Blogs Jul 15, 2011 at 10:28 pm


I wish untreatable prostate cancer on all the asshole Republicans who want to take away women's access to healthcare.
Duck, Martha, INCOMING!
Ooh, this thread will be fun.
Dan's Savage Drunken Talk-Show Tirade!

Stalwart monogamists nationwide cluck their tongues in disapproval! Conservative pastors blame the gays! It Gets Better Project shuttered in Breitbart-funded video splicing scandal!
I was wondering why Bill didn't react. I did hear it and all I could think was, wow that was a bit crude and I know this is going to end up on O'Reilly for sure.
I'm really, really trying to state why @1's comment shouldn't come to pass, but... but... But.

Oh hell, yeah

You and John Wilkes Booth.

I wouldn't worry, who watches Bill Maher?
I was just gonna go to bed, leaving the show on the DVR, but now I have to watch. Thanks.
You're human.
Don't worry about it.
Yeah, caught that. But clearly not serious and kinda proves Maron's point on humor. Dude - you rocked. The santorum in Santorum, Seattle light rail shout out and the Goldy reference - beautiful. You mopped up the panel - ahem. Nice one.
Crap, Dan, I just saw the interview. You really need to get rid of those shoes cause you just can't seem to stop stepping in it, no matter what IT is. Isn't it about time for a vacation?
How about a spoiler alert? Geeze!
Republicans wish us all dead. Why not return the favour?
Why not apologize for something you've actually done wrong?

Hey, if you want to hear Dan say how he wants to kill 50 percent of the people in America, HBO said they'd "post the episode shortly":…
Oh dear.
Well, when crazy, hostile, reckless, stupid, hateful and destructive politicians of a Republican political bent consistently inflict hate, harm and horror on you, your family, your community and your fellow citizens, you're going to blow the odd gasket. And they do so you did. A fair apology and glad you offered it but right now among other things the Republicans are playing chicken with the global economy, so eff 'em. A lot of us -- including dippy-doopy Canadian Slog readers* with pet snakes as their icons -- are cross at them too, and are absolutely fed up with the lame excuses their supporters make for them. Your frustration and your squawking is a sign of your sanity AND your compassion. So don't sweat it and fuck 'em what says different.

*the National Post is a complete effin' joke, by the way.
@16 republicans are not 50% of the country. There are many more dems than republicans.
Doorknob licker!
I wish Reagan was dead.

Thank you for the apology..
i've said way stupider shit than this. out loud. in front of people. sober.
i got your back.
Hey Dan, that's real big of you. I'm impressed. I mean that quite seriously.

I usually enjoy your commentary, but I really enjoy your commentary a lot when you are self-reflective. Like in your TAL appearence, and here.
People make mistakes. The most you can do is apologize and try not to repeat them.
An intemperate remark, with a heartfelt apology.

Your sentiment in re: Republicans is noted, and however, agreed with. They are awful people with no good intentions for America.

Keep up the good work, Dan.
It's the cognitive dissonance that got you.

We live with the social rule that being impolite to an elected official is a greater crime than the elected official committing murder. For those of you that may disagree with me please make an argument that sending thousands of Americans off to a war that has resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths based on demonstrably false pretense is somehow more just than individual murder. Go ahead. Please. Make me OK with bombing innocents because Saddam masterminded 9/11.

In order to engage in the public sphere, you have to buy into a certain acceptance of public wisdom. Public wisdom is totally fucking insane. We accept monstrosity because it's our government that does it. And our identity as the good guys is more important to us than honesty so we choose forget some stuff, but really, rage is an appropriate and sane reaction to Republican policy.

Wishing death to people that are promoting policies that will torture and kill millions of people isn't insanity. What do you think healthcare vouchers will do? They will kill thousands of seniors. What do you think self-regulation of industrial pollution will do? It will give millions of people cancer. Ignoring climate science will have global consequences. Who leads the charge in ignoring scientific fact of global warming? There are two kinds of Republicans, monsters and the fools that believe in them.

I can say all this shit because I've got nothing to lose. I'm not a public figure. 99.9% of the population would be at all-out war with these sociopath shit-head Republicans if they valued their lives and their children's future.

Anyway, some realistic, truthful emotion escaped your lips because it'll do that once in awhile whether you want it to or not. We shouldn't wish death upon the evil. We are better than them. As long as they live, they have hope to change. It's cheesy, but it's true. Do better next time. We need someone speaking truth in public.
Uh, it's better this should be a lesson about pre-show use of alcohol. What you said was what a whole bunch of people think. You could have said worse and made yourself persona-non-grata at anymore teevee shows.
Bloomberg? Weld? Chafee?

Dan's GOP list is almost as impressive as Pat Boone's "gay" friends.....
It's rare to see a direct public apology these days instead of the not-my-fault B.S. about "I apologize to those who may have been offended by my remarks" or "I apologize if you misunderstood" or the condescending"Lighten up, it was just a joke."
Bill whosawhat now?

Does he appeal to the 18-35 demo?
Oh, good. A place I can confess my horrible, hateful thoughts toward Republicans these past several months. I chide myself every time and then... there I go again. I hope this thing I have - which I know I share with millions of my fellow Americans - translates this year, and especially next year - into shoving these corporate whores back into the helll from which they came. Amen. So be it. And Democrats - you're on notice.
I have this fantasy about Republicans where I imagine a homophobic hate-spewing asshole being in a car accident or something. His life is saved by a doctor who happens to be gay, and he's nursed back to health by a gay physiotherapist, and so on. He becomes more open-minded and sensitive and accepting of others.... and then one day he is BEATEN TO DEATH IN THE STREET by some homophobic hate-spewing asshole who thinks he's gay.

I'm in a better mood already. Thanks, Dan.
It was the most entertaining panel to date and you rocked. The comment was very much under your breath and very obviously said in jest.
at least you're not ann coulter
We tell you what, Sport-
we'll give you the same pass you gave Clint McCance.

Remember him?

The Illiterate Bigot who mused on his facebook about homosexuals commiting suicide?

The Illiterate Asshole for whom there was a Facebook page calling for his firing?

The page you linked to?
Remember?..."Give 'em Hell"

Is it coming back?

Can you provide a link to the page calling for Dan Savage "Illiterate Bigoted Asshole Extraordinaire" to be fired?

Clint resigned. Classy.

Man up, Danny.

You pulled a Clint. See it through to the conclusion.

All will be forgiven.
Nicely done, Dan. When's the last time you heard a republican or teabagger apologize for ANYTHING? and they are actively working to bring about the death of the US populace (esp. women).
#1, I totally agree. And #27, love your post.

Dan, you're clearly not a sociopath, as so, so many right-wing talking heads are. Toss a Coulter or Malkin in the face of anyone who gives you shit for a statement that, as #31 said, is essentially a colloquialism for "You're pissing me off".
The motto at the end should be:

In Vino, Stupid Ass

A motto that I will be using at some point tonight.

I'm glad that you brought it up. I cringed last night when I heard you say it. The first thought that came to my mind was that it was the kind of comment that could lead to you being put on the list of being too controversial to have on the air. That would be devastating to me and my friends, as you are one of the best spokespeople our community has.

Other than that, last night's show rocked, and you came out with some real zingers.

Hang in there. Let's hope that you coming out in front of this early is enough to blunt the worst of the screaming and wailing that is sure to come your way now.
Here's my thinking vis a vis Republicans; they are acting, more more and more, like terrorists. Many of them who hold elected office have engaged in economic terrorism, (debt ceiling hostage taking, bankrupting the treasury, etc.). There is a war on terror. The Bush Doctrine, which they invented, calls for the preemptive assassination of those deemed to be a "threat" to the nation. Therefore Dan, you were right to call for their deaths. You were simply being patriotic. Good on ya.
What's wrong with wishing that Republicans begin enjoying the afterlife they so richly deserve? The good Republicans (there must a few) will go to Heaven and hatefilled Republicans will have an eternity of ass scorching in Hell. It's a win win. So put aside your regrets, Mr. Savage, and cheer up; you're doing God's work.

Motherfuckers should go to hell. Democrats didn't defund PP in New Hampshire.
You don't wish them ALL dead of course, just large, bigoted, group of them. We get it.
I want all of them dead, I really don't see the problem with vocalizing a wish like that.
This episode of Bill Maher is the first time I've ever heard of Dan Savage, and the guy is fucking funny and quick! I heard the comment and was all like... "ooooh" lol. Dan is a funny guy, talking with funny people.

Big fucking deal.

Your new fan Ray
Good for you for apologizing.
I don't suppose there's a transcript or a captioned version of this panel anywhere, btw? I don't miss VHS, per se, but I gotta say, taping shows on those things did at least keep the captions (if broadcast w/same) w/o having to do anything special *mope*
Nice apology Dan. The remark was careless and thoughtless, and not up to the kiind of articulate, funny and reasoned language I have come to expect from Dan Savage. But the apology was classy.
Quick thought: When was the last time a Republican issued as heart-felt and sincere of an apology as this, especially before the word 'scandal' could be breathlessly masturbated by the media?
Finally getting a chance to watch now. First impression: Dan looks AH-dorable! Loving the right to bare arms honey.
BEG @49, did you see that someone in the comments thread transcribed all of the Jon Stewart/Jerry Seinfeld segments for you the other day?…
Even though I'm a big fan, Dan, I hate to say it, but last night's show was a flop. Sometimes the vibe on Maher clicks and sometimes it just doesn't. Last night not so much. Also, I think you came off a bit heavy on the class warfare with the Dallas Mavericks coach. Don't get me wrong, I'm all in favor of class warfare, I just don't think you did yourself any favors coming on so strong. Just sayin'...
Apology accepted.

Thanks, Dan.
Well, obviously Dan, you need to make three public apologies for the press, with Terry in the beside you in a tasteful ensemble, then announce you are going into rehab, and then retiring from public life to spend more time with your family. Some tears, and maybe an allusion to finding Jesus wouldn't hurt. Do you need me to loan you a rosary? I've got a glow-in-the-dark "family" model that would look really striking against a black shirt.

Just kidding, of course. I was actually thinking much the same thing when I saw Ann Coulter on Real Time last week. I do wish someone would giver her her Syphilis meds. Her mind is almost entirely gone.

Republicans -or at least their politicians and pundits - are dreadful people. Their followers are naive, xenophobic rubes. Everyone wonders why there's so much spam. I blame it on Republicans. Only a Republican would be a big enough jerk to send it out, and only a Republican would be naive enough to open it.

You were intemperate. That is all. Have two Bloody Marys and something festive with an umbrella on it. Go in peace to sin no more.
So.... an apology issued so that Little Danny Boy the Savages dad wouldn't be hurt. And for no other reason.

If this thing is going to start apologizing for stupid rude and thoughtless comments, it'll have to become a Trappist, though. Don't think it's capable of anything else.

Granted it's good that even a thing like Savage isn't so far gone as to hurt its' father intentionally. There may be hope for it yet.
It will be interesting to see what the right-wing blogs will try to do with this whole thing, but in the end I suppose that hardly matters. Votes will not be changed over this. At any rate, bravo for the apology. I'm sure people tell Dan to apologize for several dozen dumb ass reasons a day, which can get a pretty hard shell going and lead to a lot of less than admirable qualities and methods (many of which DS is regularly guilty of), so that's pretty neat to get out and front of it and apologize.
Wow Seattleblues, that comment is a new low for you. Really, "it"?

A human being who's foregone all that makes one human is 'it.' Savage is such a human being, as I've written fairly consistently.

Any chimp can mate. With love and comittment human beings turn mating into marriage and family. Savage wishes to turn its' unwillingness to love and comitt to another into a social change. It wants to turn its' animal nature into a norm, preaching universal rejection of the social codes around sexuality that help define humanity.

Humanity is partly about reflection on the things we do and experience, and here again, Savage has chosen the path of the animal over the human. Raising a child with another man? Well, that matters less than being 'monogamish' as the urge takes it.

To be clear- This has nothing to do with its' homosexuality. A man who chooses homosexuality (or a woman) and accepts the joys and costs of that choice has made the adult human decision. One who makes this choice, then deflects all the costs onto others has made at best the childish one, at worst the animal.
As a proud gay Republican, I forgive you Dan.
I don't wish all Republicans would die, just their corrupt, ignorant, oppressive, bigotted, amoral ideology.

THAT can fucking die gargling its own blood, the sooner the better.
" A man who chooses homosexuality......."

Oh, Seattleblah, let it go. Liberace's been dead for twenty-five years. He didn't love you. That wasn't a "choice", that's just the way love works. I know that hurts, but you have to move on. You'll always have those memories of Palm Springs, and that candelabra on your sideboard to remind you of happier times. Mrs Seattleblah will never know the story behind it. I promise you that.
@59, Are you enjoying China? The hole you've dug must reach there by now. This "it" you describe is not Dan Savage, it's a gross caricature.

25 years ago I was in at Woodrow Wilson Jr High.

Who's Liberace, btw?
"In vino, stupidtas" is always best when followed by lurid wand waving!
"Stupiditas" is actually a Latin word. You just need another "i" in there, Dan, and it will be real Latin! yay real Latin!

Anybody who won't admit to momentarily and briefly wishing that harm would come to people who annoy them is lying. We've all been there, we just don't always get caught on tape.
Seattleblah, I was only trying to shield the slog - which is, after all, comprised of delicate souls - that you were, indeed, Palm Springs first teen stalker.

Poor Liberace was terrified, yet he tried to do right by that odd little fellow that followed him everywhere. That candelabra was a gift, not a bribe!

It must mean something to you, for you insist on having it in the bedroom whenever you and Mrs. Seattleblah have "relations", yet you deny knowing him? Remember Peter and the crowing of the cock, Seattleblahs - ungrateful youth will be visited by ungrateful youth of their own loins (Edna 3:27)
Wow. Somebody has the class AND foresight to actually pre-emptivley apologize before being forced to by the inevitable Outrage Machine backlash. Maybe there is hope for humanity.

I am sincerely impressed. Dan just went up several notches in my list of cool people.

And for contrast, the statement "I wish ( X political rival group ) was dead!" would normally not only NOT be viewed as an intemperate remark, but more often be the tag line on the cover of a Republican pundits book.

Tried digging to China once as a child. I got 2 or 3 feet deep in the garden before my mother made me stop for fear of cave in of the walls of the pit I'd dug. And my dad was worried I'd damage his tomatos planted nearby.

Anyway, China publicly dirty (though most private homes are scrupulously clean,) abysmally crowded, and most unforgiveably, without cheese. Cheap though, if you have local contacts to avoid tourist prices.

Public spaces being dirty is something you get used to if you travel with any frequency outside the US or Western Europe. It even becomes part of the experience. Crowds you can get away from if they annoy.

But without cheese? In 3 millenia of civilization they couldn't realize that no cuisine is complete without a good variety of cheeses for goodness sake?

So.... an apology issued so that Little Danny Boy the Savages dad wouldn't be hurt. And for no other reason.

If this thing is going to start apologizing for stupid rude and thoughtless comments, it'll have to become a Trappist, though. Don't think it's capable of anything else.

Granted it's good that even a thing like Savage isn't so far gone as to hurt its' father intentionally. There may be hope for it yet.

This from a suspected republican who publicly states CONSTANTLY that homosexuality is some abhorrent "choice" and homosexuals are morally diseased.

Nice one, asshole.

I've voted for exactly TWO rethuglicants in my entire life. Dan Evans and Dick Marquardt.

I would not give a bucket of warm urine for any of the rest of them....and I totally agree with Savage. Whose remarks were figurative rather than literal...but intemperate for the setting none the less.

@68 - You are a genius! That was a sheetcake of win. Joy~
@70, How condescending.
I think I got the sentiment - that Arafat is a past problem, and I really wish these current Republicans were a decade-ago problem too. I mean, dumb comment, I thought a lot of the rest of what you said was insightful and your apology here is really classy. Do you know if Bill Maher will link to your apology?
I love it! And no worries about being too harsh - sure, it's HBO, wooo, but remember Bill Maher's show has always been the closest HBO gets to Jerry Springer. Goes with his niche nicely.
"I'm fond of Michael Bloomberg"

For fuck's sake, WHY?
Long time reader, very occasional commenter here, Dan. I haven't seen it yet, but good on you for your apology. I can't really blame you for your sentiments, though. While I don't wish for the death of all Republicans, I've certainly had violent thoughts regarding certain right-wing elected officials and talking heads.

Also, with Troll Seattleblues' new low (who is far less of a human being than Dan), I suppose I'm only human for briefly wishing for its death. Heaven knows its life isn't accomplishing anything.

(Done feeding the troll.)


Someone forgot his meds again...

Here's a free tip: If Stephanie Miller and Savage are too far right for you, the US may not be your best choice of home countries. Move someplace like China or Venezuala for your workers paradise, since this country will never swing left anywhere near where you'd be happy.

Here's another- Bradley Manning is a traitor who should be charged, convicted and hung for his betrayal of this nation. Julian Assange is a trouble making idiot trying to make international diplomacy impossible with a special hatred of this country which you share. Maybe he just was exposed to copious amounts of lead paint like you obviously were, or contracted syphilis from one of his promiscuous encounters. Who knows? Who cares? A world without his ilk would be a better one, whatever the source of his various mental illnesses.
Loved seeing you on the show, Dan, and glad you made it on this season. I didn't hear your under-the-breath comment. When you were introduced, you seemed taken aback by the audience's applause. Were you not expecting their approval?
Wonderful apology though I fear most of the right-wingers will simply reject it out of hand.

Though, be thankful it happened on HBO; had it been MSNBC, CNN or even Comedy Central those networks would never have you back again. HBO probably will let it slide.
Holy crap...don't google what Dan said last night...IT'S FUCKING EVERYWHERE on the internets......
THAT was how an apology is handled.

not "i was misquoted" or "taken out of context" or "the media is really piling on me" or so on or so forth. not "i'm sorry i wasn't given a chance to clarify what i said", either.

just: i said it, it was stupid, you may not have heard it, but i fucked up, i don't really feel that way, and i'm sorry, and if i could do it all over again, i wouldn't say that.

you're a good man, dan.
Dan Savage is the reason why I support AIDS.
@81, Leave the foil-hat be.
The full context?

In a panel where Republicans trying to defend the fiscal strength of the nation (right or wrong about this interpretation) were directly compared to serial murderer Arafat, Savage ups the ante. It says it wishes 40% of this nation dead.

And now it wants to apologize. Not because it doesn't feel that way. Of course it feels that way. Every sentence it writes or speaks, its' vulgar attacks on the character and person of anyone who dares disagree with its' opinions (see Rick Santorum or the Palins) its' stated hatred of one of the greatest presidents this nation has had all clearly indicate that of course it feels exactly that way.

It just didn't want to offend its' father.

It's a good thing Savage is becoming a national laughingstock rather than a local one. Laughing at evil is the best way to defeat it.
I wish that about three times a day. The fact that you beat yourself up about it shows you have a conscience. How many Republicans, "Independents", or Tea Party douchebags wish anyone slightly to the left of center dead and never agonize over that wish? Too many to count. You shouldn't waste time on guilt for thinking it. However, next time, don't say it out loud in public...
@88, Finally it clicked, you're Buffalo Bill!
Laughing at evil is the best way to defeat it.
Which is the only reason we haven't banned your IP address, asshole.
It's a good thing you didn't get your wish, Dan. If all the Republicans died overnight, there'd be nobody left to pay for your favorite government programs.

Buffalo Bill? Eh? Didn't he die nearly a century ago?

But I'll leave you to it. Fishing with my son seems more interesting than trading barbs with liberals. Have a pleasant weekend.

@93, I was thinking more Silence of the Lambs than William Cody.
1. "Republicans defending the fiscal strength of this country..." If that's what you want to call taking a box of matches to a gas-doused building--that we're all in.
2. After reading all of biblical pontifications on Goldy's bible quote Slog posts, I wonder what your god thinks of you dehumanizing someone. Hypocrite.
3. Its in the possessive needs no apostrophe.
sb, if you're going to ride the IT thing on and on, at least learn that ITS as possessive HAS NO FUCKING APOSTROPHE. AT ALL. ANYWHERE.

I know not much can penetrate your thick skull. Why not stick ITS on the end of a needle and inject, along with your daily infusion of right-wing pablum? Maybe ITS will swim through the ice-water to whatever passes for your brain.
Dan was excellent on the show. He was insightful, funny, and I enjoyed the entire panel.

I see where if Dan would have been able to make what he said into a joke had he five-ten more seconds to construct it better in his head. The show moves so fast you have seconds to get something funny out and it's hit or miss. For all his hit's I'd say he gets a pass on this miss.

Overall I'd say 9.6 out of 10 stars.
"Fishing with my son seems more interesting than trading barbs with liberals."

Well, to you maybe. Who knows that sonny-boy doesn't have a countdown clock to his 18th birthday hidden on his iPhone? Goodbye to that stupid boat, no more fishing with that pompous blowhard. Freedom at last.

It really does gets better.
Who was that guy last weekend who was telling the Stranger Slog Mob to dial down the hate? Hmmm., let me think.....
Don't feel too bad, Dan. It's not as though there aren't plenty of Republicans out there wishing all Democrats dead. Some of them even make a living at it. So, buck up my man... you, just like so many others, are "not altogether objectionable" as people go.
I hope Dan chokes on the next dick he sucks! He's a useless human being.
@101 ..and when the republicants publically wish the rest of us dead, some body ends up actually gettin killed.

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