, how the heck would doing so negatively affect me or anyone else? I only see positives.

Whatever anyone thinks of Lady Gaga, her showmanship and her music, I wish her massive, social-consciousness-changing success for her song, "Born This Way." The timing is perfect.

I came to the same sort of conclusions that SiSF did. The sheer mindboggling number of outed 'phobes can NOT be coincidence. Flaming homophobes are almost certainly closet cases, every last one of them.

And yeah, they *think* they made a choice.

They don't learn, though, even though their "choice" almost inevitably blows up in their faces, that it isn't actually a choice until well after they've done their damage to others, the next generation and so on. If ever. Meh.
You know, Dan, you could have extended the challenge to a registered Slogger named "Seattleblues." Assuming he is who he says he is, you'd only have to go across town to do this.
11, Especially since Seattleblues chooses to live the lifestyle of biracial sex and marriage.
Labeling antigay people, however virulent, closeted homosexual serves what purpose, exactly? As a working hypothesis, it is hit or miss. So, many bigots just hate because they enjoy it or, in the case of the antigay industry, are making money from it.

Does it silence them from being virulently and violently antigay bigots? Doesn't seem to, because they're benefiting from it, and many if not most of them probably aren't gay.

Also is the possibility of such terms being used by the discriminated and allies in its negative connotation, promoting their own marginalization as a response to being discriminated against...which is very sad.

Accusing the antigay haters of being gay is a very old tactic that only works when they are, in fact, gay. It alone doesn't put a wrench in the antigay hate industry, though.
If you say SB's name three times while looking in the mirror, he will appear. Aaah! Don't do it! He also might bring his co-demon, the Period Troll.

SiSF's point is hardly new, but it is very well expressed. All 'choicers' need to be asked that question, quickly and directly: Did you choose to be straight? When? Now choose to be gay for the next six minutes... (unzip fly)...
Hmm... that may also explain why the 'phobes are so obsessed with gay sex. As soon as you even mention gays or same-sex marriage, their minds immediately go to teh butt seks. "If we allow same-sex marriage, we'll have to teach the children about gay sex!"

This always confused me. Seeing a boy couple doesn't make me think about them fucking, for the same reason that seeing an overweight couple or an old couple doesn't make me think about them fucking. Why would I want to think about that? On the other hand, seeing a hot girl almost always makes me think about fucking, because that's how I'm wired. And if I've gone without for a while, seeing just about any girl will make me think about sex.

So imagine you're a deeply-repressed closet case who has gone without the sex you actually want your entire life, and you see a same-sex couple walking down the street. Where's the first place your mind will go?
I don't like choice this argument for two reasons.
1. I don't believe being a murderous psychopath is a choice but I wouldn't defend it.
2. Even if it were a choice, which it is not, it wouldn't matter so this argument is pointless. It does not negatively affect anyone if someone else chooses to date men instead of women or women instead of men. Nobody argues whether liking onions is a choice because you liking onions or not is not going to bring down society as we know it and neither is gayness.

While I believe that a lot of 'phobes are closeted as SISF mentions, they can't all be. I think there are two other explanations.

One being ridigity in their beliefs, I admit to this too. I think guys are cute to look at but the idea of having sex with one makes me wretch and I often look at gay guys and straight women and wonder why the hell they want to have sex with men. The difference is, I don't use my inability to understand them as a reason to deny them rights.

The other possible explanation for the 'phobes: sexism. Why is that I, an adult woman, am told that I can do anything a man can do, own a home, become an engineer, etc., but yet, I can't do the one thing that 90-95% of men do, which is have sex with women? If adult males are trusted to sex with adult females with no negative consequence, why can't I?
It's plain sexism and I'm sure it just boggles their mind that we ladies can get along without having a man to "obey."

It's also sexism on the gay male side. These men think the most disgusting thing on Earth is sex with a man and yet they marry women who engage in what they think is this vile disgusting act. Imagine if I was absolutely horrified by what my girlfriend did even though who she is, that's the thing that makes her attracted to me and yet I find it disgusting. That would mean I have no respect for her, just as these men have no respect for their wives if they think getting poked by a guy is the most demeaning thing ever.
Are we sure Dan Savage wrote this, and not "Dan Savage"?
Not all homophobic bigots are closeted gays. It's just choicers that are. If you actually think sexuality is a choice, then you have to believe that yours is a choice, and you can't believe that without either being bi or having chosen to act against your own orientation. It simply wouldn't make any sense. People who don't have flexibility in their orientation don't feel any choice about their orientation and wouldn't assume other people have any choice either. But it does make sense for most choicers to be at least a bit bi, because sexuality isn't as absolute as people think of it as being. Maybe they're 95% attracted to the opposite sex and 5% attracted to the same sex. Maybe they're what some people would call heteroflexible. Maybe they're what a more tolerant person might self-identify themselves as rounding to straight. But they aren't 100% straight, and most people aren't. Some people are, of course. Just as some people are 100% gay, although even more people who are gay aren't 100% gay, although many will round to it.

I've even heard this view outright from a Christian, that she didn't like homosexuality because she was good and chose to be with a partner of the opposite sex despite having urges sometimes for people of the same sex. I'm fairly sure she was some flavor of bi, and it wasn't that hard for her to simply pick a male partner, but she viewed it as virtuous of her to pick a male partner rather than a female partner when she was able to be attracted to some people of either sex.
To be honest I think it's a bit of an exaggeration to think that choicers are all secretly gay or bi.

What I do think, however, is that they all secretly do have desires to do something "gay". That might not be something literally gay, like wanting to suck Dan Savage's dick (if they're male) but they all have desires that they have suppressed as part of conforming to heteronormative gender roles.

And in some of these people the assumption is that choosing to be gay is just a sliding scale along the same lines. These men may think that if they can choose to suppress their feminine emotions or wear men's clothing all the time or avoid singing along to pop diva anthems or whatever, it seems that gay men ought to be able to choose not to be gay. Maybe it's a little bit harder, but it's the same thing, right? Or maybe they even think that if they chose to indulge their gender-inappropriate desires, that would lead to becoming homosexual.

I could even see it as an extension of a failure to have appropriately monogamous feelings. If they choose to be faithful, they choose not to have sex with all the attractive women they want to, then surely gay men can choose not to have sex with any men.

Whatever it is, whether it's actually being a closet homo or bisexual (which it certainly is for a great many of them) there's definitely some suppression of their inner selves going on. I think outside of the secret homo/bisexuals there's a large contingent of them that are uncomfortable with their gender identities as well (I know that my brother/future sister was certainly more homophobic when he was not out about his transgender identity).

And well, there probably is a small contingent who has been duped by those closet cases, and aren't smart enough to figure out for themselves that they didn't choose to be straight and couldn't chose to be gay if they wanted to.
I knew what you meant by no-quotes Colbert, Dan. Thought it was pretty obvious, actually.

@18 That was great. I'm gonna quote you, so your comment can be seen.
"Not all homophobic bigots are closeted gays. It's just choicers that are. If you actually think sexuality is a choice, then you have to believe that yours is a choice, and you can't believe that without either being bi or having chosen to act against your own orientation. It simply wouldn't make any sense. People who don't have flexibility in their orientation don't feel any choice about their orientation and wouldn't assume other people have any choice either. But it does make sense for most choicers to be at least a bit bi, because sexuality isn't as absolute as people think of it as being. Maybe they're 95% attracted to the opposite sex and 5% attracted to the same sex. Maybe they're what some people would call heteroflexible. Maybe they're what a more tolerant person might self-identify themselves as rounding to straight. But they aren't 100% straight, and most people aren't. Some people are, of course. Just as some people are 100% gay, although even more people who are gay aren't 100% gay, although many will round to it.

I've even heard this view outright from a Christian, that she didn't like homosexuality because she was good and chose to be with a partner of the opposite sex despite having urges sometimes for people of the same sex. I'm fairly sure she was some flavor of bi, and it wasn't that hard for her to simply pick a male partner, but she viewed it as virtuous of her to pick a male partner rather than a female partner when she was able to be attracted to some people of either sex. "

Totally agree with the premise (which, pugilistpuck, you completely missed dear) - anyone who believes sexual attraction is a conscious choice does so because for them it is. They are attracted to both sexes and choose 'hetero' as being morally superior. They believe everyone else is doing the same, but some are choosing the morally inferior one.
I'm sorry, did you just say Justin Bieber *isn't* a tool?
Um, no mike. It isn't for them. That's the real point to refute their default heterosexual mentality.
And it isn't a choice for bisexuals, either, mike. Sexual attraction doesn't work that way. Biphobe!

"It simply wouldn't make any sense."

Now you're gettin' it. And moreso, it doesn't have to for them. They can easily justify that it isn't a choice for heterosexuals, but is for non-heterosexuals, by treating het as the default orientation that is innate and "natural", and any other as a choice. Oh wait, they do. The limit here isn't facts or peer reviewed empirical research, basically a current and scientifically viable understanding of human sexuality, but imagination.
@25 Then why don't they react the same way to choices that don't tempt them? You don't tend to see them arguing that other religions should be banned from the country, even though that would be far, far more of a sin from the viewpoint of most religions. Since engaging in a homosexual activity at worst makes you a X religion member who did something you shouldn't have, whereas not being of X religion usually makes you doomed. If you're Christian, a homosexual Christian would, logically, be viewed as far closer to God's grace (and potentially having it, since all humans sin and are flawed) than a member of any other religion regardless of their orientation. Yet, this issue is treated as special. Sure, you can claim it's simply that they are completely illogical and irrational, which is a fair argument. Ethical and religious consistency is rare. Most people are hypocrites, at least somewhat. And you pretty much have to be a hypocrite to be overly anti-gay and call yourself a Christian, so I suppose that is the most likely explanation. But it just does seem likely that the fixation is there, at least in part, because so many of them have some desire. But I suppose it's possible they may just be afraid that they might have the potential to have the desire and not want to find out. It could just be born out of insecurity that if we make society tolerant of homosexuality, then they would be tested, and they would then be found wanting, since they were only capable of following their views as long as it was easy.
Shame and repression are good for some things. Lots of people naturally would be mean, or highly aggressive if they weren't corrected a lot by their parents and friends as children, until they start to feel like someone is looking over their shoulder and they stop themselves before acting on impulses that would be shameful.
When someone complains that people are enforcing a 'politically correct' position on them, they are essentially saying that they don't appreciate being shamed for their prejudice or bad attitude etc.
@27 Almost true. Guilt is useful; shame is not. Guilt will often motivate people to try to fix what they did wrong. Shame tends to motivate people to withdraw and avoid the problem. Shame has not been shown to have any positive effects when it happens, last I checked. The only positive effects associated with shame is that the fear of shame may have an effect in preventing people from doing things that may cause it. However, once shame is actually experienced, it is harmful. This is much like the assured mutual destruction of emotions - while the threat of assured mutual destruction might be useful in some cases, actual mutual destruction is horrible.

We should be trying to decrease shame when we can. However, people don't always distinguish between shame and guilt. Guilt is useful. We should be trying to make people feel guilty for bad actions. One of the key differences between shame and guilt is that people who are ashamed tend to feel that they as a person are worthless because of what they have done. People who feel guilty tend to be more focused on the action being wrong and feeling bad about having done it.
SiSF is right on the money. The way the homophobes rage on, it's obvious they truly believe that all one needs to do to become a queer is to talk or think about gay things. "If the little children hear the word gay, they'll turn gay". This reflects their inner reality.
If the 'phobes weren't constantly obsessing on teh butt secks, this would never occur to them. Same goes for homophobic women- betcha they've ALL wanted to get down with a pussy at some point.
Kinsey's scale is killing us, mixed in with the shame-filled Puritan society we live in.
Back when I was a militant (so to speak) queer, I believed strongly that my lesbian sexuality was a choice. There's evidence for cultures that had much larger proportions of their populations engaging in gay sex than our own, plus I thought having people who embraced a choice to be queer would help legitimate it.

But now I think I'm just bi.
May the record show that when I read the original column on The Stranger's website, it definitely DID contain the quotation marks around the name. Maybe the editors of some of the papers that syndicate the column removed them?

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