
This is not one of the things about Seattle that I miss.
That's it - I'm moving to Phoenix, where the forecast is for a high of 105, overnight low of 88, relatively low chance of haboobs engulfing the city.…
Anyone that doesn't like the weather here should just move. Oh, and stop complaining about it at every opportunity.
I like it.
Loves it
Whatever, it's still comfortable. Slept with all the windows open last night and was just fine. Left the house today in short sleeves and was just fine. I really, really enjoyed the last week of hotter weather, but this is OK too.
It's perfect right now.
What would Seattlites talk about if they stopped complaining about the weather?
@9 Tunnels.
You know what else happened yesterday? My allergies went NUTS and it was NOT FUN. I like this weather, it keeps my face from itchin' and my pale-cold-weather-loving body from sweating up a storm.

If you don't like it, move. bye-bye
that forecast looks perfect to me. it got too hot yesterday.
perfect, dry summers from July 1 to October 1 are supposed to be the reward for being cold and damp the other 9 months. last year we didn't really get a summer. we got an eternal june gloom. if you don't like the bitching from people who enjoy the perfect, dry summers that are/were the best thing about Seattle (besides no fucking freezing winters), tough shit. it's a coping mechanism for the vitamin D deprived.
What @13 said. Everybody saying shit like "if you don't like the weather here, move" is missing the goddamn point. It's fucking July 7th, you morons...even in Seattle, the weather is supposed to be better than it is right now. We just had a historically wet and cloudy spring. I DO like the weather here; the problem is the weather has been like somewhere else. Maybe YOU should move somewhere else, some place where it never gets above 50 and is overcast and/or raining most of the time...Alaska? Some shithole backwater in Saskatchewon? The rest of us would like to see the sun and experience some warmth, like we are SUPPOSED TO BE DOING THIS TIME OF THE YEAR.
That heat wave yesterday was miserable. Today is much better.
#15 Any fool knows summers come very late here, and are often not very hot even when they do come. You must be new.
@ 17, not this late. This date's average high is 76, and average low is 58. As of right this minute, it's 59 at Boeing Field.…
#18, yes, so today's high of 70 is 6 degrees below average. So what? Good luck finding a place where the average temperature is always the actual temperature.
@ 19, now the temp is 58...
It's more like July 15th to October 1st - and I miss the rainy springs and early summer.

It's 101 with 27% humidity in Palm Springs, which doesn't sound awful, but it is. It is the worst.
Quit yer bitchin. 3 gorgeous warm days followed by three chilly overcast days?

I call that heaven.

Hey, you could go to Phoenix where today it's 107F (42 C) today and tomorrow and "cools" down to 102F (39C) on Sunday. Sure you can go around naked in Phoenix but you can only take off clothes to a point and then you're naked. Arizona's kinda conservative. I don't know how well they'd go for bunches of people stripping down to nothing.
I am so jealous. It was 107 last Saturday where I'm at.... ) :
Great biking weather - I rode hard and broke just a bit of a sweat. Humidity is great for the skin too. Whiners can move to one of the drier, browner states.
One reason why Seattle's weather is tolerable is that we usually get a few days of chill after a few days of warm weather. It keeps things from getting too hot and bothered.

Works for me.

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