
I think this is a message about FORTRAN, the computer language. Just missing an apostrophe.
Maybe it's about Ariel Attack, trans anarchist arrested this weekend for the dust-up on Saturday night.
@2, thanks for that - CHS blog is doing a very nice job covering all the angles on that story.
So, does this mean every time there's a street party on Capitol Hill, "anarchist" douchebags are going to fuck everything up?
You know, that message doesn't really contain any effective advice at all.

Burning prisons is a very difficult endeavor, since they tend to be made largely of reinforced concrete and metal; and killing cops is a fast way to a short life.

If trans girls go about doing these things, they will further marginalize an already marginalized community.

Seems like a lose-lose-really lose situation to me.

Although we could do with far, far fewer prisons and laws.
Kill the cop in your head first...
I'm pretty sure that was scrawled by anarchist Russian LOL catz ...
yeah - it sounds like Ariel Attack, who also broke some windows at the democratic party office in Denver. Maybe he wants to get on the inside
transgender anarchist and activist best known for smashing windows at the Democratic party headquarters in Denver in a summer 2009 attack
That cunt deserves a kick in the balls.
"So, does this mean every time there's a street party on Capitol Hill, "anarchist" douchebags are going to fuck everything up?"

...pretty much.
Anarchists aren't known for forward thinking, or mulling over the consequences of action or whatever spews forth from their mouths. But yeah, I've heard of them. Big bundles of pain and angst and manufactured victimhood.
Some people need a fucking hobby, idiots.

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