I wouldn't have apologized. There is nothing to apologize for. You could clarify it by saying, "I wish all Republicans except my father would drop dead." Republicans have no respect, liking, goodwill, or civility toward the left, so why apologize for a gut feeling on their bigotry? Their incompetence? Their self-serving lies? They don't deserve an apology....or better yet, you should give them back one of their faux "I'm sorry you were offended" apologies. It's all they deserve. After all, they openly show their loathing, contempt, ill-will, toward us with a (death threat implied) bullet or a gun waving in the air.
I caught your RT appearance and heard your remark. I'm incorrigible! I laughed. It did make me think of an Anne Lamott article from Salon a few years back. I pull it out when I'm feeling like I'm not managing my own anger at the republicans... hope you find it both amusing and helpful.
Always enjoy seeing you with Bill Maher -
Dear Dan: Thank you very much for your apology. Before reading your post, I was surprised and very disappointed. You're someone who has done so much good in this world through the "It Gets Better!" campaign that values/saves the lives of struggling LGBT teens. I never imagined you wishing anyone dead. Again, thank you for your apology. Simply, I respect and like you. I wish you much continued love, health, and success. Warmly, Kelli (@aileen2u2 on Twitter)
Remember, this is a "party" that has systematically and purposefully moved itself so far to the right it would not recognize Barry Goldwater if he rose to walk among them.
We evolved socially from a basic family grouping to a tribal one to various forms of national identity. ( And yes, this oversimplifies pretty radically, but time and space require this in the context of a blog post.) In all likelihood, those national identity will eventually give way to some degree to our dawning recognition that we're all human beings sharing a planet of limited resources.
With each enlargement of our social view of ourselves though the meanings become more theoretical and general, less concretely helpful to the individual just trying to do his best as a person in his community. At the base of any social system is and will remain the family, a mother and father bearing and raising kids. Ideally, they instill some basic ethical or social sense in their children, making the next generation capable of carrying on and improving on the culture into which they're born.
Part of the method of incentivizing this has been sexual morality, channeling that wonderful and powerful urge in humanity to the constructive end of healthy lifelong relationships between a man and woman. Part of it has been social and legal recognition of this unit in the form of marriage.
How would you view someone whose life work is the destruction of this basic and essential building block of society out of a childish sense of self justification?
How would you see a person who willfully spends his life travelling the country working toward the dimunition of sexual morality so that his own questionable sexual morality seems more normal?
How would you view a person who has set themselves the task of destruction rather than creation, chaos rather than order?
I'm not writing about the right of every adult to conduct their sexual life as they see fit with other consenting adults. Provided they're willing to accept the social, financial or legal consequences of their choices, that's entirely their own business. I'm talking about someone using sexuality as a tool for dismantling his own society.
That's why I view Savage as I do.
And to allay confusion, I didn't dehumanize Savage. It did that masterfully all by itself.
@49 BEG - I'll happily transcribe it - badly of course, but happily - when it appears online (I've not got cable / satellite). I may not be able to get it done before tomorrow a.m. though. Bear with me and I'll check back here.
@112: If you think being hetero and having the strictly nuclear one-mother, one-father, 2.5 kids is the building block of society, you have a long, long way to go.
Wow.....after reading over these comments, one thing does start to become clear. There definitely seems to be a difference between conservatives and "progressives". The latter just don't seem like very nice people.
It's fun to read some of these comments that really truly agree with Dan's comment, for which he apologized.
But yet why do the mankind loving, peace loving, more morally upright (/sarcasm) leftist liberals inevitably engage in such vicious uncivil rhetoric? Even as some of their ilk, like Paul Krugman, accuse the other side of incivility, as he did in the Giffords shooting? Accusations which, predictably, turned out to be baseless.
Because it boils down to simply this: scratch the patina off a leftist, and you'll find a fascist underneath. They really want to rid the world of those who don't think like them. It's not too large a step, frankly, to go from the rhetoric to, say, camps.
So, I do not wish death, or even bodily harm upon my rabidly leftist brethren. I just want them to keep talking so the REAL feelings inevitably boil to the surface. Keep revealing yourselves. Keep doing it. Keep the loathing death wishes coming. Show everyone what is really in your hearts.
It really saddens me to see such a great nation as the USA slowly rot into something that resembles the sh*thole that is Europe. I genuinely believe that a liberal life is not one worth living. It is better that this entire country be eliminated in a nuclear blast than for its citizens to become liberals. When it gets to the point that only a dozen or so genuine conservatives remain, perhaps Al Qaeda will take us all out.
Absent that, I don't see the present war (and there is a war right now - make no mistake) between conservatives and liberals ending peacefully. Eventually there will be bloodshed on a growing scale. There are too many people talking about it and too much anger and frustration simmering beneath the surface. For my money, let's just get it started so we can be done with it.
Hold your tongue, Seattleblues. You should be ashamed of yourself, you're abusive and cruel. What are you a 12 year old bully? By your own words you claim that you believe that God sent Jesus to die for the world. Hate to tell you but Dan Savage is part of this world. The tenants of your faith teach you that Jesus died for Dan, just like he died for you. This is how you offer thanksgiving to God, by abusing and verbally spitting on one who Jesus thought worthy of dying for. You might as well spit into the elements for communion. Because, it would have been better for you to have put a millstone around your neck, you've caused others to believe that God is hateful, just like you act. Either than or you don't even believe that Jesus died for your sins.
Enjoy your fishing trip with your son. I hope he becomes a better man than the example you set here.
@Catalina et al:
I must be missing something. Does SeattleBlues have some redeeming quality that makes him worth reading, let alone responding to? I can barely muster up a yawn for him, yet he sure seems to attract a lot of attention from others here on SLOG.
Here's a pro-tip for everybody: when you are about criticize group X, try substituting another group Y in the same sentence and see how it sounds. For Y, pick some group you find basically sympathetic. Black people, Chinese, women, whatever. How do you think "All Asian-Americans should get rectal cancer" or "Black people are trying to kill us" sounds?
I know the person who says "Republicans are the spawn of the devil" feels morally superior to the person who says "Gays are the spawn of the devil" -- and he probably has some indignant argument -- but the reverse is also true, and both people are wrong.
Typical Left Wing Totalitarian Fascist (LWTF). They would have all Republicans in ovens if they could get away with it. That whole Peace and Love propaganda that started in the 60s was and is a complete sleight-of-hand to their real violent Totalitarian objectives. I like how you blame it on a single drink and use your dad to try and claim you didn't mean it. Yeah, sure, you would just issue your dad a reprieve as long as he converted. LWTFs are religious zealots that are no different than Muslim Fascists that murder homosexuals and treat women as less than farm animals.
Man, it's trolly in here. ANYway, I'm generally, and still, a big Dan fan. I thought the comment was tacky, unfunny, and unmemorable, and not a big deal, and this apology is gracious and evidence of his good character, and everybody shut up.
But, this post and thread led me to watch the show, which I've only done once or twice before, and I have to ask: what's up with the makeup? Is it just my teevee? Dan has Pepto-bismol pink lips and Marc Cuban has late-career-Joan-Crawford eyes. They look like drag queens.
Also, I had no idea Marc Cuban was dumb. I've heard he's a character, and maybe an asshole. I didn't think he came off as an asshole or bad guy at all, but he sure seemed dimwitted.
I don't get this show. It seemed more cringey than funny; so many awkward pauses and jokes gone flat. I like Dan enough to hope he finds a better mainstream outlet than this.
I see Dan has inspired such civility in so many of you. That his comment, and your thoroughly disgusting approval and encouragement, generates unnecessary hostility to LGBT community leadership and reputation must be beside the point. This behavior certainly begets no sympathy. That said, it's stupid stunts like this that encourage more in middle America to go the polls and vote for Republicans, which I guess is karmic punishment for Dan and his fans.
I wish fags named Dan were dead............. UPDATE earlier in this post I made a comment I did not mean. I had a sip of sweet tea before I started typing...... FUCK YOU. You would not have said it if you did not believe it. At least be woman enough to stand behind what you said.
Well, seeing as how just about everyone is prison is a Democrat, welfare recipients are overwhelmingly Democrat, high-school dropouts wind up being Democrats, etc., I find it hard to believe that Democrats would hate the people that pay for most of the government programs that pay out largely to Democrats. Be nice guyz.... 99% of Democrats make the other 1% look bad.
These are the weakest trolls I've seen in ages! We're really all secret Nazis who would stick you in death camps if we had the chance? Come on, don't Godwin this shit before it's even started. That's no fun at all!
Big question now, Dan, is what you would think of a conservative Republican entertainer or writer who said on TV, perhaps in a comical manner and perhaps after even two! drinks, that he wished all Democrats dead. And whether you would respect his subsequent try-to-be-cute-about-it apology. I doubt it. I suspect that, apology or no, you'd insist that he revealed his true, deeply-petty-hateful self.
As a conservative, I wasn't surprised at all. Barely a week goes by without a Democrat fantasizing on TV about murdering people who have other opinions. Trust me, we're accustomed to it, and expect it from you.
Upon 2nd reading of Dan's apology (I commented after reading it the 1st time; see #109): It does harken to excuses I've heard given to cover bigotted, racist and sexist statements in the past; "One of my best friends/relatives is...(Insert race, sexual-orientation, creed, religion), etc." That being said, I'm shocked and saddened by the vitriol on both political sides of the spectrum written here. Thank you to all that expressed your opinions intelligently and thoughtfully.
As a conservative, I wasn't surprised at all. Barely a week goes by without a Democrat fantasizing on TV about murdering people who have other opinions. Trust me, we're accustomed to it, and expect it from you.
I remember the first time I noticed such a murderous fantasy by the leader of the Democratic party, when John Kerry said on the Chris Matthews show "What I oughta do is take this shotgun down to 1600 Pennsylvania, 'cause there are two birds down there that need killing."......
.....ah....good times.....
So Dan, not to worry. By now, it's old hat.
So, for those who wish death on Republicans/Conservatives.
Would you LIKE to see them REALLY exterminated? Because given how many of them there are, it would have to be done on an industrial scale, with rail cars, centralized holding areas, and an assembly line approach.
quick points.
1. You may retract the literal words but the sentiment "I hate all Republicans" remains.
2. So much for the NYTimes article's lame attempt to paint you as a sort of quasi-conservative. Did anyone believe that for a second?
3. How can anyone take seriously an advice columnist who hates a third of the population? How could you possibly presume to transcend your own bigotry and have anything constructive to say to them?
4. I'm a bi Republican, by the way, and I'm not conflicted about that.
Oh, I suppose you're right seandr, but it seems like half my life I've had to sit quietly and nod politely while some conservative blowhard goes on about The Way Things Ought To Be. So when I have the chance to annoy them here on Slog, I just can't help myself.
Plus, it helps stir up the Conservative Moral Outrage Machine, as we've seen here in these comments, and that's too fun to pass up. You'll notice the common thread of both persecution, paranoia, verging on maudlin self-pity of the Glenn Beck school of thought.
Well.... Referencing my own @6 -- I will say that I do not actually personally wish any particular person dead (although Reagan was a tough, tough, tough one to let go, and personally the way he DID go was so fitting I really couldn't have asked for better) .
But the thing is, I *do* believe in karmic retribution. I do believe in "as ye sow so shall ye reap" and so I do believe that those Republicans busily making sure that countless women and others will die through their repression of basic reproductive health care which includes access to contraception and abortion WILL come back and hit them.
I won't have to do a damn thing, other than work for what *I* believe in. So, what @1 says, I do think a form of it will happen, whether I wish it or not, because those particular Republicans will bring it on themselves.
Now, that all said, I *am* in the camp of those saying -- Look, that's a real apology, that's not giving out oh, "I'm sorry if I offended" -- that was a true "Hey I screwed up and I apologize." I don't see that very often anywhere so it's impressive when it does come up.
When Bachmann comes up and simply says "Hey, that was a dick move, to say gay teens are barbarians, and I'm really sorry about that," instead of "OH WAAAH WAAAH, IT WAS TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT" -- then I might be slightly more impressed with those here in this thread making Dan out to be some kind of bloodthirsty monster, axe in hand...
@150, We were actually thinking a more DIY approach would be better. The US doesn't have a very effective rail system, and gassing and burning your corpses would have too negative an impact on the environment. It makes much more sense to small-batch execute you and naturally compost your cadavers for fertilizer to grow food for the terrorized subjects of our commie-fascist welfare state.
I've seen videos of Orcas gobbling up cute little seals, and I suspect that suddenlyorcas isn't nearly so cute as the seals, but I'd like to see an Orca suddenly gobble up suddenlyorcas. Gruesome (maybe, perhaps) but certainly much more entertainingly gruesome and deserved than Republicans dying from prostate cancer or the seals themselves being gobbled up by Orcas.
Like your dad, I'm an independent who often votes Republican. I generally vote for reasons of economic & foreign policy.
Thank you for the apology, it was well-done & sincere (unlike most public apologies these days). Most of the comments that follow, which seem to completely miss the point, spirit, and rightness of your apology, are terribly depressing.
So, from what I gather, all Republicans (like me) are evil monsters on a mission to kill women and gay people (and I presume black people as well). Evil bigots filled with hate. Unlike you fine people, who hate all Republicans with every fiber of your being because they're…. so hateful. Well, hate to disappoint you, but that right there, what you're feeling so morally righteous about? Is hatred & bigotry just the same. If you were to try reading your own comments with a more objective eye, you'd see plenty of projection.
But hey, I (and every other person right of center) is used to this; this kind of facile stereotyping & hatred of Republicans permeates every public medium (TV, movies, news, art, etc. etc.). Do any of you who speak so glibly about "all Republicans" actually know & interact with any Republicans? Believe it or not, we don't go around wishing death on liberals, women, blacks, and gays. Actually, many of us are women, black, and/ or gay, and like to consider ourselves "classical liberals." Mostly, these days, Republicans just have different ideas than you about the role of government, spending, taxes, etc., a very different diagnosis re the state of the economy & what to do about it. I know, my god-- what MONSTERS!
Like your dad, I'm an independent who often votes Republican. Neither party is a perfect fit; I generally vote for reasons of economic & foreign policy.
Thank you for the apology, it was well-done & sincere (unlike most public apologies these days). Most of the comments that follow, which seem to completely miss the point, spirit, and rightness of your apology, are terribly depressing. The following is addressed not to Dan, but those commenters.
So, from what I gather, all Republicans (like me) are evil monsters on a mission to kill women and gay people (and I presume black people as well). Evil bigots filled with hate. Unlike you fine people, who hate all Republicans with every fiber of your being because they're…. so hateful. (Which you know because, other people who hate Republicans tell you how hateful they are, and they must be right.) Well, hate to disappoint you, but that right there, what you're feeling so morally righteous about? Is hatred & bigotry just the same. If you were to try reading your own comments with a more objective eye, you'd see projection.
But hey, I (and every other person right of center) is used to this; this kind of facile stereotyping & hatred of Republicans permeates every public medium (TV, movies, news, art, etc. etc.). Do any of you who speak so glibly about "all Republicans" actually know & interact with any Republicans? I know it's hard to believe, but we don't wish death on liberals, women, blacks, and gays. Actually, many of us are women, black, and/ or gay, and would call ourselves "classical liberals." Mostly, these days, Republicans just have different ideas than you (right or wrong) about the role of government, spending, taxes, etc., have a very different diagnosis (right or wrong) re the state of the economy & what to do about it. I know, my god: what MONSTERS! Kill us all.
Queers wonder why people hate them with such a venal passion. Read these comments and there is all of the proof you will ever need. Small, gutless, whiny, sissy boys wishing death upon others. A real high class group for sure.
160 makes a great point. Taking it a bit further, it speaks to all the studies that point to the internet being politically isolating. We're now able to seek out all of our news & feedback from those sources we're already in agreement with. Personally, I'd welcome the opportunity to frequent a slog-esque website w/ a small government slant/bias, if only to broaden my perspective (such a mixed bag though, as it's crucial to avoid the moronic evangelical perspective, and the two so often go hand in hand.) Unfortunately, my efforts to locate such a site have proven completely frutiless. Drudge Report? Ugh.
Up until today, I actually had a good amount of respect for seattleblues, who regularly comes onto a left leaning blog and debates in what I'd previously perceived to be a respectful manner. Unfortunately, his comments in this thread went a pretty good ways to shattering that impression.
160's right though and I also spent a few minutes perusing some conservative blog's take on the issue & the accompanying comment thread. It was sadly, if predictably hateful and vitriolic far exceeding that which I've read here (if anyone is curious, I'd googled "Dan Savage Republican comment" or something in an effort to watch the clip. I think it's the first hit that comes up upon doing so.)
Man, for all the talk right-wingers like to give about being so much tougher than us hippie liberals, you sure do get your panties in a twist real easily...
Then again, what can I expect from a group that cries to their mommies (or their senators) when they see two dudes holding hands. What a bunch of pussies.
Cause Reagan thought the whole AIDS thing was a huge cosmic "as ye sow so shall ye reap" .
And he never uttered the word 'AIDS' cause he didn't think there was any thing that could be said except that everyone has said for thousands of years not to do it and now you're killing each other off with your deviant perversion and there's nothing anyone else can say or do about it...
What would Ronnie think about the HIV rate among homosexuals being 20% after 30 years of massive outreach and education and research?
@162 Up until today, I actually had a good amount of respect for seattleblues, who regularly comes onto a left leaning blog and debates in what I'd previously perceived to be a respectful manner
What alternate universe were you in when you saw those posts he made?
dan, you sex advice can be insightful and humorous... and thanks for the 'it gets better' campaign, of course... but politics is not really your forte. i was disappointed to hear your rote, lefty talking points (even if that's what maher's audience eats up). that dem=good/repub=bad stuff is simple-minded and tired...and, apology or no, wishing death on people who simply disagree with you is about as low as a person can go. i thought you were a better, more thoughtful person than this.
Dan Savage on HBO's 'Real Time': 'I Wish [Republicans] Were All F--king Dead!'
Freeland actually said Maher had a "really good point" comparing Republicans to a homicidal maniac.
Ignoring the anti-Republican hostility, as Charles Krauthammer noted on PBS's "Inside Washington" earlier Friday evening, "You have a completely compliant, pliant, supine press accepting every leak out of the White House."
Indeed. It's a metaphysical certitude that neither Maher nor Freeland could actually name one specific cut Obama has proposed to entitlements.
But there they both were on national television promoting such propaganda moments after the host compared Republicans to a homicidal maniac and Savage said he wished they were all dead.
@130: The reason why "Republicans hate women and want to punish them for sex" makes sense is because it rings true. Not so for your examples there. Keep digging, someday you'll get it.
What a great day for Stranger revenue! I bet, when the tech-savvy, at-risk youth finally stumble in on Monday (or Tuesday or Wednesday......) it will prove to be the biggest day for Slog registrations EVER!
Thousands of hits, all helping to improve The Stranger's bottom line. Conservatives are so predictable....
It's time Americans recognized how Alan Turing basically won the Second World War.
(my favorite is the part in Saving Private Ryan where he rips the canon out of the turret of a Nazi Tiger tank and blasts the bastards to hell and saves the village.....what's yours?)
It is so heartbreaking that the British government hounded poor Turing to death:(
We understand that making fun of his lisp was the final straw for poor Alan....
I presume from your name that you and I are fellow Scots-Americans. The courtesy of your response would be de rigueur in Edinburgh or the Highlands and might even draw some faint applause in hard-assed Glasgow, despite the once-rich country's insane infatuation with socialism. As first generation out of Glasgow, I salute your gentlemanliness. I write as one born into the heart of the Democrat Party, my maternal grandmother (born 1880) having been the first chairwoman of the party in our county. My entire large family deserted the party in disgust over Carter. I worked as an editor for a Marxist publisher and am thoroughly conversant, alas, with the best literature of the Left, I caution you that you sail in dangerous waters if your views in general attract the deranged scum writing here. Since you are trying out the classical tongue, however incorrectly, let me modify Wren's epitaph in St Paul's a mite: Si queris rationem, circumspice.
Dan, thank you for interrupting the flow on the bit about pharmaceuticals to work in your crush on Jake Gyllenhaal.
It is important to remind people, often, that homosexuals like guys.
Whenever attractive women are mentioned in a conversation it is the duty of any homosexual present to mention a guyhe thinks is hot.
And to insist that the other guys present admit that they too find your crush hot.
Way to go!
We are a teeny tiny bit disappointed, however, that you did not work in a reference to pegging, specifically giving some graphic detail about the practice.
As we recall that went over real well with Colbert...
Like; "Admit it Bill, you think Jake Gyllenhaal is hot, too....don't you fantasize about Jake Gyllenhaal while your GF is anally penetrating you with a dildo?"
something like that would have been nice.....
Piper Scot - is that you @ 180? You certainly sound as pompous and deluded. And let's face it - there's not that many people who care about their "scotch heritage", and most of them are gay.
If it is you, welcome back! Is your family still tolerating you, or is this a cry for help?
You quarreled with Bill in every segment
and interrupted the flow and banter
earnestly ostentatiously injecting your
quirky HomoLiberal talking points
and felt compelled to remind the other panelists repeatedly
that America's best known homosexual sex columnist is gay.
Like all permissive but well meaning parents Maher has learned
that it is a mistake to seat children at the adults' table.
He probably won't repeat the mistake.
Well, that is very nice of you to not wish us all dead. I, as a Republican, wish you the very best and pray that you will live in blessedness in both this life and the life of the world to come.
I think you should go out and kill all the Republicans you can.
Just remember there are about 300 million handguns in this country, we all have carry-permits and you have televised threats. it'd be pretty easy to claim "Self-defense".
No way someones lifestyle view equates with a mere political view, so you go ahead and engage in the very hate speech that put you in that closet.
And then someone is going to get very tired of it...
184, As we'd say back in Iowa, "what's this 'we' business? You got worms, or is there a turd in your pocket?"
(Yes, I can still be folksy and homespun when I have to - and considering I'm heading back to The Old Country to visit Mother Vel-DuRay in just a few short hours, I suppose I should brush up on my Palinisms)
Democrats would be surprised how many "closeted" Republicans they deal with in real life. In many fields of endeavor, the Republicans have to very careful never to reveal their political thoughts for fear of backlash. And by political thoughts, I mean something as small as "maybe we could have less government." or "NPR would do fine on its own." Stuff that is very, very trivial.
Oh, and for all of the Democrats going crazy about spending cuts. Relax. They will happen no matter who you elect. See California for example. Completely controlled by Democrats. Still cutting to the bone. You see, no matter what party is in power, when you run out of money, you run out of money.
I'm not sure why you would apologize. It shows the extremely insane and murderous mind of liberals who live in a delusional fantasy world. Most nonliberals already know this. Looking over some of these comments it's easy to see your diehard followers are fulls of this same madness. "All Republicans wish use dead"?
Seriously, you all sound like 14 year olds who are hate women because cheerleaders ignored you.
I see this where ever liberals feel free to show their true side You act like you have compassion, but you're full of hate, paranoid thinking everyone else is out to get you, and pretending you have a monopoly of empathy.
I'm not sure why you would apologize. It shows the extremely insane and murderous mind of liberals who live in a delusional fantasy world. Most nonliberals already know this. Looking over some of these comments it's easy to see your diehard followers are fulls of this same madness. "All Republicans wish use dead"?
Seriously, you all sound like 14 year olds who are hate women because cheerleaders ignored you.
I see this where ever liberals feel free to show their true side You act like you have compassion, but you're full of hate, paranoid thinking everyone else is out to get you, and pretending you have a monopoly of empathy.
And republicans are f*cking creepy. Ever try to have sex with one? Ever had someone look at you wide eyed less than five minutes into the act and ask why you haven't come yet?
I don't wish all Republicans were dead, but I wouldn't miss Seattleblues. Or, for that matter, Mr. Bring It, posting from his parent's basement.
(It's trivially easy to find deathwishes on right-wing blogs; nauseatingly easy in fact. There's a reason why right-wing violence is far more common in this country than left-wing violence, a reason why the number of assassinated public figures on the left greatly outweighs those on the right.)
"Bring It" is absolutely right ... liberals are so thin-brained that, in their frustration at dealing with people who disagree with them and routinely beat them with facts and logic, all they can say is "I wish all Republicans were dead." It's sad, really. Like the weird kid at school who desperately wants to be a part of the cool crowd, but because he or she hasn't learned basic social interaction skills (see Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank for grown-up examples, along with out Prez), just can't fit it - and decides the only way out is to bomb the school or bring weapons to destroy all "enemies."
Liberals - your own time is coming ... but don't worry: we conservatives won't come for you in the middle of the night, so sleep easy.
We'll be happy to let you beat yourselves - but the one thing we WON'T allow is you destroying this country in the process.
And, for those of you who might want people like "Bring It" and I dead, well .... come ahead and try. We both know you're not good enough to get the job done.
it has gotten a little testy overnight.
some things are best not discussed.
but let's anyway...
'bring it' is a feeling many harbor, deep down.
they won't take the first swing
or fire the first shot
but they won't shrink when the time comes.
and perhaps won't feel total regret that it has.
as the civilization slouches
(or skips, depending on your view of the perversion and depravity being embraced,)
to Gommorah;
as judges over rule voters and impose
abortion and
deviant 'marriage'
on communities that overwhelmingly reject them;
as the popular culture and,
public schools
are enlisted to propagandize and package and sell perversion to our children as 'normal';
there is a slow building,
smoldering at first but becoming acid hot,
a burning in the heart and gut of many
that Justice is beyond the grasp of the system anymore.
that our society has gone too far down the path and has passed a tipping point and we can't and shan't right ourselves within the system, anymore.
they ARE winning. we know it. we expect it.
deviancy and immorality practically sell themselves.
even in cultures that vigorously attempt to foster moral behavior there is adultery, out-of-wed child rearing, homosexuality, prostitution, pornography-
those wolves are always circling, seeking entrance,
snatching victims and pulling them away into the darkness.
cultures that embrace the deviancy and immorality,
that throw open the gates at night to the wolves,
they stand no chance.
it is not if, or even when, but how soon they will die-
as they embrace the evil and become wolves themselves and tear themselves apart...
the federal government borrows 40¢ of every dollar it spends.
Liberals expect the government to pay for their healthcare and subsidize their mortgage and pay for their college and provide welfare and food stamps for huge segments of the population and provide them cushy union jobs and....
Liberals think half of the nation is too helpless to pay one penny in federal income taxes but when they talk about 'unfairness' in the tax system they mean that the 10% currently paying 75% of the bills need to dig a little deeper....
the Liberal Socialist Welfare State is bankrupt and collapsing.
In Wisconsin. Minnesota. California. coming soon to a town near you.
when their benefits dry up, their cushy public sector jobs go away, when the teats go dry it is going to get ugly.
you won't have your judges to changer the rules of the game,
to alter the outcome,
to steal a victory for you,
not anymore...
judges and aclu lawyers can only steal for you what someone else has created.
they will do you no good when the crisis arrives.
the urban cesspools that are home to the Liberal infestations will destroy themselves.
the various elements of the Democrap big tent will tear into each other.
welcome to the jungle.
Liberals mock gun owners and food stockpilers and states making provision for their own currency.
mock away.
you'll thank us one day.
we'll be merciful when the day comes.
to those few who escape the urban maelstrom-
welcome to the Brave New World.
To all the people saying, "So what? I want them all dead. There. Said it. Deal with it": remember the way everyone on the left freaks every time a Republican makes a similar statement?
What's sickening is the hypocrisy of people like this, Dan included. I hope this does go viral and Dan does get excluded from the national conversation, because what he does best is give relationship/sex advice, as I've said many, many times here. His opinions on economics ("living wage"? read an economics textbook sometime, Dan) and other issues are just brain-dead lefty populist pablum. He's a partisan who unthinkingly accepts every single tenet of the party line and regurgitates it like a machine. In form, he's the same as Sean Hannity, for example: an unthinking, party-line-spouting ideological automaton.
So stick to the relationship advice, Dan. Please? It's what you're good at.
Always enjoy seeing you with Bill Maher -
What would Jeebus do?
Tall order, as Ann is twice the man our Danny is.
We evolved socially from a basic family grouping to a tribal one to various forms of national identity. ( And yes, this oversimplifies pretty radically, but time and space require this in the context of a blog post.) In all likelihood, those national identity will eventually give way to some degree to our dawning recognition that we're all human beings sharing a planet of limited resources.
With each enlargement of our social view of ourselves though the meanings become more theoretical and general, less concretely helpful to the individual just trying to do his best as a person in his community. At the base of any social system is and will remain the family, a mother and father bearing and raising kids. Ideally, they instill some basic ethical or social sense in their children, making the next generation capable of carrying on and improving on the culture into which they're born.
Part of the method of incentivizing this has been sexual morality, channeling that wonderful and powerful urge in humanity to the constructive end of healthy lifelong relationships between a man and woman. Part of it has been social and legal recognition of this unit in the form of marriage.
How would you view someone whose life work is the destruction of this basic and essential building block of society out of a childish sense of self justification?
How would you see a person who willfully spends his life travelling the country working toward the dimunition of sexual morality so that his own questionable sexual morality seems more normal?
How would you view a person who has set themselves the task of destruction rather than creation, chaos rather than order?
I'm not writing about the right of every adult to conduct their sexual life as they see fit with other consenting adults. Provided they're willing to accept the social, financial or legal consequences of their choices, that's entirely their own business. I'm talking about someone using sexuality as a tool for dismantling his own society.
That's why I view Savage as I do.
And to allay confusion, I didn't dehumanize Savage. It did that masterfully all by itself.
But yet why do the mankind loving, peace loving, more morally upright (/sarcasm) leftist liberals inevitably engage in such vicious uncivil rhetoric? Even as some of their ilk, like Paul Krugman, accuse the other side of incivility, as he did in the Giffords shooting? Accusations which, predictably, turned out to be baseless.
Because it boils down to simply this: scratch the patina off a leftist, and you'll find a fascist underneath. They really want to rid the world of those who don't think like them. It's not too large a step, frankly, to go from the rhetoric to, say, camps.
So, I do not wish death, or even bodily harm upon my rabidly leftist brethren. I just want them to keep talking so the REAL feelings inevitably boil to the surface. Keep revealing yourselves. Keep doing it. Keep the loathing death wishes coming. Show everyone what is really in your hearts.
No, we really don't. But we do think it'd be nice if you bathed. And got jobs.
Absent that, I don't see the present war (and there is a war right now - make no mistake) between conservatives and liberals ending peacefully. Eventually there will be bloodshed on a growing scale. There are too many people talking about it and too much anger and frustration simmering beneath the surface. For my money, let's just get it started so we can be done with it.
I sure didn't need to go very far to find some nut-job right winger make a call for violence against us liberals. See @ 118.
That was a Kinsley gaffe. You know it. I know it. The world knows it. Congratulations for showing the world the true contents of your soul.
Enjoy your fishing trip with your son. I hope he becomes a better man than the example you set here.
I must be missing something. Does SeattleBlues have some redeeming quality that makes him worth reading, let alone responding to? I can barely muster up a yawn for him, yet he sure seems to attract a lot of attention from others here on SLOG.
He would be out waving a "HALFRICAN IN CHEF" sign, but his Medicaid-paid Hoveround is acting up again.
I know the person who says "Republicans are the spawn of the devil" feels morally superior to the person who says "Gays are the spawn of the devil" -- and he probably has some indignant argument -- but the reverse is also true, and both people are wrong.
But, this post and thread led me to watch the show, which I've only done once or twice before, and I have to ask: what's up with the makeup? Is it just my teevee? Dan has Pepto-bismol pink lips and Marc Cuban has late-career-Joan-Crawford eyes. They look like drag queens.
Also, I had no idea Marc Cuban was dumb. I've heard he's a character, and maybe an asshole. I didn't think he came off as an asshole or bad guy at all, but he sure seemed dimwitted.
I don't get this show. It seemed more cringey than funny; so many awkward pauses and jokes gone flat. I like Dan enough to hope he finds a better mainstream outlet than this.
You're queer?
You're Republican?
You're an idiot.
It's like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.
What utter hogwash. Stuff and nonsense.
I remember the first time I noticed such a murderous fantasy by the leader of the Democratic party, when John Kerry said on the Chris Matthews show "What I oughta do is take this shotgun down to 1600 Pennsylvania, 'cause there are two birds down there that need killing."......
.....ah....good times.....
So Dan, not to worry. By now, it's old hat.
Would you LIKE to see them REALLY exterminated? Because given how many of them there are, it would have to be done on an industrial scale, with rail cars, centralized holding areas, and an assembly line approach.
Does that sound good?
1. You may retract the literal words but the sentiment "I hate all Republicans" remains.
2. So much for the NYTimes article's lame attempt to paint you as a sort of quasi-conservative. Did anyone believe that for a second?
3. How can anyone take seriously an advice columnist who hates a third of the population? How could you possibly presume to transcend your own bigotry and have anything constructive to say to them?
4. I'm a bi Republican, by the way, and I'm not conflicted about that.
Plus, it helps stir up the Conservative Moral Outrage Machine, as we've seen here in these comments, and that's too fun to pass up. You'll notice the common thread of both persecution, paranoia, verging on maudlin self-pity of the Glenn Beck school of thought.
But the thing is, I *do* believe in karmic retribution. I do believe in "as ye sow so shall ye reap" and so I do believe that those Republicans busily making sure that countless women and others will die through their repression of basic reproductive health care which includes access to contraception and abortion WILL come back and hit them.
I won't have to do a damn thing, other than work for what *I* believe in. So, what @1 says, I do think a form of it will happen, whether I wish it or not, because those particular Republicans will bring it on themselves.
Now, that all said, I *am* in the camp of those saying -- Look, that's a real apology, that's not giving out oh, "I'm sorry if I offended" -- that was a true "Hey I screwed up and I apologize." I don't see that very often anywhere so it's impressive when it does come up.
When Bachmann comes up and simply says "Hey, that was a dick move, to say gay teens are barbarians, and I'm really sorry about that," instead of "OH WAAAH WAAAH, IT WAS TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT" -- then I might be slightly more impressed with those here in this thread making Dan out to be some kind of bloodthirsty monster, axe in hand...
Thank you for the apology, it was well-done & sincere (unlike most public apologies these days). Most of the comments that follow, which seem to completely miss the point, spirit, and rightness of your apology, are terribly depressing.
So, from what I gather, all Republicans (like me) are evil monsters on a mission to kill women and gay people (and I presume black people as well). Evil bigots filled with hate. Unlike you fine people, who hate all Republicans with every fiber of your being because they're…. so hateful. Well, hate to disappoint you, but that right there, what you're feeling so morally righteous about? Is hatred & bigotry just the same. If you were to try reading your own comments with a more objective eye, you'd see plenty of projection.
But hey, I (and every other person right of center) is used to this; this kind of facile stereotyping & hatred of Republicans permeates every public medium (TV, movies, news, art, etc. etc.). Do any of you who speak so glibly about "all Republicans" actually know & interact with any Republicans? Believe it or not, we don't go around wishing death on liberals, women, blacks, and gays. Actually, many of us are women, black, and/ or gay, and like to consider ourselves "classical liberals." Mostly, these days, Republicans just have different ideas than you about the role of government, spending, taxes, etc., a very different diagnosis re the state of the economy & what to do about it. I know, my god-- what MONSTERS!
Thank you for the apology, it was well-done & sincere (unlike most public apologies these days). Most of the comments that follow, which seem to completely miss the point, spirit, and rightness of your apology, are terribly depressing. The following is addressed not to Dan, but those commenters.
So, from what I gather, all Republicans (like me) are evil monsters on a mission to kill women and gay people (and I presume black people as well). Evil bigots filled with hate. Unlike you fine people, who hate all Republicans with every fiber of your being because they're…. so hateful. (Which you know because, other people who hate Republicans tell you how hateful they are, and they must be right.) Well, hate to disappoint you, but that right there, what you're feeling so morally righteous about? Is hatred & bigotry just the same. If you were to try reading your own comments with a more objective eye, you'd see projection.
But hey, I (and every other person right of center) is used to this; this kind of facile stereotyping & hatred of Republicans permeates every public medium (TV, movies, news, art, etc. etc.). Do any of you who speak so glibly about "all Republicans" actually know & interact with any Republicans? I know it's hard to believe, but we don't wish death on liberals, women, blacks, and gays. Actually, many of us are women, black, and/ or gay, and would call ourselves "classical liberals." Mostly, these days, Republicans just have different ideas than you (right or wrong) about the role of government, spending, taxes, etc., have a very different diagnosis (right or wrong) re the state of the economy & what to do about it. I know, my god: what MONSTERS! Kill us all.
Please crawl back from whence you came.
160 makes a great point. Taking it a bit further, it speaks to all the studies that point to the internet being politically isolating. We're now able to seek out all of our news & feedback from those sources we're already in agreement with. Personally, I'd welcome the opportunity to frequent a slog-esque website w/ a small government slant/bias, if only to broaden my perspective (such a mixed bag though, as it's crucial to avoid the moronic evangelical perspective, and the two so often go hand in hand.) Unfortunately, my efforts to locate such a site have proven completely frutiless. Drudge Report? Ugh.
Up until today, I actually had a good amount of respect for seattleblues, who regularly comes onto a left leaning blog and debates in what I'd previously perceived to be a respectful manner. Unfortunately, his comments in this thread went a pretty good ways to shattering that impression.
160's right though and I also spent a few minutes perusing some conservative blog's take on the issue & the accompanying comment thread. It was sadly, if predictably hateful and vitriolic far exceeding that which I've read here (if anyone is curious, I'd googled "Dan Savage Republican comment" or something in an effort to watch the clip. I think it's the first hit that comes up upon doing so.)
In spite of your apology, I still think you're an asshole.
That said, I read your column regularly and enjoy it - aside from the political bullshit you spout.
Then again, what can I expect from a group that cries to their mommies (or their senators) when they see two dudes holding hands. What a bunch of pussies.
You mean someone like a Republican?
(139 too...)
What have the Democraps done for you, Slick?
Pretty ironic.
Cause Reagan thought the whole AIDS thing was a huge cosmic "as ye sow so shall ye reap" .
And he never uttered the word 'AIDS' cause he didn't think there was any thing that could be said except that everyone has said for thousands of years not to do it and now you're killing each other off with your deviant perversion and there's nothing anyone else can say or do about it...
What would Ronnie think about the HIV rate among homosexuals being 20% after 30 years of massive outreach and education and research?
"There you go again....."
What alternate universe were you in when you saw those posts he made?
Dan Savage on HBO's 'Real Time': 'I Wish [Republicans] Were All F--king Dead!'
Thousands of hits, all helping to improve The Stranger's bottom line. Conservatives are so predictable....
Especially was moved by your call for union jobs American workers.
Very moving....
What will you do to see that employees at The Stranger get union protection?
Will you, management, share a little of the wealth?
Perhaps forgo some First Class privilege so Goldy can buy shoes for his daughter?
You know, in so many American companies management treats themselves lavishly while screwing over the workers.
Are you that kind of management, Dan?
When will The Stranger be unionized?
It's time Americans recognized how Alan Turing basically won the Second World War.
(my favorite is the part in Saving Private Ryan where he rips the canon out of the turret of a Nazi Tiger tank and blasts the bastards to hell and saves the village.....what's yours?)
It is so heartbreaking that the British government hounded poor Turing to death:(
We understand that making fun of his lisp was the final straw for poor Alan....
It is high time the GOP received credit for having America's first Gay President.
We are just puzzled why todays ungrateful generation of homosexuals have turned from the Gay Old Party...
It is important to remind people, often, that homosexuals like guys.
Whenever attractive women are mentioned in a conversation it is the duty of any homosexual present to mention a guy he thinks is hot.
And to insist that the other guys present admit that they too find your crush hot.
Way to go!
We are a teeny tiny bit disappointed, however, that you did not work in a reference to pegging, specifically giving some graphic detail about the practice.
As we recall that went over real well with Colbert...
Like; "Admit it Bill, you think Jake Gyllenhaal is hot, too....don't you fantasize about Jake Gyllenhaal while your GF is anally penetrating you with a dildo?"
something like that would have been nice.....
If it is you, welcome back! Is your family still tolerating you, or is this a cry for help?
You quarreled with Bill in every segment
and interrupted the flow and banter
earnestly ostentatiously injecting your
quirky HomoLiberal talking points
and felt compelled to remind the other panelists repeatedly
that America's best known homosexual sex columnist is gay.
Like all permissive but well meaning parents Maher has learned
that it is a mistake to seat children at the adults' table.
He probably won't repeat the mistake.
That is the kind of insightful well thought well articulated commentary these shows crave...
and you can't get that kind of insight, from say, some homeless bum on the street-
no, that kind of insightful well thought well articulated commentary is pretty hard to find...
Actually amongst themselves Republican's refer to AIDS as 'Lincoln's Revenge' for just that reason.
I think you should go out and kill all the Republicans you can.
Just remember there are about 300 million handguns in this country, we all have carry-permits and you have televised threats. it'd be pretty easy to claim "Self-defense".
No way someones lifestyle view equates with a mere political view, so you go ahead and engage in the very hate speech that put you in that closet.
And then someone is going to get very tired of it...
(Yes, I can still be folksy and homespun when I have to - and considering I'm heading back to The Old Country to visit Mother Vel-DuRay in just a few short hours, I suppose I should brush up on my Palinisms)
Oh, and for all of the Democrats going crazy about spending cuts. Relax. They will happen no matter who you elect. See California for example. Completely controlled by Democrats. Still cutting to the bone. You see, no matter what party is in power, when you run out of money, you run out of money.
Seriously, you all sound like 14 year olds who are hate women because cheerleaders ignored you.
I see this where ever liberals feel free to show their true side You act like you have compassion, but you're full of hate, paranoid thinking everyone else is out to get you, and pretending you have a monopoly of empathy.
Or, in other words, don't be a Joe McCarthy. That always ends badly. Especially for people with funny sounding names like yours.
Seriously, you all sound like 14 year olds who are hate women because cheerleaders ignored you.
I see this where ever liberals feel free to show their true side You act like you have compassion, but you're full of hate, paranoid thinking everyone else is out to get you, and pretending you have a monopoly of empathy.
Well, let me ask you this, you brave, little fucks:
What's stopping you? You want me dead? Bring it.
Seriously. Stop banging your keyboards, and actually DO something about it.
But you won't. You know why? Because you're nothing but a bunch of loudmouth cowards.
You won't find a single comment on any thread come remotely close to the violent death fantasies your side is peddling here.
Not. One.
"Gay Liberal Sex Blogger Cursed Upon all Republicans"
Tah-dah, you're welcome.
And republicans are f*cking creepy. Ever try to have sex with one? Ever had someone look at you wide eyed less than five minutes into the act and ask why you haven't come yet?
Well, don't. Just don't.
(It's trivially easy to find deathwishes on right-wing blogs; nauseatingly easy in fact. There's a reason why right-wing violence is far more common in this country than left-wing violence, a reason why the number of assassinated public figures on the left greatly outweighs those on the right.)
Liberals - your own time is coming ... but don't worry: we conservatives won't come for you in the middle of the night, so sleep easy.
We'll be happy to let you beat yourselves - but the one thing we WON'T allow is you destroying this country in the process.
And, for those of you who might want people like "Bring It" and I dead, well .... come ahead and try. We both know you're not good enough to get the job done.
it has gotten a little testy overnight.
some things are best not discussed.
but let's anyway...
'bring it' is a feeling many harbor, deep down.
they won't take the first swing
or fire the first shot
but they won't shrink when the time comes.
and perhaps won't feel total regret that it has.
as the civilization slouches
(or skips, depending on your view of the perversion and depravity being embraced,)
to Gommorah;
as judges over rule voters and impose
abortion and
deviant 'marriage'
on communities that overwhelmingly reject them;
as the popular culture and,
public schools
are enlisted to propagandize and package and sell perversion to our children as 'normal';
there is a slow building,
smoldering at first but becoming acid hot,
a burning in the heart and gut of many
that Justice is beyond the grasp of the system anymore.
that our society has gone too far down the path and has passed a tipping point and we can't and shan't right ourselves within the system, anymore.
they ARE winning. we know it. we expect it.
deviancy and immorality practically sell themselves.
even in cultures that vigorously attempt to foster moral behavior there is adultery, out-of-wed child rearing, homosexuality, prostitution, pornography-
those wolves are always circling, seeking entrance,
snatching victims and pulling them away into the darkness.
cultures that embrace the deviancy and immorality,
that throw open the gates at night to the wolves,
they stand no chance.
it is not if, or even when, but how soon they will die-
as they embrace the evil and become wolves themselves and tear themselves apart...
the federal government borrows 40¢ of every dollar it spends.
Liberals expect the government to pay for their healthcare and subsidize their mortgage and pay for their college and provide welfare and food stamps for huge segments of the population and provide them cushy union jobs and....
Liberals think half of the nation is too helpless to pay one penny in federal income taxes but when they talk about 'unfairness' in the tax system they mean that the 10% currently paying 75% of the bills need to dig a little deeper....
the Liberal Socialist Welfare State is bankrupt and collapsing.
In Wisconsin. Minnesota. California. coming soon to a town near you.
when their benefits dry up, their cushy public sector jobs go away, when the teats go dry it is going to get ugly.
you won't have your judges to changer the rules of the game,
to alter the outcome,
to steal a victory for you,
not anymore...
judges and aclu lawyers can only steal for you what someone else has created.
they will do you no good when the crisis arrives.
the urban cesspools that are home to the Liberal infestations will destroy themselves.
the various elements of the Democrap big tent will tear into each other.
welcome to the jungle.
Liberals mock gun owners and food stockpilers and states making provision for their own currency.
mock away.
you'll thank us one day.
we'll be merciful when the day comes.
to those few who escape the urban maelstrom-
welcome to the Brave New World.
we'll be merciful.
one tap.
to the back of the head.
Have fun at church this morning.
What's sickening is the hypocrisy of people like this, Dan included. I hope this does go viral and Dan does get excluded from the national conversation, because what he does best is give relationship/sex advice, as I've said many, many times here. His opinions on economics ("living wage"? read an economics textbook sometime, Dan) and other issues are just brain-dead lefty populist pablum. He's a partisan who unthinkingly accepts every single tenet of the party line and regurgitates it like a machine. In form, he's the same as Sean Hannity, for example: an unthinking, party-line-spouting ideological automaton.
So stick to the relationship advice, Dan. Please? It's what you're good at.
Isn't that the Bristol Palin defense?