And apparently you'd rather they just roll over and die rather than take safety precautions? WTF is wrong with you? What the hell are they supposed to do, Goldy? First you shriek about how terrible the situation is, and now you're making fun of them for trying to avoid exposing their children to radiation?
I know the prospect of nuclear disaster gives you a big chub, but this is just unseemly.
I don't think the true, mind-fucking extent of this nuclear accident is getting anywhere near the press it deserves. Three reactors have melted down and spewed tons of fission byproducts around the countryside and are still spewing. A "spent-fuel" pool on the second floor of reactor 4 is full of unspent fuel and in danger of collapse from structural damage caused by the earthquake. Large swaths of the countryside are showing disastrous radiation levels.
It's amazing to watch people who were so staggeringly wrong try to take it out emotionally on others who were smart enough to understand what's actually been going on here.
I know the prospect of nuclear disaster gives you a big chub, but this is just unseemly.
My fused fingers act as super flippers, Naguchi!
If you get bored of radiation:… go out of your way in this story to mention Japan. That so makes me want to hate you.
I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!
So there!
Here are some recent readings from outside the 20 km exclusion zone. Some areas to the north and west of the plant just have enormous readings, which are going up, not down, over time as more contamination accumulates.
Welcome it with open pores, because you fucking deserve it.