
She's a wacked-out psychobitch from Hell. Totally transcends this racism bullshit.

The Richard Pryor Special (1977) had a good serio-comic skit about metaphors for black women's shades of color.
She's a gay fish.
Who is she and why should we care?
What about Coffee?
I didn't click play, but now I have that song stuck in my head. Damn you, Mudede.
Way to fly the diva flag, by bitching about your name being used in any way that implies you being pushed aside.
Oh, and I am a strait male who has been guilty of comparing (via the internal monologue)certain womens skin tone to various food and beverages. What can I say, I like chocolate, and when a beautiful womans skin reminds me of some good dark chocolate, or heavily creamed coffee, or cinamon, its a damn good thing.
The ad compares the chocolate to her; if anything, the chocolate should be offended...
There's just nothing else worth of your attention? Naomi Campbell and chocolate? Really? Your time must be completely worthless, Chuck.
Damn that's a good song.
I'm kind of baffled that people wouldn't understand why Naomi would be offended. Pretty sure they wouldn't have compared a pampered white singer to a chocolate bar or even a white chocolate bar, after all. This is not complicated. I mean, I thought one of the major bits of any bigotry was seeing the other as something less than human, as an object. Which seems to fit here. Go ahead and punch me for being a hippy, I don't like that ad.
Brown sugar? But why not chocolate? It's better for my as for free lance writer

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