
a picture is worth a 1000 words, we have about 900 to go, let's go Sloggers
It's a trick - Get an axe.
3 on the way.
Slog is the best photography blog EVAR.
I hope it doesn't get eaten by matthew barney.
The confusing bird news for me is that two crows have attacked me miles away from each other in the last two days. One dropped a zip tie on my head, and the other dive-bombed the back of my head.
@6, carry some Ritz crackers in your pocket, and feed them. Just toss them 10-20 feet away. They will be your friends for life, and come the takeover you will be spared.
Another piece of dross for the pile, Chuck. Is this really a well-spent life?
All I have to say is that if I was a bird, I would absolutely not mistake the display window of Macy's for Paradise. Field's, maybe, but not Macy's.
I saw the pigeon in there on the way to work. I thought about doing something buuuut had to fend off the crazy guy yelling at me about how "everyone in this city is brain dead. Can't make the cut here and I've BEEN to New York! The failure's coming!" So I had to nod and say "yeah" just in case his semi-automatic came out. It trumped the pigeon for sure.

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