
Oy, what a meshuggeneh. Well, that locks up the Jewish vote.

Be careful with these Minnesotans and their funky accent, though -- for all we know, "choot-spah" is how they do it in Minnesota, even in the Yiddish ghetto (they have one, right?).
I bet no more than 3% of the hard right GOP base even know the word.
Reminds me of when I convinced my little cousin that "Banquet" was pronounced, "ban-KAY" since it was French.
Or my grandpa getting recipe directions from one of his cronies that said to "Saudi" the onions.
Well, but that's one-a them there "furrin'" words - real Amurricans aren't supposed to know how to pronounce them.
Where was your mirth when Obama said he had been to 57 states, or said he saw dead veterans during a Memorial Day address?

Where has your mirth been when Biden opens his mouth at all? The two of them are gaffe machines!

Your hypocrisy scares me sometimes.

But it doesn't matter to you. As long as you can take down a strong, intelligent christian patriotic woman, all is fair game, right?

You do a lot of rolling on the floor, Baz. It's sort of creepy.
@7 And you do a lot of topic avoidance.

This is what liberals do when they can't refute an argument.
@3, if your cousin is still small enough, you should apologize profusely and then convince them that you were lying about "antique" and "boutique" too -- they're really pronounced "ANN-ti-kyew" and "BOO-ti-kyew". Then maybe you can tell 'em "hey, did you know the word 'gullible' isn't in the dictionary?"
@8: Who told you I was a liberal? The same person who told you Bachmann was intelligent?
@6: patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

and i'm not laughing at the spectre of theocratic fascism in the white house. you mistake hubris for intellect.
I would love to see this ignorant bitch get the nomination. Oh, please, give this cunt the nomination. Please!
Baz: There is more intelligence within the hemorroid that dangles from Biden's aged ass than there is in Bachmann's whole body.
Rolling on the floor? Oh Basil, who are you trying to kid? For one thing, you haven't vacuumed since that time your sewer backed up and you fried your Electrolux trying to use it as a wet vac. Plus, between all the empty pizza boxes and stacks of newspapers, there's not really room to do much rolling.

(believe me, since all Basil ever wears are muumuu , and they have a tendency to creep up, you really don't want to see him roll)
@6,8: Grouse yarn, mate.
"Instead, they're talking about the way she mispronounces "chutzpah.""

I'd say "death to journalists" but there are no journalists as journalism died with the advent of the 24 hour news.
Bitch, I have looked up your district on a map. I have a hard time believing you don't know any Jews well enough to know how to properly say that word!
@6: "But it doesn't matter to you. As long as you can take down a strong, intelligent christian patriotic woman, all is fair game, right?"

It's always funny when Israel-firsters mispronounce Hebrew words. You're obviously not smart enough to make that connection.

Also, Palin and Bachmann make a neverending string of fuck-ups, while you're limited to the same one or two mistakes that Obama made years ago. Congratulations for having no sense of scale!
They're talking about how she says "chutzpah" because everything else wrong with her has been highlighted repeatedly. She has shown herself to be nothing but crazy and stupid since the moment she hitched a ride on Sarah Palins coattails.
@17, I dunno about her district, but I was surprised to find out that Minnesota has more Jews than Washington, even though it's a significantly smaller state. I do believe that at least half of the things wrong with our state are the fault of insufficient Jews.
@20: did you not see "a serious man"?
Hahaa! @15 ftw.
@13, still laughing at what you said, but I shouldn't because it is so true!

Actually, I didn't laugh at Bachmann because it was more sad than funny. This person wants to be president of the United States.

Seriously, people. Please do not vote for her because you want to be amused. Think it through.

Oh, and she probably thinks as highly of the Jews as she does teh gays since THEY'RE NOT CHRISTIAN. But her handlers would never allow her to say so.

Yeah, like @21 said, A Serious Man. Bob Dylan & the Coen brothers are the most famous Minnesota Jews I can think of.
Well, you know she is kind of a FUCKING MORON.

GOP, bringing you RETARDED IDIOTS IN GOVERNMENT since 1988!
@24 - Al Franken?

As for Bachmann, I find it refreshing that she has finally said something stupid that wasn't laced with hatred. This is pretty innocuous, and hardly surprising. Does anybody else remember the class baiting people tried to engage in when we all heard how Obama pronounced "Pakistan"? 5280 is right about this: she's a real American and speaks American proudly.
@1 Fnarf, I live in Minnesota, and I'm a Jew! Minnesotans do NOT pronounce it that way. That's just crazy Bachmann-talk.

@17, Bachmanns district is not exactly a Jewish haven. Anoka is about the whitest place in the state, not counting all the reddened necks. Jewish areas are Saint Louis Park and the actual cities. Trust me, she probably knows (at most) one sad, frightened, shell-shocked Jew.
I lived in Minnesota for 7 years. I'm with Fnarf, this is how it's pronounced there. These are the same people who say things like "Oh, for funny".

Zombie-Fighter, I thought Bachmann's district was Hugo/Stillwater? I was pretty pissed when I lived there that I didn't live in her district so I could vote against her.
That IS how it's spelled.
Zombie, my erroneous assumption that there would be Jews in all affluent suburbs was worth your "one sad, frightened, shell-shocked Jew" comment.
What I don't understand is why she would even attempt to pronounce the word at all.

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